Dec 22, 2013

Leo La Porte Tech Hero

LA Southwest College--Assistant football coach and vidiographer--was the recipient of Leo la Porte's secret Santa today.

He sent him a new I-Pad.

The Coach and caller said he was not able to watch Direct TV because at this time his 3 year old I pad that worked just fine was no longer available to interact with Direct TV.

In short, he was out--he needed an upgrade or no TV.

This very nice man and fan of Leo was sad indeed, as he was on a budget and fixed income and he just could not afford a new Apple I Pad at this time.

He was also a little out of sorts about the whole thing because his phone worked fine and he loved it.  He said he loved the Apple product and he wanted to stay with it forever.

Leo La Porte said he loved these Apple products, too, but this is one issue he has with the company--the company is essentially forcing the consumer to buy a new phone when the 3 year old one worked fine and the gentleman was on a strict budget.

Al, the caller was so grateful as his brother, the coach had bought his products up until now.

The joy in Al's voice was so fun to hear and in the Christmas Spirit.

It made my day..

Good job, Leo, you are a good person.

Merry Christmas to Leo and Al and thank you for sending the listeners joy and merry Christmas today.

Writing on my Chromebook......chloelouise

The Changing of Bill O'Reilly

Is Bill O'Reilly changing in order to survive the Reublican Party as Chris Christie swoops in for a grand slam.  Is Bill afraid he will be left out of the new republican party like walking dead queen Ann Coulter and other members of the mean spirited Christians, Ted, Rush, Sean--the mad men of the GOP.  

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter justifies hate with Jesus, and calls herself a Christian.

Religion without compassion.

Justifying their hate with Jesus.

Just have to speak at this time--past employment working with many gay men in the health care field.

Many were out but some, very few even knew they were gay.

But here is one thing about all of those guys

I would never, ever, ever want to do anything to hurt their feelings and if that happened in this Duck Dynasty thing with this ill-kept ex-hippie I am so sorry for any one who was offended.

Bombastic Barbie, Ann Coulter proclaiming these duck people are simply following the words of Jesus and the Bible.

Gee, how can I draw more attention to myself--who can I insult next.

Ann Coulter:  How can I single-handedly lay waste to the republican party.  How can I lose the election again in 2016.

Can I stop health care for every one.  Do I have an alternative or shall I just keep shouting insults.

So many of these gay men, my co-workers at every level--so often bailed me out at work.  No, not just once but many many times. Offering kind words of advice, as needed.

So often these lovely men carried on a conversation with me when others would not.

Thank you to all of these men for helping me out so many, many times and for being my friend.

To me, Jesus does not want to go around hurting other people's feelings.

What do you think Ann.

Ann and Sean Hannity book signing today in Florida.

I like the compassion of Reverend Al Sharpton and personally he has given me strength through his words and setting an example for accepting others and also telling his life story.