Jan 13, 2014

Geraldo Rivera Radio Round-Up: Mondays With The Commish Jan 13 2013

Watching Geraldo Rivera on the Radio--who knew.

That is his new gig on WABC Radio in New York.

Actually is is new and old--he has been on the radio but now he is local and he has live video streaming.

The thing about Geraldo--Those New Yorkers love to call in and chat as if he is their pal.  Everyone says all sides of the issue--from the callers to the big politicians we get to hear everything.

Geraldo keeps his cool.

Mondays we always have his friend former police commisioner, Bernard Kerik--he has a good insight on things--particualrly the actions of police officers.

Tomorrow:  A-Rod attorney Joe Tacopina.

here is a link to the page with today's podcast:


here is a story from the New York Daily News about Bernard Kerik and his take on Joe Tac:


Bad, Bad, Bad Bill O'Reilly

from the gawker

I guess this was not one of Bill "folks"....you know, the ones he is always looking out for

Bill O’Reilly Terrorized Another Female Fox News Staffer

Bill O’Reilly Terrorized Another Female Fox News StafferSEXPAND
Women might want to think twice before working for Bill O’Reilly. According to Gabriel Sherman’s new bookThe Loudest Voice in the Room, the top Fox News anchor grew so enraged at a female producer after a botched segment in 2003 that, in order to defuse the situation, “a senior Fox executive” intervened and escorted the crying producer out of News Corp’s Midtown headquarters.
“After one taping, he stormed toward his staff’s cubicles and tore into a young female producer, whom he blamed for botching a segment,” Sherman writes in Loudest Voice, which until today had been under a strict press embargo. “Staffers watched in shock as O’Reilly, easily a foot taller than the woman, started yelling and slamming his fist down on a shelf.”
“He got really close and in her face,” an onlooker told Sherman; “She was scared he was going to hit her,” said another. (The name of the producer is not revealed.)
Eventually O’Reilly vanished, after which “a senior Fox executive was called in and escorted the woman, in tears, out of the building to calm her down.” The famously vindictive anchor never apologized.
Sherman says the incident came on the heels of O’Reilly’s surging ratings during the build-up to the Iraq War. His rising stature within the right-wing network apparently created an environment where the anchor acted out against his own staffers with relative impunity. The most famous byproduct of O’Reilly’s toxic studio became public in 2004 when another female O’Reilly producer, Andrea Mackris, revealed that her boss had sexually harassed her in the early aughts—in one instance, by offering to pleasure her with a falafel—and threatened to destroy her if she ever told anyone about it.
Fox News declined to comment.
To contact the author of this post, email trotter@gawker.com
[Photo credit: Getty Images]

Geraldo Rivera: The Trouble Between Chris And George

Geraldo Rivera: The Trouble Between Chris And George

Living on the Hudson River in the shadow of the graceful George Washington Bridge a half mile from where I’m writing this note, the scandal threatening to cripple and consume the political career of Republican Governor Chris Christie literally hits close to home. Like gun rights in Texas and Alaska or real estate prices in California and Florida, traffic on the George is part of countless Northern New Jersey dinner conversations.
Does Governor Christie seem the kind of man usually kept in the dark on matters of this potentially career-wrecking importance?
- Geraldo Rivera
It is also part of the dialogue of national commerce.
This is where I-80 begins its 3,000-mile run west to California. I-95, the all-important East Coast artery connecting Maine to Florida crosses the river here. Truckers carrying the products and produce of the nation have a special fear and loathing of the 82-year old span. Time is money. And time is often squandered trying to get through this strategic bottleneck on the route between New Jersey and Manhattan’s Washington Heights.
The big bridge, the world’s busiest, dominates life in and around my Bergen County community of Edgewater, and adjacent Fort Lee, whose Democratic mayor Mark Sokolich was allegedly the target of the intentional lane closures at the center of this Made for New Jersey outrage.
The moods and schedules of over 300,000 drivers a day, 100 million a year (in each direction) rise and fall based on life’s great questions: Is there traffic? How bad is the waiting time? Will there be construction delays? Isn’t that $13 toll outrageous? Should I take my bicycle? Has there been yet another jumper? Will I get my kid to school on time? Will this sick person in the ambulance really get to the hospital on the other side before it is too late?
It was too late for 91-year old Florence Genova, who after suffering a stroke died in an ambulance after paramedics were delayed due to the chaos of heavy traffic artificially created when a senior aide to Governor Christie apparently ordered local bridge access lanes closed as retaliation for Fort Lee’s mayor not endorsing the governor’s 2012 re-election bid.
Motivated by sincere outrage or just grabbing the opportunity to bite the swaggering, scary bear of a man who serves as our governor, Thursday night a group of New Jersey residents announced that they were filing a federal class-action lawsuit against Governor Christie. It is the least of his troubles.
There are currently at least three major investigations into what is unimaginatively labeled Bridgegate; one by the Office of the Inspector General of the Port Authority, another by the Democrat-dominated New Jersey State Legislature, and the most ominous for the governor, the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, the job Chris Christie held until being elected. They are probing whether federal criminal laws were broken, either by the vindictive lane closures or by false statements made attempting to cover up what was done.
Having voted for Christie twice, I admire his confidence and competence. Unlike the national GOP, he has always been a pragmatist rather than an ideologue. When he embraced President Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I saw it as the governor doing his best to get all the help the federal government could possibly offer his stricken residents.
When he recently announced a New Jersey version of the DREAM Act wherein undocumented immigrant children could qualify for in-state tuition at state colleges and universities, I applauded. That is how George W. Bush won so sizable a percentage of the Hispanic vote, and that is the only way a Republican can win back the White House.
But with this pointless, bratty, ham-handed, dirty, lane closure trick that punished hundreds of thousands of innocent travelers, commuters and truckers, Republican and Democrats alike, the once bold and even fearsome politician is reeling. Maybe the governor is telling the truth when he insists that his longest-serving advisors and closest friends kept him in the dark on the September lane closures until Tuesday of this week.
To which I have three questions:
1.- Does Governor Christie seem the kind of man usually kept in the dark on matters of this potentially career-wrecking importance?
2.- Would your closest friends and long-serving advisors do something that could ruin your political life without asking or at least admitting it to you long before your enemies shoot you with your own smoking gun?
3.- How would you feel about President Obama or Secretary Clinton if e-mails surfaced connecting either’s closest aides and associates to, say, a Benghazi cover-up or the IRS scandal?  
In terms of his presidential aspirations, yesterday, the fat man sang.
Geraldo Rivera is currently host of "Geraldo at Large" on Fox News Channel (FNC), which is also nationally syndicated by Twentieth Television. Rivera recently celebrated 40 years in journalism.
copied from Fox News Latino on Google News

