Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Jul 5, 2013

Brent Talks--Health Care and President Hillary Clinton

Health care and Hillary.........

Brent--two things--first, call me Wesley Clarke, but I do not think health care should be associated with, I do not have an answer, other than health care should be the right of all citizens in a leading nation such as the US and not an election talking point--no one benefits from people not having health care. Well, how do we pay for it.....

second--health care could be provided in a much better and more cost effective way--yes, everything should definitely be connected in the cloud or whatever way works best for efficiency and cost. We should all be on the diabetes diet, or just a healthy diet and education in this way will cut cost in the long run. Bloomberg and Michelle Obama have some good ideas. Nurse practitioners can be used in walk-in clinics as opposed to the very expensive emergency room unfortunately being used at times for family practice. We can also give an incentive for reducing individual cost and following the healthy, less-expensive plan--public option and low cost pharmaceuticals are a great idea--a great idea and the people deserve it. 

The republican secret--they want health care for their kids, too. Yes, I have heard the guy say it on the conservative radio station here in San Diego. 

Also, school nurses and nurse practitioner clinics at schools are a good opportunity to address the health-care needs of all children, rich and poor, and a good chance for a lifetime of education on diet and exercise, etc.

We're not going back, President Obama made a positive change in the health care system for everyone and showed leadership. President Hillary Clinton will carry it further--Good job to President Obama and President Hillary Clinton.

Hillary girl forever---chloe louise

copied from The Hill...............

Hillary and healthcare

By Brent Budowsky 07/05/13 11:02 AM ET

As the chaos continues surrounding implementation of the new healthcare law, the 2014 election campaign begins and jockeying for the 2016 presidential campaign is underway, the two most intriguing political questions surrounding the healthcare law are these:

First, how will Democrats running for the House and Senate in 2014 discuss healthcare during the campaign?
Second, if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, how will she discuss healthcare going into the presidential campaign?

Let me begin with my conclusion. Democrats should not be trapped into defending the healthcare status quo. They should champion and defend the most effective and popular aspects of the law, and champion more aggressively than ever the more progressive (and popular) reforms that should have been included in the reform law but were not.

When the healthcare law was being debated, I believed then, and believe now, that a single-payer system or a robust public option needed to be included to make any reform fully effective. And I believed then, and believe now, that an expansion of the use of generic drugs, or high-quality and low-cost imports of drugs from other nations such as Canada, were also needed to protect consumers and lower costs to government.

As usual in Washington these days, these bold progressive provisions were dropped even by a Democratic president and Democratic Congress with large Democratic majorities. This was a major political mistake, because the public option and similar reforms had strong majority public support, and it was a policy mistake, because it removed low-cost pro-consumer options that would have created alternatives that would have lowered the costs of both insurance and pharmaceuticals.

This is not brain surgery. If mandates forced companies with a certain numbers of employees to pay fines if they do not provide insurance, many companies would limit jobs to avoid the employee threshold that trigger the fines, and would cut hours to avoid the working-hour threshold that trigger the fines. The Obama administration retreat on these provisions was predictable, inevitable and wise.

With the absence of a single-payer system with a public option and lower-cost drug provision, it was also predictable, and inevitable, that insurance premiums and pharmaceutical costs, as well as pain for consumers and the profits of insurance and pharmaceutical companies, would all rise in unison.

I warned Democrats ahead of the 2010 campaign not to be trapped into defending the status quo and treating the healthcare law as a panacea. I offer the same warnings today. The GOP will try to blame Democrats for higher healthcare costs and rising insurance premiums. Democrats should renew the battle for lower costs and lower premiums by championing progressive alternatives.

Enter Clinton. Hillary Clinton has a been a leader in the battle for healthcare reform for a lifetime. As first lady when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas and president, she was a true champion of powerful healthcare reform that would serve workers, women, children, the poor and the middle class.

Hillary Clinton as secretary of State could not participate in domestic political debates, but carried her interest and her commitment to better healthcare to the global arena. She has a golden and historic opportunity if she runs for president in 2016, and becomes the most sought-after campaigner for Democrats in 2014, to lead the charge for the healthcare reforms that are most needed by America and most favored by voters.

On healthcare the left was right and the right was wrong. Liberal Democrats were right and corporatist and conservative Democrats were wrong. The people want lower insurance premiums, lower drug costs, better care for women and children, better healthcare for American workers and — yes — lower healthcare costs for business that a public option and lower-cost pharmaceutical choices would create.

Should Democrats support the best aspects of the healthcare law? Absolutely, definitely and strongly.

