Showing posts with label Barr McClellan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barr McClellan. Show all posts

Nov 30, 2014

What Would Frank Sesno Say Now: The History Channel and The JFK Assassination

Do you remember.......

It was the 40th anniversary of the JFK assassination.

The History Chanel ran a week of special shows..........Remember:  A week of The Men Who Killed Kennedy with the extended version including a show featuring Barr McCllellan talking about the involvement of LBJ in the JFK murder.

There was also a chapter featuring Judyth Vary Baker and her relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald.

One very unusual show about an incident at the Cal-Neva Lodge where a horrible meeting between Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancana and Marilyn Monroe took place.

Apparently Marilyn was being influenced not to speak of information she may have had about the Kennedy men in a strong arm sort of way.  It is impossible to forget because the show also included an interview with the gentleman who had developed the pictures to go with the incident--he gave the impression he was completely disgusted and saddened by the event.

Never forgetting that show about Marilyn Monroe--it left an awful feeling.

Never seeing that show again and unable to find it.......

So what was the reason those kind of shows suggesting a conspiracy left television?

Are grants for historical shows easier to obtain when they do not show the possibility of a conspiracy.

Was it the change in ownership of those stations?

Do you remember when Frank Sesno headed a panel on the History Channel featuring historian Robert Dallek insisting there was absolutely no evidence of any connection between LBJ and the assassination.

Are things different 11 years later on the 51st anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.

Recently watching a video on you-tube of a recent radio interview with Barr McClellan talking about his book on LBJ:  Blood, Money & Power How LBJ Killed JFK

Recently listening to an interview from Roger Stone talking about his book,
The Man Who Killed Kennedy:  The Case Against LBJ

Here is an interview with Roger Stone on Book TV talking about LBJ:

Joseph McBride talking about the corruption of the Dallas police department and the clumsy handling of the Oswald investigation.

So motivated by the viewing one could not resist commenting on the Facebook page of Barr McClellan:

Dear Barr....Really enjoyed your talk on you were interviewed on a radio show and I put it on my blog, the ronnie republic.  I also listened to a very informative talk by Joseph McBride on Tippit.

Do you remember when Frank Sesno came out on the Hx Channel with Dallek as part of the panel and spoke against your book after it aired as part of The Men Who Killed Kennedy.

It is just so nice now that so many have come out that basically corroborate your book, including Roger Stone.

It would be fun to hear what Frank Sesno would say now....because I have always admired his work but their whole theory of going against your book has essentially been proven untrue.

Just saying congratulations on your work but I do not know how you had the confidence to come out....Well done.

This is what I have always maintained....the whole thing was so complex and there were so many threads that seem is impossible for the public to tie it all together but you and Roger and Joseph McBride have certainly shed light on the Dallas cover-up and the LBJ connection.

It just seems like that part cannot be disputed now.

What do you think and thank you for your ronie re.

And so honored to hear his response:

Barr McClellan
November 29 at 7:28pm
Thank you very much. The book itself was easy relative to the reaction. Some tough dissents. The support was overwhelming and will be in the sequel, now heading to final. And under contract for two movies. Parts of the sequel will be released soon. We are moving to closure and justice. Again, thank you. And stick with me. All the best, Barr

Thank you, Barr, and good luck to you.

Here is a link to the interview with Barr McClellan:

so are all of these people wrong--just wondering--what do you think?

Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of President John F. Kennedy and Officer J. D. Tippit by Joseph McBride.

Nov 20, 2013

The Men Who Killed Kennedy...talking about LBJ

here we go with The Men Who Killed Kennedy Episode 9.........this is copied from you-tube.......

Talking about Bar McClellan and Roger Stone.

Really enjoyed Roger Stone's talk on Coast to Coast....Saturday night chatting about his new book The Man Who Killed Kennedy and his details about LBJ.  

He referred to the show of  The Men Who Killed Kennedy featuring the information of Barr McClellan......I thought that made much more sense than Oswald acting alone and Roger Stone's  theory makes a lot of sense, too.   Some of the info is the same.

I did see that on the 40th anniversary as an update of TMWKK.  

That was never shown again as far as I know and immediately after that Frank Sesno went on the Hx channel with experts and if my memory serves me correctly Dalleck was one of them denouncing the whole thing and saying there was no evidence.  Comments are welcome.

Its just odd that there are so many facts from Roger Stone and Mr McClellan.   It would be interesting to see if all of these facts about LBJ pointed out by these two experts could be proved false--they really make more sense than the Oswald philosophy.

This is my point:  why can't this go forward?  Is it because unless you can prove it absolutely beyond any shadow of a doubt it will be nixed out of respect for Johnson's daughters?  

Because I guess how can the government say......oh well, we are so corrupt we let one president kill another.  Seriously, how can they say that to Caroline Kennedy.  

There are too many facts....Bill Hemmer on Fox--an informant has Marcello saying he did it, but they will not release the tapes, so is that wrong, too.

Is everything wrong but Oswald?  

And then the Bill O'Reilly many people believe him.  This is frustrating......I think the facts are there but they just cannot get it together basically through disinformation.....or from too many conflicting facts....can we ever gel this thing up, or what? 

A simple explanation...J. Gary Shaw said it was basically a turkey shoot in Dallas....there were many factions angry about his arrogance.  

Barr and Roger basically have the same story as E. Howard Hunt and I do not know why that is not taken more seriously, also.  I believe Hunt names Cord Meyer.....and that man certainly had motive....the Kennedys were wonderful but also very unapologizingly arrogant.  

It seems like many knew it was going to happen but kind of looked the other way.....thanks for your time.
chloelouise.....please comment....welcome disagreement.

from you-tube, this is an interview with Barr McClellan.......