Aug 8, 2017

Senator Richard Blumenthal: The Ronnie Republic standing with the well thought out words of this American leader

English: Official portrait of United States se...
English: Official portrait of United States senator Richard Blumenthal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Senator Richard Blumenthal stands strong in the face of bullying and provides leadership and reassurance to the citizens of the US.

The Ronnie Republic:

Standing with Richard Blumenthal for bringing us the news and the truth about the Russia investigation and staying strong in the face of bullying in the work place or at school.

Kids and adults may look to this individual as an example and we can also see that bullying affects everyone--even at the highest levels of our government.

Thanks, Senator Blumental for your very measured and well thought out statements and reassuring the citizens of the US that there is a plan in our leadership.

Providing assurance to the folks of the US that our government is not operating in a state if chaos and fighting,