Jul 23, 2015

the ronnie republic: Hey--this lady's significant other is a dog--from ...

the ronnie republic: Hey--this lady's significant other is a dog--from ...: Vicky Neville and her tender-hearted bull dogs did not always have it easy. After years of heartache and enduring the loss of...

Hey--this lady's significant other is a dog--from the huffpo on the ronnie re

Vicky Neville and her tender-hearted bull dogs did not always have it easy. After years of heartache and enduring the loss of three bull dogs, recovering from divorce and witnessing the passing of her sister and soulmate, Vicky was admitted into inpatient care for her chronic depression. While in recovery, she heard about the Mr. Mo Project, a non-profit organization that finds loving homes for senior dogs.
On Easter Sunday, Mr. Mo Project founders, Chris and Mariesa Hughes showed up at Vicky's house with Macy, a senior bull dog. Vicky and Macy connected instantly and before Vicky knew it, her life began to change. She found herself living life again, laughing, gardening, and rediscovering the parts of her day that made her truly happy, all with her new companion by her side. We all know that shelter dogs need our love, but sometimes it's the unconditional love from a dog that can make all the difference to its owner.


from dear abby: throws daughter under the bus

Daughter Struggles To Resolve Mom's Failure To Defend Her

Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: I'm in my early 50s, disabled and live with my elderly mother. Between the ages of 8 and 11 I was sexually abused by my adoptive father. My mother finally caught him in the act, but the next day they acted like nothing had happened. He never did it again, and it was never spoken about, ever.
I have read about women who caught their husbands abusing their children and kicked them out, pressed charges, etc. It makes me think I didn't matter enough for her to do that. I confronted her about it a few years ago. Her response was that it would have been in all the papers (my parents were prominent local musicians in our town), and there was no way she could have raised two kids on her own.
I still have a deep ache in my soul that tells me that I don't matter as much as other human beings. I resist going to therapy because I live with her and I know she will quiz me about what we talked about in the sessions. I just want to keep the peace and not risk her going into a tirade about how she "did what she had to do." I don't know what to do. Please help. -- STILL HURTING IN NEVADA
DEAR STILL HURTING: You should absolutely talk about this to a therapist. If your mother demands to know what you're discussing, tell her. If she unleashes a tirade, invite her to accompany you to a session so she can explain to your therapist that she didn't kick her child-molesting husband out because she was afraid she couldn't support herself and two children alone. (Was your sibling also assaulted?)
You and your mom are both adults. You should be able to have a frank discussion without her intimidating you with her anger. If anyone has a right to be angry, it is you. And she should clearly understand how her inaction affected you for all these years, and possibly your sibling, as well.

copied from yahoo.com

Wishing the very, very  best to this strong and courageous lady.....thank you for sharing your story.................my mother has always been very selfish, too.  It never stops being painful--seriously, my mother has thrown me under the bus quite a few times for several different people.  She will do anything to get what she wants when she wants it and if she can convince the other person to vilify me in the process she will pay them in some way...........yes, supporting my ex-husband and his girlfriend to take away my children.   It never ends.......thanks again for sharing.

Excellent Show Today, Noam, Talking About Gov Christie

WABC AM News/Talk Radio New York City.............

Noam Laden talking today for Geraldo,,,,telling us about Gov. Christie nixing a new tunnel from New Jersey.

He did not want to spend tax payer money but now the  real old tunnel is hindering the New Jerseyites getting to work.

Noam Laden is also asking the callers the question:  should the NJ taxpayers fund Christie running
Christie is too tough talking to be President
around the country in his bid for presidency.

Seriously, as first  it seemed like Christie was a breath of fresh air and straight talk from a politician--thinking it would be a great race with my girl, Hillary Clinton.

Actually, at the end of the day Chris Christie is just too hard to watch shouting down and humiliating the regular folks trying to ask him a question at the town hall meeting.

At the end of the day Chris Christie and Donald Trump  will fall by the wayside and they are not presidential material like the very well-spoken President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

There is a reason the politicians act the way they do and we can reflect on the example of Schwarzenegger.

Just reminding everyone Hillary Clinton ran the first time on improving infrastructure that was desperately needed as important bridges have failed, costing lives sadly , and also as a way to provide jobs for Americans.

Well done today, Noam and thank  you for bringing these  important points to our attention.

from the Ronnie republic radio round-up.........your thoughts........

Hey, is everyone out there listening to Art Bell on his new radio show in the night.......his show has been great.......he is a great alternative for nighttime radio........just google Art Bell and you will get right to the  show.
Ronnie enjoying a dip in Northern California