Nov 8, 2015

Richard Byron Varley: In Loving memory

My Grandpa, Richard Byron Varley was born in Fall River Mass on November 8.

He gave up his life for me.

Every Saturday we went to the Merry-Go-Round in Balboa Park, San Diego,

On the way we went over The Georgia Street Bridge on University Blvd. at Park Ave, then we went under the bridge.

Then we went on the nickel snatcher--a water taxi from Broadway, actually it was right where the Midway is located today, over to Coronado Island and back.

My grandparents took me everywhere--they took me swimming in Mission Bay, Grandpa took us to Belmont Park, they even took me to Disneyland, simply because I wanted to go,

I can honestly say they really liked me and wanted me to have a good life and an education.

They did everything for me--they gave up their life for me.

I did appreciate it then, when it was happening but not enough as I was so very interested in myself.

I wish I could tell them now that I know what they did.

That was very nice--they were nice to me.

Birthday kisses from Ronnie and thank you for liking me.

Richard, Hannah, Sam, Alice, Mary Jane and Lazarus, Bill and Mamie Kneeling at their house on N St in San Diego--about 1910.

R. B. Varley, Sr.

Grandpa always loved dogs and he had his Staffie, Nero.

Morley Field Dog Park San Diego California Today

Framat Remembers West Coast R&B Guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS

Published on Nov 6, 2015

Hello music lovers from all around the world!
In my little clip I want to remember on west coast R&B guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS (1928-77) who started his career in 1947. He recorded on his own but is best known for playing guitar on Jimmie McCracklin's hits THE WALK and GEORGIA SLOP. While he recorded as a sideman for well-known R&B-labels like CHESS, MODERN, ALLADIN or PEACOCK his music as a featured artist was on rather small labels.
I tuned my guitar to JAMES Blood Ulmer's E-power chord tuning
I hope you'll find a little bit fun with this clip
Best regards


Hallo Musikfreunde und Hörer!
Heute ein kleines Tribute für einen etwas vergessenen Rhythm and Blues Gitarristen aus den 50er Jahren namens LAFAYETTE THOMAS, dessen Platten zwar oft von den jungen Rolling Stones, Animals und Yardbirds gehört wurden, der aber unbekannt blieb, weil er ein ungenannter Begleitmusiker auf diesen Platten war.
Zwei Onkels - RAMBLIN' THOMAS (Slide-Gitarre) und der noch bekanntere JESSE THOMAS - waren übrigens ebenfalls Bluesmusiker, die ihre Musik auf Schallplatte veröffentlichten.
Viel Spaß - vielleicht sogar beim Entdecken der Musik des Originals

Wow, thank you, Framat, for sharing your love of 50's R and B guitar with us....well done.

here is a link to the original page of 2009 framat:

just sharing some pictures of Balboa Park I took yesterday along with a shot of big boy bams

Fifties R&B guitar: Framat Remembers West Coast R&B Guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS