Jan 31, 2014

Daniel Borchers: Ann Coulter Still Cannot be Trusted!

Ann Coulter Signs Book for me
Ann Coulter Signs Book for me 
Ann Coulter 2005
Ann Coulter in The Ronnie Republic

Yesterday, Ann Coulter betrayed yet another friend, this time leaking an embargoed report given to her by “someone.” Coulter is a repeat offender. In 1997, Coulter devastated the life of Paula Jones and her family when she leaked attorney-client privileged information against the best interest of her client.

Details of Coulter’s treachery are available in the free book, Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

Additional reasons for never trusting Coulter are provided in the free book, Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

Photo: Yesterday, Ann Coulter betrayed yet another friend, this time leaking an embargoed report given to her by “someone.” Coulter is a repeat offender. In 1997, Coulter devastated the life of Paula Jones and her family when she leaked attorney-client privileged information against the best interest of her client. 

Details of Coulter’s treachery are available in the free book, Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, at www.coulterwatch.com/vanity.pdf.

Additional reasons for never trusting Coulter are provided in the free book, Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at www.coulterwatch.com/never.pdf.

from the facebook page of Daniel Borchers...........
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from NDIGO--Ziggy

A woman's life may not always be balanced but she should always be fulfilled, then she will never be blue.

Ann Coulter Betrays Another Friend

In this week’s column, Coulter provides telling information for the immigration debate. But, in the process, she drew heavily from an Eagle Forum report which has yet to be released to the press. That report was embargoed, meaning the media was prohibited from using it until it is released by the source.
Coulter admits her wrongdoing even as she does it – and she defends it by claiming she knows best. In her opening paragraph, Coulter calls it a “stunning report” and admits it “is still embargoed.” She justifies breaking their story by claiming, in her infinite wisdom, that “it’s too important to wait!”
This is not the first time Coulter has engaged in unethical behavior. In 1997, she leaked attorney-client privileged material to betray her client to the detriment of her client (see Vanity: Ann Coulter's Quest for Glory). This is typical of her behavior throughout her media career (see Never Trust Ann Coulter - at ANY Age).
It would behoove whoever “slipped” Coulter a copy of the report to question Coulter’s integrity and reconsider whether she can be trusted. Coulter cannot be trusted.

from Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website:


for more information here is a link to the website of the Eagle Forum:


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