May 19, 2019

I want this guy.......Chuch: Well Dressed--Sits on the couch and watches TV--Everything a girl wants in a man

Image may contain: dog and outdoor

My heart is broken 馃挃 4 years in the cage. Four years.
People look at him and say:”well yeah he’s nice but my apartment is very small”
Have you seen his cage?!
2 square meter.
Chuch is almost 5 years old, vaccinated and neutered. Gets along with kids and some of the dogs.
He will be a great family dog.
For more info, contact by sms only -

Tammy Bekhor
Admin22 hrs
讘讘拽砖讛 砖转驻讜馃檹馃徎馃檹馃徎馃檹馃徎
讗诐 讻诇 讗讞讚 讬砖转祝, 讗谞讬 讘讟讜讞讛 砖谞诪爪讗 诇讜 讘讬转
Tel Aviv Municipal Dog Shelter (讻诇讘讬讛 讛注讬专讜谞讬转 转诇 讗讘讬讘)
讛讻诇讘讬讬讛 讛注讬专讜谞讬转 砖诇 转诇 讗讘讬讘- 讚祝 讛诪转谞讚讘讬诐
爪'讜抓 讛诪拽住讬诐 注讚讬讬谉 诪讞驻砖 讘讬转. 讻讘专 4 砖谞讬诐 砖爪'讜抓 讗爪诇谞讜 讘讻诇讘讬讛. 讻诇讘 诪拽住讬诐 讜讞讘专讜转讬 诇讘谞讬 讗讚诐. 诪讞讜谞讱 诇讘讬转 讜讗讜讛讘 讬诇讚讬诐.
讛讘注讬讛 讛讬讞讬讚讛 砖诇 爪'讜抓 讛讬讗 砖讬砖 讻诇讘讬诐 砖讛讜讗 诇讗 诪住转讚专 讗讬转诐, 诇讛专讘讛 讗谞砖讬诐 讝讛 诪讗讚 诪驻专讬注 (注诇 讗祝 砖讝讛 讚讬 谞驻讜抓, 讘讟讞 诇讻诇讘 砖诇讗 讛讜专讙诇 诇讻诇讘讬诐 讗讞专讬诐 讘爪讜专讛 诪住讜讚专转) .
讬砖 诇讜 讙诐 讛专讘讛 讞讘专讬诐 注诇 讗专讘注 诪讘讬谉 讜转讬拽讬 讛讻诇讘讬讛 砖讛讜讗 讻谉 谞讛谞讛 诇砖讞拽 注讬诪诐. 爪'讜抓 专拽 爪专讬讱 爪'讗谞住. 讛讜讗 讻讘谉 5 讜讻讘专 讛讙讬注 讛讝诪谉 砖讬爪讗 诪讛讻诇讘讬讛 讜讗转 讛砖讘讜注 讛讝讛 讬讘诇讛 讻讘专 讘讘讬转.
诇驻专讟讬诐 砖诇讞讜 讛讜讚注讛 054-720-4228/0546333030
English below
讛诇讘 砖诇讬 砖讘讜专 馃挃 4 砖谞讬诐!
4 砖谞讬诐 讗转讛 讘讻诇讜讘
讗谞砖讬诐 诪住转讻诇讬诐 注诇讬讬讱 讜讗讜诪专讬诐 ;״讻谉, 讛讜讗 讞诪讜讚, 讗讘诇 讛讚讬专讛 砖诇谞讜 拽讟谞讛 诪讚讬.״
专讗讬转诐 讗转 讛讻诇讜讘 砖诇讜?!?!
2 诪讟专 诪专讜讘注!!!
爪讜抓 讘谉 讞诪砖, 诪讞讜住谉 , 诪住讜专住, 诪住转讚专 注诐 讬诇讚讬诐 讜专讜讘 讛讻诇讘讬诐.
讬讛讬讛 讻诇讘 诪砖驻讞讛 谞讛讚专
诇注讜讚 驻专讟讬诐, 讘讗住 讗诪 讗住 讘诇讘讚 -
My heart is broken 馃挃 4 years in the cage. Four years.
People look at him and say:”well yeah he’s nice but my apartment is very small”
Have you seen his cage?!
2 square meter.
Chuch is almost 5 years old, vaccinated and neutered. Gets along with kids and some of the dogs.
He will be a great family dog.
For more info, contact by sms only -

here is a link to the facebook page:

copied from Empty the Shelters--Bethlehem

Consider nominating Diana George Babish for a CNN Hero: