Dec 30, 2018

The Young Turks: Ana Wins--Trump's Visit To Iraq ENRAGED Leaders

Love TYT


A word from The Ronnie Re:
Can you help get the word out about these lovely dogs in Bethlehem, Palestine.......
They really need a home right now--here is a post:
Thanks for reading--please jump in with any suggestion to help these dogs.
Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature
This very beautiful lady with flowers in her hair would like to have a home.

Love The Group: Welcome Back and Happy New Year--Woof The McLaughlin Group 12/30/18

Snoozing With The Doggy--The dog not the husband: House Beautiful on @TheRonnieRe


Your Dog Is A Better Sleep Partner Than Your SO, Study Confirms

 Taylor Mead,House Beautiful 21 hours ago