Should Democrats support the status quo of the current law? Absolutely not. Democrats should run against the status quo. Democrats should run against rising premiums and high drug costs. Democrats should run against Republican war against women's healthcare programs. Democrats should use the current law as a platform to launch the next great era of healthcare reform.

Americans have always trusted the Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton to protect the health of the nation.

Most Americans agree with the Democratic wing of the Democratic party on healthcare. Democrats should not retreat; they should advance. Democrats should not be afraid; they should be bold. Who better than Hillary Rodham Clinton to win an FDR-magnitude landslide in 2016 while championing the healthcare reforms initiated by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt?

Democrats have nothing to fear by letting the next great healthcare debate begin.

Budowsky was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen and Bill Alexander, then chief deputy majority whip of the House. He holds an LL.M. degree in international financial law from the London School of Economics. He can be read on The Hill’s Pundits Blog and reached at

Jun 28, 2013

too many kids are dying...let's help President Obama with this gun thing.....

too many kids are dying...let's help President Obama with this gun thing.....

maybe we can have a vote or something...we can write about it and talk about it....could we be moms against guns...the more we talk about it, write about it and do anything about it the more new and good ideas will come to the forefront to solve the situation.

I know there are many groups against guns, now, but I am thinking MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving has has many positive outcomes--it is easy to hear and remember.

what is your good idea.

Jeremy Irons made a doc about trash...he is a big name with a real good voice.....

sometimes that is what it takes......a famous person that everyone easily sees and tell the thing in a simple way........something we all can easily do to solve the problem.

We do not have to do much but we can each do our own little bit.

Would that work with guns?

Maybe Jeremy could make a doc about guns in the UK.  There are not guns in the big, beautiful city of London.....

How do they survive without guns?

I would like to know that answer......could we use some of their ideas here in the US.

How many kids died from guns there last year?

How many kids died in Chicago last year from guns.

Could Piers Morgan make a doc about guns?  Life in the UK versus life in the US, with and without guns.  I would love to hear from law enforcement in the UK--how to they feel--what is their opinion of the situation.

What are your good ideas?


May 10, 2013

The Hateful Repubs and Hillary Clinton

The GOP’s Hillary problem

copied from THE HILL...........
By Brent Budowsky - 05/08/13 06:35 PM ET
House Republicans are misusing taxpayer money and abusing House committee rules to promote a partisan vendetta against President Obama and the woman who has earned the stature of being the most admired political leader in America, and a stateswoman who is widely admired around the world: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Last week I wrote about the GOP’s Obama problem. Today I write about the GOP’s Hillary problem and begin with this: The House leadership and the media should investigate and report whether Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and the majority of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have violated the rules of the House by systematically withholding vital information about Benghazi witnesses and testimony from committee Democrats while selectively leaking information to the press.

Make no mistake, the hearings about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, are being conducted with one-party rule and the ethical standards of a Soviet Politburo hearing under Leonid Brezhnev, with rampant procedural violations of the rights of committee Democrats.Make no mistake, these hearings are not an impartial attempt to gather the facts. They are a partisan witch hunt against Clinton that embodies everything Americans dislike about politics in Washington and Republicans today.
Former White House Counsel John Dean once told Richard Nixon that there was a cancer on his presidency. Republicans have lost so many recent elections because there is a cancer on their party.
The cancer is that, without ideas and policies that appeal to voters, Republicans are reduced to a politics of obstruction, nihilism and negativity that makes them appear as if they hope America fails, and a politics of personal destruction that is now, through the Benghazi hearings, directed at Clinton.
Republicans today can learn from Nixon’s farewell address, when he warned that those obsessed with destroying their political opponents will only destroy themselves.
Before the bodies were fully laid to rest after the tragedy at Benghazi, the Republican nominee for president, backed by the Republican National Committee chairman, disgracefully said that President Obama was sympathetic to those who killed Americans at Benghazi.
From September 2012 until May 2013, Republicans have shamefully tried, and failed, to exploit the deaths of Americans at Benghazi for partisan gain. Of course, mistakes were made at Benghazi. Clinton long ago accepted her fair share of responsibility, which is one more reason she is held, and will continued to be held, in such high esteem by so many Americans.
When will Chairman Issa and Republicans accept responsibility for their aggressive and unwise attempts to cut embassy security spending before Benghazi?
It is a disgrace for House Republicans to ask taxpayers to subsidize five House committees — paying huge staffs and expenses, working in league with partisan Republican lawyers, withholding information from committee Democrats and leaking partial information to the press — pursuing a partisan vendetta against the former secretary of State, who is the one person who has taken public responsibility and implemented changes to prevent future tragedies.
Clinton has achieved widespread admiration at home and abroad by earning it through hard work, great skill, high standards, vast achievement and good faith as first lady, a United States senator and secretary of State. She has triumphed over a generation of GOP slanders and cheap shots with even more achievement and good humor.
This is the GOP’s Hillary problem. Republicans ignore Nixon’s farewell warning at their peril. Republicans who offer nothing except attempts to destroy opponents they treat as enemies will only destroy their party, as the GOP has destroyed itself in recent elections.
Republicans tried this against President Clinton, who was elected to serve two terms. They tried it against President Obama, who was elected to serve two terms.  The Benghazi attack against Clinton will fail by making Republicans look like party hacks demeaning a world-class stateswoman.
The GOP’s Hillary problem is that over a lifetime of great achievement, she has earned the admiration and trust of the people, while Republicans who smear her have not.

