Nov 25, 2017

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from Jigjaw Jam:


Larry Hancock: Impressions from November in Dallas--JFK Lancer Conference

New post on Larry Hancock


by larryjoe2
Its hard to convey the extent of the material that gets covered at the annual November in Dallas research conference. That's partially because of the breadth of speakers but beyond that its the extent to which informal conversations and dialogs allow you to explore thoughts stimulated by those presentations.  Having been around the subject of President Kennedy's assassination for some time I'm going to share a few of the points which intrigued me personally.
First, the extent to which Malcolm Blunt and John Newman have been able to map out so much of the CIA's organizational structure and internal communications is amazing.  And while that might not seem of interest to all those who continually search for smoking guns - it should. As an example it appears not that they have traced out a routing request which directed that internal communications relating to Lee Oswald's defection were to only be circulated to Counter Intelligence - before you yawn, the second point is that the request appears to have been placed before Oswald's pseudo defection to Russia.
In another presentation, John Newman reviewed documents which showed that Henry Hecksher - a topic of previous posts here and a candidate for Richard Case Nagell's "Bob" in Mexico City - had been stationed in Havana at the same time as David Phillips and was heavily involved in security activities for Phillips, who was under commercial cover in Cuba. When you add that to travel documents showing Hecksher going to Mexico City at the same time Nagell was there and the fact that Hecksher was later assigned to head the AM/WORLD project, things become even more interesting.
Finally, I have to say that for the first time in a great many years I am fairly well convinced - by Michael Chesser's conference presentation on the enhanced HSCA skull X-rays - that there were two shots to JFK's head and that one was most definitely from the front and into the hairline, impacting at exactly the same point the Parkland Doctor indicated in his television interview that afternoon as he pointed to his own head. The presentation also confirmed the degree of post Bethesda tampering with the medical evidence which have become so clear over the years.
I can't even begin to detail the rest of the conferences, DVD's will be available from Lancer early next year. I can say that after all these years it is encouraging to see that dedicated researchers are still surfacing important new information.

copied from Larry Hancock and here is a link to the page:

Thanks, Larry, for all of your hard work and research on this very important issue.