May 20, 2019

My Beautiful Friends (Dogs) in Jenin #LovePalestine

Touring the countryside of Palestine with Bike Palestine, enjoying the history, the food, the olive groves and almond orchards one could not help but notice the stray dogs.

Why are all of these dogs just hanging around all by themselves out in the country?

After barking all night at our hotel in Jenin taking pictures at 6 AM was mandatory.

I will never get this guy out of my mind.......

He was young and he was friendly but he had to keep sitting down.

They were waiting for breakfast.

This is his friend.

This lovely gentleman is his friend, too.

Outside of our hotel.

Thank you for reading.

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Here are a few more pictures:

My Beautiful Friends (Dogs) in Jenin,  #LovePalestine, Bike Palestine, International Dog Rescue, Diana George Babish, Bethlehem Animal Shelter,