Jan 16, 2016

The Cat Hair Cook Talks Hopes and Dreams and Setting Realistic Goals vs New Years Resolutions for 2016

A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society
A Distinguished Member of the Humane Society (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A meeting of the Royal Humane Society...
English: A meeting of the Royal Humane Society in Exeter Hall in the 1840s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Looking west at Humane Society clinic...
English: Looking west at Humane Society clinic on a cloudy day. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Veggies Sausages and Mashed potatoes, with Yor...
Veggies Sausages and Mashed potatoes, with Yorkshire Pudding, peas and veggie gravy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A KAMS student gives back to the comm...
English: A KAMS student gives back to the community by volunteering at the local Humane Society. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Faggots, gravy, mashed potatoes and marrofat peas.
gravy, mashed potatoes and marrofat peas. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
My dream..............

To live at The Humane Society


Marry Mashed Potatoes and Gravy