Dec 10, 2021

Don Lemon CAUGHT Warning Jussie Smollett During Hoax Crime | Breaking Po...


What's Actually in the Hidden JFK Assassination Files? (Jefferson Morley...

Try to hire Brian Williams.

 Try to hire Brian Williams.

I watch CNN every day but one of my other favorite shows I try never to miss is 11th hour with Brian Williams. 

 As one person said the other evening he has humor and intellect. CNN is definitely the best and the go to for important news and internationals news but he would be a fabulous replacement for Chris Cuomo. He was no longer newsworthy with his close affiliation to his brother. I also love Fred Whitfield--been watching her forever and of course, Wolf and MartinSavidge. I also enjoy and admire Gloria B. and Jamie G. Laura Coates is very good and should have her own show, too. Thank you for your time--just my thoughts from a loyal viewer.

For Adoption" The Beautiful Cat Star Animal and Environment Association - Bethlehem Palestine


القطة الجميلة "نجمة" أصبحت بصحة ممتازة، نبحث لها عن منزل آمن وعائلة محبة 😻
"نجمة" قطة عمياء، ضحية الاهمال والاستغلال الذي يحصل خلال عملية المتاجرة بال/حيوانات ..
استقبلها مركز هوت فيت @hot_vet بحالة مزرية، نحيلة جدا وعظامها ظاهرة ، ذات شعر خشن الملمس نتيجة للجفاف وسوء التغذية وإصابة الديدان ..
بعد تقريبا شهرين من المتابعة والعناية بدأت نجمة تستعيد عافيتها وجمالها واكتسبت الوزن بشكل ملحوظ .
قمنا بتعقيم القطة✅ واعطاءها جرعات الوقاية من الطفيليات الداخلية (الديدان)✅
القطة لطيفة جداً وودودة وتمارس حياتها بشكل طبيعي.
لمن يحب تبني القطة "نجمة" الرجاء التواصل معناون تردد
فتربية حيوان ذو احتياج خاص رائعة جدا وأجرها عند الله عظيم 🙏

For adoption
The beautiful cat "Star" has become in excellent health, looking for a safe house and a loving family
"Star" blind cat, victim of neglect and exploitation that occurs during animal trade.. She was received by the Hot Fit Center @hot_vet a very squalid, very slender state and her bones are visible, with rough hair as a result of dehydration, malnutrition and worm injury.
After nearly two months of follow-up and care, Najma began to recover and gain significant weight.
Hotvet sterilized the cat✅ and gave it doses to prevent internal parasites (worms) ✅
The cat is very nice and friendly and exercises her life normally.
For those who like to adopt the cat "Star" please contact us frequency
Raising an animal with a special need is very wonderful and its wages are great for God 🙏
Many thanks for @hot_vet