Jan 22, 2013

.gosh I love all of this interesting JFK info

I have copied this from facebook.......cl......gosh I love all of this interesting JFK info.

Ruby - Oswald Connection - here is a list of all the witnesses who placed Ruby and Oswald together, saw them together, or they knew each other BEFORE the JFK assassination....do you feel they knew each other?...

Chloe Louise Now this is what gets me real annoyed--recently watched the c-span-history channel, showing interviews of people who were actually there, one being Jim Levealle--the sheriff in the white hat escorting Oswald when he was shot--when asked could he tie Oswald and Ruby together in any way shape or form--he replied that he tried to every way he could but there just was no evidence--also the fact that Oswald did not drink or go to clubs.