Shock-jock, chip franklin of hate radio KOGO 600 in San Diego successfully teaches violence to his son.
I thought kids were off limits, but since you brought it up....since
you brought it up and bragged about it on the radio then laughed.
Apparently his son ran into a person in the Occupy Movement who was
blocking his way to class... the son could not find a way around the
person...allegedly he knocked him down. Mr. Franklin did say he
instructed his son not to go around knocking people down, yet he
mentioned it on the radio in a proud, bragging fashion and then
continued to laugh it off as if it was a humerus event. "Oh, and my
son is very big!" Wow chip, my daughter is very small but she has a
real big mouth--will he be knocking her down, too? I will take this
opportunity to remind chip after some people must have complained, maybe
the time he wanted Gloria Alllred to be body slammed, he insisted no
one but a moron would take him seriously......... Now chip, what if
that was me in the Occupy group, or what if that was one of my
children? Better yet, chip, what if that was one of your other
children? chip...I'm asking a mom. I know you love your
children, It's obvious by the way you talk, but I love my children,
too. Please don't teach them to knock people around. All of our
children make errors and might get into a fight. That young man was
beaten to death on the bus in Florida--I'm so sad for those
parents--chip, what if that was your son? Let's stop that horrible kind
of action. Lets not promote a sentiment of violence among young
people. Its too sad in the long run. I've told you, chip, so many
times in my blog, let's not make violence or vigilante justice an
acceptable way to solve our differences. Are those your actual
beliefs, then, if you are bragging and laughing about your son's actions
on the air? You are certainly not taking his violence seriously. I
guess your kid figured the Occupy kid was wrong--so rather than let the
student talk or contemplate a different view, he knocked him down and proudly reported his remedy to dad.
Remember when you wanted the "ass-kicking" for the Asian lady, the
politician in San Francisco who would not say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Now, lets see if this incident will be erased from the podcast, too.--
chloelouise--a mom asking for non-violence

TV News, Bald Eagles, Discovery Park in Seattle, San Diego Radio, Politics and News, Sewing--The Sewing Herald Tribune....we need contributors, Travel.... Agree or Disagree....Please feel free to comment.....all comments appreciated and thank you for your time..... and food, dogs and cats...... let's sit down at this cafe, have a cup of coffee and talk about politics.
May 10, 2012
Shock-Jock, chip franklin Of Hate Radio KOGO 600 In San Diego Successfully Teaches Bashing And Bragging To His Son
chip franklin and violence on the airwaves
Sometimes a public figure, a congressman, a prominent female attorney
will make a comment that he does not like; they say something he really
finds offensive. He will then describe a violent physical act that he
would like to do to the person or he feels should be done to the
person. He justifies it always by saying everyone knows he does not
really mean those words.
Unless the person was really unintelligent, no one would take him literally. I found it extremely offensive for him to talk this way about a lady my age. Someone who in reality would probably be very defenseless against him physically.
He paints a very ugly picture with his words. A picture I hear in the morning when I am waking up. Are these images then detrimental to some people? Are the airwaves too violent?
Its embarrassing to me--to hear a lady, successful, my age, referred to in these terms. I think if he was really intelligent, innovative or forward thinking he could use other words to describe his disagreement without mentioning violence.
Are these the policies or views of the radio station?
Unless the person was really unintelligent, no one would take him literally. I found it extremely offensive for him to talk this way about a lady my age. Someone who in reality would probably be very defenseless against him physically.
He paints a very ugly picture with his words. A picture I hear in the morning when I am waking up. Are these images then detrimental to some people? Are the airwaves too violent?
Its embarrassing to me--to hear a lady, successful, my age, referred to in these terms. I think if he was really intelligent, innovative or forward thinking he could use other words to describe his disagreement without mentioning violence.
Are these the policies or views of the radio station?
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