Bill: I think you may have missed a dose.......
I think you may have hit the nail on the head because every day I wonder what in the world is wrong with this man and his amazing vendetta against President Obama.....why.......the world has changed.
We are a beautiful country of a coat of many colors. Bill simply can't handle it....he gets real mad and laughs at everything he can't understand.
President Obama has been elected twice......his beautiful legacy is that of bringing everyone to the table.........everyone is in the conversation, now. Before may groups of people were just talked at or talked about......but now, everyone is part of the conversation.
But Bill can't believe it.........he can't understand folks that do not live their lives by his brand of Catholic guilt.
He is an embarrassment for this country. His disrespect for our President is hurtful. His disrespect to all of the people around the word and their religions is hurtful......he does not speak for all of us.
Zeke Emanuel said it best when he suggested that Bill could use his podium to give out information but instead he uses the opportunity to spread lies and stir up fear for his own gain.
Bill O'Reilly is truly The Ugly American.
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