Geraldo Rivera: The Trouble Between Chris And George

Geraldo Rivera: The Trouble Between Chris And George

Living on the Hudson River in the shadow of the graceful George Washington Bridge a half mile from where I’m writing this note, the scandal threatening to cripple and consume the political career of Republican Governor Chris Christie literally hits close to home. Like gun rights in Texas and Alaska or real estate prices in California and Florida, traffic on the George is part of countless Northern New Jersey dinner conversations.
Does Governor Christie seem the kind of man usually kept in the dark on matters of this potentially career-wrecking importance?
- Geraldo Rivera
It is also part of the dialogue of national commerce.
This is where I-80 begins its 3,000-mile run west to California. I-95, the all-important East Coast artery connecting Maine to Florida crosses the river here. Truckers carrying the products and produce of the nation have a special fear and loathing of the 82-year old span. Time is money. And time is often squandered trying to get through this strategic bottleneck on the route between New Jersey and Manhattan’s Washington Heights.
The big bridge, the world’s busiest, dominates life in and around my Bergen County community of Edgewater, and adjacent Fort Lee, whose Democratic mayor Mark Sokolich was allegedly the target of the intentional lane closures at the center of this Made for New Jersey outrage.
The moods and schedules of over 300,000 drivers a day, 100 million a year (in each direction) rise and fall based on life’s great questions: Is there traffic? How bad is the waiting time? Will there be construction delays? Isn’t that $13 toll outrageous? Should I take my bicycle? Has there been yet another jumper? Will I get my kid to school on time? Will this sick person in the ambulance really get to the hospital on the other side before it is too late?
It was too late for 91-year old Florence Genova, who after suffering a stroke died in an ambulance after paramedics were delayed due to the chaos of heavy traffic artificially created when a senior aide to Governor Christie apparently ordered local bridge access lanes closed as retaliation for Fort Lee’s mayor not endorsing the governor’s 2012 re-election bid.
Motivated by sincere outrage or just grabbing the opportunity to bite the swaggering, scary bear of a man who serves as our governor, Thursday night a group of New Jersey residents announced that they were filing a federal class-action lawsuit against Governor Christie. It is the least of his troubles.
There are currently at least three major investigations into what is unimaginatively labeled Bridgegate; one by the Office of the Inspector General of the Port Authority, another by the Democrat-dominated New Jersey State Legislature, and the most ominous for the governor, the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, the job Chris Christie held until being elected. They are probing whether federal criminal laws were broken, either by the vindictive lane closures or by false statements made attempting to cover up what was done.
Having voted for Christie twice, I admire his confidence and competence. Unlike the national GOP, he has always been a pragmatist rather than an ideologue. When he embraced President Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I saw it as the governor doing his best to get all the help the federal government could possibly offer his stricken residents.
When he recently announced a New Jersey version of the DREAM Act wherein undocumented immigrant children could qualify for in-state tuition at state colleges and universities, I applauded. That is how George W. Bush won so sizable a percentage of the Hispanic vote, and that is the only way a Republican can win back the White House.
But with this pointless, bratty, ham-handed, dirty, lane closure trick that punished hundreds of thousands of innocent travelers, commuters and truckers, Republican and Democrats alike, the once bold and even fearsome politician is reeling. Maybe the governor is telling the truth when he insists that his longest-serving advisors and closest friends kept him in the dark on the September lane closures until Tuesday of this week.
To which I have three questions:
1.- Does Governor Christie seem the kind of man usually kept in the dark on matters of this potentially career-wrecking importance?
2.- Would your closest friends and long-serving advisors do something that could ruin your political life without asking or at least admitting it to you long before your enemies shoot you with your own smoking gun?
3.- How would you feel about President Obama or Secretary Clinton if e-mails surfaced connecting either’s closest aides and associates to, say, a Benghazi cover-up or the IRS scandal?  
In terms of his presidential aspirations, yesterday, the fat man sang.
Geraldo Rivera is currently host of "Geraldo at Large" on Fox News Channel (FNC), which is also nationally syndicated by Twentieth Television. Rivera recently celebrated 40 years in journalism.
copied from Fox News Latino on Google News

Ann Coulter on Geraldo Tomorrow: Dan Borchers on Ann Coulter Today

 Ann Coulter and God’s Word
In her New Year’s Eve essay (her eighth almost identical Kwanzaa essay in 14th years), Coulter argued that the Bible should be taken seriously and not misinterpreted for political purposes. She added this aside: “(I promise you, except for venereal disease and eternal damnation, life would be a lot more fun if we were making it up as we went along.)”
Some have misread Coulter’s parenthetical remark as an expression of what befalls those who reject and disobey God’s Word. Yes, Coulter commends God’s Word yet, at the very same time, seems to commend doing your own thing (“making it up as we [go] along.”) Are “venereal disease and eternal damnation” the only consequences to sin? Is life all about seeking “a lot more fun?” Amazingly, Coulter made a “promise” about life being more fun doing things your own way. (Yet another failed Coulter promise.)
All actions have consequences – according to Newton and according to God. Coulter might think “life would be a lot more fun” doing it her way instead of God’s, revealing her ignorance of God’s greatness and His grace: our Father in heaven really does know better what is best for us. Jesus came to give us life, and to give it to us abundantly.
The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “Rejoice! And, again I say, rejoice!” We, as Christians, are called to experience a bit of heaven on earth in living in a close relationship with our Creator. When we are walking with God, we experience His unsurpassing peace, His inexpressible joy, and His unfailing love. Those experiences are to be prized! The world has nothing better to offer.
What passes for “fun” in this world badly misses the mark and deprives people of the joy which can be experienced in following Jesus and doing what He would do.
As noted in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, Coulter has a problem subjecting her will to God’s. She would rather do what is right in her own eyes than in God’s. Ironically, Coulter concluded her “Breaking Bad” essay (in which she called that TV series “a Christian parable”) with Scripture: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”

by Daniel Borchers

Dan's website is www.CoulterWatch.com

Here we go: Watching Geraldo on the Radio--Geraldo Radio New York

Mondays with the Commish:  An interesting take on things.

Live streaming video by Ustream