Dec 9, 2021

It’s cold out there. Please be kind to opossums #SeattleWildlife


It’s cold out there. Please be kind to opossums. Many of them find a cozy place to combat the cold. (So many are missing parts of tails, ears, toes, due to previous frost bite) and your garage or porch may be the only place they have. They won’t hurt anything, I promise. And shooing them out may be certain death due to lack of shelter. They are Northern America’s ONLY marsupial. **These precious souls eat fleas, ticks, and other pests.**❤️

Please, this holiday season be kind to these wonderful animals. 🎄🐾❤️ P.S. I LOVE her cute toes! P.S.S. I am not the author of these words nor the photographer, but I am grateful for the wonderful human who shared this on Facebook.

copied from Nextdoor