Budowsky was an aide to former Sen. Lloyd Bentsen and Bill Alexander, then chief deputy majority whip of the House. He holds an LL.M. degree in international financial law from the London School of Economics. He can be read on The Hill’s Pundits Blog and reached at

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May 4, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: The Ugly American and Why The Republicans Lost The Election

One major problem with bill o'reilly--when he does get actual information from an important person and expert on the subject--bill can't understand that he is really getting some good facts.  bill never takes the facts in.  These people wonder why they lost the election--bill...this is're out of touch....out of touch and embarrassing.

copied from Mediaite........

BET Founder To O’Reilly: Obama Getting A Pass From Blacks, O’Reilly Pushes Back On ‘Institutionalized Racism’

video » 143 comments
Last week Black Entertainment Television Founder Robert Johnson commented on the high black unemployment rate in the United States, remarking that the nation would never tolerate white unemployment being in the double digits. He sat down with Bill O’Reilly tonight to further elaborate, admitting that President Obama is getting a pass from the black community because they still have “immense pride” in the first black president and are still “hopeful” he’ll turn things around.
RELATED: Black Republican Reverend To MSNBC: Blacks And Latinos Had No Reason To Vote For Obama But His Race
Johnson explained to O’Reilly why Obama has consistently gotten overwhelming support among African-Americans despite high unemployment figures.
“African-Americans have immense pride in President Obama as a president. They see it as a major accomplishment in this country and embracing an African-American leader. And they’re positive and hopeful, probably, more than anything, that his leadership will make their lives better.”
However, Johnson told O’Reilly that black unemployment has been higher than the national average for decades. O’Reilly cited statistic showing black unemployment under eight percent in 2000, and how under Obama it has risen from 10-14 percent. He asserted that the “primary problem in the African-American community is out-of-wedlock birth.”
Johnson disagreed, saying it’s a combination of many factors, including the U.S.’ “legacy of long-term, institutionalized racism.” He cited the drastic wealth gap between white and black Americans, saying that African-Americans are generally the “last hired and the first fired.” When O’Reilly asked if these instances are more do to with performance than color, Johnson said that when a societal problem exists like this for 50 years, there’s more at work “than just the failure of the family.”
Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

Apr 18, 2013

I'm Trying To Help President Obama: I'd Rather Have Cameras Than Guns

I'm Trying To Help President Obama:  I'd Rather Have Cameras Than Guns

Have you ever noticed the really cool thing about President Obama?

He has the ability to talk directly to the people...I always feel like he is talking right to me.  I feel like he actually cares about all of the people; people like me.

I want to try and help President Obama and all of the citizens of the United States.

The cool thing about the United States is that we can say what we think...I just love that.

Recently, on a wonderful vacation in London I noticed I did not hear about one thing involving guns.  I heard about fighting at bars and I heard more than once about drink driving but not once did I ever hear about any shootings.

I listened to the news often while I was in my hotel room.  I listened to news from channels around the world.

Here in San Diego I have the radio on in the morning.  Almost every morning when I wake up I hear about a shooting; often they are right near the area where I live in South Park.

The shootings often involve young people and sometimes even teenagers.

Some people here say they do not want cameras.  In London there are plenty of cameras but not shootings.  It is said an individual can be followed on camera throughout the entire city of London.

London is a beautiful, giant, modern, world leading and at the same time historical city.  It is just about my favorite vaction place.

If they do not have guns why do we have to have guns?  It obviously isn't necessary to have a great city.

Let's rethink this and move forward............President Obama was very inspirational in his speech today about Congress not passing an amendment for further background checks on guns.  I like the London model....few children are injured there in gun violence......can we just work in that direction here in the US?


click on these pictures and there are cams all over the place....

Mar 12, 2013

Women In The Politics, What Women Want and Ariana Huffington's Cash Cow

Women In The Politics, What Women Want and Ariana Huffington's Cash Cow

Right, that would be Bill Maher......

