Mar 30, 2014

Crop Circle Queen Suzanne Taylor Talking About TED on Coast to Coast AM

Last weekend we were so lucky to hear Suzanne Taylor talking about her experience with TED Talks.  She spoke to George Knapp last Sunday evening about TED Talks stopping her hard work and her program she was working on to be presented on TED Talks.

She ended up spending a lot of time and money to no avail--TED pulled the plug on her show without really saying why.

Suzanne has been a favorite on Coast to Coast AM for a very long time--always looking forward to hearing her speak it was sad to hear this story.

Here is a link to Suzanne talking to George on Coast:

Thank you, Suzannne, for sharing your link with the ronnie re.....we always want to hear what you have to say.  I would love to hear your TED

Getting to know Wichita with Pictures by Roy Wenzl of The Wichita Eagle

Chisholm Creek Park through the seasons

CNN: We are Filling the Piers Morgan Slot with Geraldo, Larry, Fred and George...we've finally come to our senses

CNN studio
CNN studio (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Geraldo Rivera after delivering the k...
English: Geraldo Rivera after delivering the keynote at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 2008 Public Policy Conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: I took photo of CNN building in New Y...
English: I took photo of CNN building in New York City with Canon camera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: James Carville speaks at Adelphi Univ...
English: James Carville speaks at Adelphi University (while on a book tour for All's Fair: Love, War, and Running for President, accompanying his wife and co-author Mary Matalin) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: NEW YORK. Vladimir Putin interviewed ...
English: NEW YORK. Vladimir Putin interviewed by Larry King, an anchorman with the US CNN TV Channel. Русский: НЬЮ-ЙОРК. Интервью ведущему американского телеканала Си-эн-эн Ларри Кингу. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well, I guess CNN has finally come to their senses.....looked around, found their head and put it on.

It's about time, isn't it?

No, CNN big wigs admitted today they loved Piers but they just need someone more hip and more down to earth.

"We are just looking for someone a little more America," the big one revealed after pointed questions about the decision.

We want someone who can talk to our people--someone a little more New York with a touch of Brooklyn thrown in.

"You know, everyone really loved Larry--Larry just was not angry--he wanted to know everything.  Larry had that special ability to ask the question and take in the answer without turning the whole thing into an angry bar room brawl.

Geraldo has that same special talent.  Have you heard the people call in to him every morning on WABC in New York?

If it's the angry granny, the man on the street or the big political talkers--they all call in as if they know Geraldo personally.

Just like Larry King, Geraldo is compassionate--he cares for the average Joe.

Yes, it does involve a big paycheck to get the G man over here but, frankly, we needed him and we were glad to do it.

We are proud to have Geraldo Rivera in our stable.

Why all the talk about Larry King.........

Good News--Larry will be coming back to the network, as well.

Now, Larry is going to have a very special new kind of show......

Larry will be interviewing the stars of CNN starting with my girl, Fredrika Whitfield.  Fred is going to tell us all about her family, her famous mom and dad and all about her career in journalism.

Fred will also be talking about her brand new weekend hour long legal show.  Now this will be an expansion of the very successful "legal guys: with Richard Herman and Avery Friedman.  This show airs every Saturday morning with 2 or 3 segments and it has been a runaway hit.  Fred and those boys--they tell us everything about the current issues going on in the courts today.  It is an interesting and informative show.

Larry will also be interviewing Candy Crowley, Barbara Star, James Carville, Mary Matalin, Newt Gingrich, and a really good interview with Don Lemon is coming up.  Fareed Zakaria and Wolf Blitzer will be giant interviews.

The big boy said.....these are the real stars of CNN....this is what makes us tick--it is what the public loves and we are sharing our wealth.

Larry will also do a bombshell interview with Piers Morgan highlighting his relationship with Princess Diana and the media.

The CNN talker said--just listen to Geraldo Radio today--he had Tavis Smiley and Don Lemon talking about President Obama and his recent statements about race and kids.  He had Alan Dershowitz on Keri Kennedy who Geraldo felt was treated unfairly in her Ambien trial.

CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer
CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No, Geraldo gets all the opinions, says his own and keeps his cool--it makes for good talk and we are going to showcase it and share it with our listeners.  This is a rare quality in media today.

We will also be bringing back George Strombo, too.

Piers and AC tried to shut him down due to jealousy and we have finally put a stop to that.  Well, we finally interrogated them and they were working as a tag team to take over the world via the airwaves of CNN.  We really did not know what was going on but they took off Strombo and just kept running their shows endlessly--the viewers complained and our ratings suffered.  Apparently they had been given medication by the interplanetary leader.  This person appears on the Earth in the physical embodiment of Cher.

Good Luck to Geraldo, Larry George and all the other CNN stars....we will be watching your new show.

Facts and suggestions from Ronald as interpreted by chloe louise.


thank you for your consideration from the ronnie re..........all comments are welcome......agree or disagree.