There was a real good show on C-Span this past weekend about women in politics and how women are viewed and treated by the media.

As I have written many  times before I really have a problem with Bill Maher and his treatment of Sarah Palin.

While I definitely do not agree with Sarah Palin politically and I do find some of her statements about people very offensive, as well, I am particularly offended by the statements of Bill Maher during the run up to our recent presidential election.

Bill Maher donated a cool one mill to the dems giving him the self-proclaimed right to become a spokesman for the democratic party......a big mistake as far a I am concerned.

I would like every democrat and republican to know that Bill Maher does not speak for me as a democrat or represent my views of the democratic party.

Let's start at the top.......Many dems are very religious people and Bill's statements about religion are offensive.  We all know there are problems with organized religion but many people find great strength from Jesus, who I consider my friend.   I admire any one in any religion for just trying to live right in this world today.  

Bill, I love Jesus, I don't have any proof........

But here is what bothers me even more........

Ariana Huffington runs Bill as if he is the Mark Twain of our time.   He went to a very ugly and horrible level with his comments about Sarah Palin which takes women in politics and the media back to the dark ages.  He tried to cover it up by saying, it's funny, I'm a comedian, I said it in a comedy club....whatever.  But, nevertheless, it was all over the media and it represented democrats and many people laughed with him

What will women think if they choose to speak out about politics and risk a career as a public figure?  Bill's comments are the same as a bunch of teenagers laughing in a huddle at an easy victim passing by.

Dr Drew and Ariana Huffington are drinking the Kool-Aide....

Right, Bill is popular and everyone is having a good laugh not only at the expense of Sarah Palin but at the expense of women everywhere and women in politics.  He went on Dr. Drew and further defended himself and Dr. Drew did not once mention the ill effects of his statements against women.  Really, sometimes it seems like Dr. Drew has been affected by popularity in recent stands, as well.  Bill Maher humiliated women speaking out politically everywhere but Dr. Drew welcomed him on his show and enjoyed the attention.

The person that is also very detrimental to the advancement of women in politics is Ariana Huffington.  Well, it's her newspaper isn't it?  Can you really call  it that.  If you own the newspaper and your name is the name of the newspaper, or perhaps, publication, would be a more accurate term...then I guess you can run anything you want.  I am sure Bill Maher makes a lot of money for Ariana Huffington and many people read her paper to hear what clever things he has to say.  I imagine Ariana Huffington loves to be on his show and promote herself and her newspaper.  Again, she is already successful...I would ask her to think two times before she bashed all women just to make money by letting maher's mouth run wild and unchecked.  Apparently Ariana Huffington's platform is that of Bill Maher, humiliating and a step backwards for women or not.

Mr. Maher may want to use President Obama as an example to follow...particulary since he gave his big money to support him...or did he give his big money just to have a platform to support himself and his egomania?  President Obama actually spoke out against the ridiculous satements of Rush Limbaugh in a dignified manner.  Rush actually had to stop and I also heard it said in local conservative talk radio--we really have to be careful what we say now after Rush.  President Obama stood up for women and did not tolerate women being used negatively to further a media persons show.  Mr. Maher and his friend Ariana may take a tip from our President about being dignifed and furthering the cause of women in their publications and statements

What was Sarah Palin suppose to do after that horrible comment heard around the world.  It was was embarrasing for all women.  Its embarrassing for me to hear and then write a blog.  There is no reasonable response or answer.  Bill insulted all women and we are just left to take it.

God gave Bill the talent of being truly humorous but he may want to use his talents more carefully--he is already very famous and successful.

Unleashed and out of control..............

I prefer Maher not to represent me as a dem.  Both bill and rush trashed women for self-promotion and attention...........they are making a show.  They are both making a show and using women as a joke.

I do not like it and I enjoy taking the opportunity to write against it.


Feb 23, 2013

Bill O'Reilly--Crusin' for a Brusin'

taking bets.....who will lay out bill o. first, James or Mary?  Mary does not suffer fools easily........need I say more?

I think James is trying to hold back and not embarrass bill right off the bat, maybe he will cut him a little slack until he can't stand it any longer........

But what about Mary Matalin...I have never seen her take it from anyone.   She knows  her  facts and she knows  the point she  is trying to make's just a matter if time.....

I'm saying it's  just a waiting game before she has  to straighten out the facts according to Bill O'Reilly.

On the other hand James Carville just can't get on the air of his new  channel, Fox News, and lay Bill O'Reilly out the first long can  James suffer morality according to bill O?

What do you think?

Right now my money is on Mary but I do think we  have to wait  just a little while  to see what happens before the fighting begins.

I just can't see Mary Matalin putting up with the condescending Bill O. regardless of his political party.

here is a little hint from mediaite:

O’Reilly And Carville Clash Over Whether Clinton Cared More About Economy, Debt Than Obama Does

VIDEO» 90 comments

Bill O’Reilly continued his theme of what the biggest problem facing the country today is withJames Carville. Carville cited a general economic trend downward since the 1970s and unemployment. After a brief clash, O’Reilly brought up Carville’s former boss, Bill Clinton, and challenged him on the difference in economic outlook between Clinton and President Obama. Carville disputed that, saying their only major difference is on style.
Carville said that the economy is slowly but steadily improving, which led to him and O’Reilly briefly clashing over exactly how much better the economy is getting and exactly where health care cuts are coming from.
O’Reilly then turned to the Clinton issue, saying that the former Democratic president had a “very responsible fiscal policy” and didn’t try to “micromanage” the private sector. He accused Obama of being the biggest spending president in history and claimed at least Clinton cared more about the national debt. Carville argued that a key difference between the two presidencies is that the economy was starting to grow when Clinton got into office, but not with Obama.
But Carville maintained that by and large Clinton and Obama have similar economic beliefs. He said both favor raising taxes on the wealthy, both worked on getting health care reform done, and both signed free trade agreements. If anything, Carville said, the only difference between them is on style. O’Reilly insisted they have a fundamentally different economic philosophy. Carville pushed back, saying that Obama most likely just believes in “aggressive government during a downturn.”
Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:


Sep 4, 2012



You know, President Obama has already given us "hope and change" and one example of that would be healthcare. 

I do not think there is one person, democrat or republican, who wants their child thrown off of their employer health plan---and now the republicans have to address that issue as well, the precedent has been set. 

Really, who does not want to have healthcare for their family?  The idea now is real, and law. 

We can not reasonably go back--its here to stay--Thank you President Obama. 

The repubs may not want to admit it, but they like it, too.  It's a good thing for everyone!  It's a good thing for the citizens of the United States--It's a good thing for people everywhere. 

That is how President Obama has made a very good "change" and it cannot be denied, particularly by any parent. 

Good job, President Obama, thank you VERY MUCH!


Aug 19, 2012

Jesus would oppose the Paul Ryan budget

Jesus would oppose the Paul Ryan budget

By Brent Budowsky - 04/11/12 11:27 AM ET

 I fully respect the Catholic faith and sincerity of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and do not question that he believes his budget is consistent with his faith, as he stated in an excellent story in The Hill. But, with all due respect, I must suggest that Jesus would oppose the Ryan budget. Jesus did not teach government preferences for the most wealthy, cruel punishment for the most poor, attacks on programs that benefit women, decimating cuts that hurt the poorest children and the sanctification of greed in economics. Ron Paul and Paul Ryan may believe in Ayn Rand and Austrian economists, but Jesus taught a much different ethic: those who have the most should not game the system to get more but should help those who have the least, including selling their possessions and giving the proceeds to the poor.

Let’s keep Ayn Rand in the past. Let’s keep the Austrian economists in the dusty and outdated books of failed theories. Let’s keep Jesus out of the business of helping the rich and punishing the poor.

copied from THE HILL online newspaper by chloelouise

Jun 22, 2012

Citizens in Favor of President Obama

Brent join me and Brian Terry's family in requesting that Eric Holder and President Obama release all records in relation to Fast and Furious. Shouldn't the parents of an honorable Border Patrol Agent murdered in the line of duty by an Amercian Gun sold by the US Government have all the truth out?

  Just wondering... how do those numbers compare to the war of George Bush and its toll on American citizens and soldiers.  The parents of the fallen soldiers are sad, as well.

 President Obama is the man who has demonstrated leadership in standing up to Rush Limbaugh in his horrible rant against women; he is also the President who has spoken in favor of civil rights for all and spoken in favor of gay marriage.  President Obama is the man who has made headway in providing healthcare for all of the citizens of the United States, just like the other advanced countries in the world.  President Obama is the one who voted in favor of saving our big car companies.  Right now the repubs have to think of a plan to cover the kids up to the age of 26 on the parents plan if the current healthcare guidelines are overturned.  Many parents, even conservatives, wil be very angry about that.

The first paragraph was a comment on Brent Budowsky's pundit blog on employment issues.  This appeared in "The Hill" yesterday.

The second paragraph is my comment against it.

The third paragraph is another comment I made in favor of President Obama.  I do feel he will win again--he sets a good example for civil rights in the United States.