Grandma waived at me one morning recently and she was all happy about it........
Grandma was in the house............she was in the hallway waiving at me in my room.
Grandpa was happy about being placed between his mother and Grandma.......he was so proud of his wedding picture being displayed for everyone to see.
He was real happy about being with his dad, too, and his family--he always loved his brother, Bill.
Grandpa was so glad and feeling like he looked good in his straw hat--he looked fabulous......
I love you Grandma and Grandpa......thank you for giving up your life for me.
Grandpa really loved his parents and his brother and sisters.
Grandpa and Grandma--your wedding picture is beautiful and I feel so privileged to have it.
I also saw EDBD one morning..........he was very vivid and bright and happy but he was worried about his teeth that did resemble Ronnie's fingernails and toenails.
The nails were darker than usual and they were falling out.
I wondered why I was having all of these dreams--is someone trying to tell me something..
EDBD has indicated that he will be taking very good care of Ronnie......he will be helping him with his journey.
I love you EDBD, I love you Chloe, I love you Ronnie, I love you Eiss--thank you for loving me.
Thank you Max and Brandy and Kitty Clark--thank you for loving me so much.....I am so lucky to know you........thank you Ching, as well.
Grandpa was there, too......he said he was wearing a celluloid collar in his wedding picture that actually was detachable.
The story of Pete..........
One morning as I woke up I saw a dog coming down the street and then he was magically in the house and he went right over and looked at Ronnie. He was a large black dog and he was not scary in any way but he did seem very old and tired and somehow I got the impression that death was near. After he looked right at Ronnie he turned around and went back down the street very slow and lumbering.
It was quite unnerving because it was as if there was not question that he may be a black dog of death or what I did not even know............he was never scary but it was frightening that he came right in and looked at Ronnie. There was really no question about the message.
I tried to forget it but in all honesty it was blazoned in my memory and remains crystal clear--the meaning was straight forward.
After a few days I realized it was my old friend and more importantly Ronnie's friend from the dog park, Pete. They are basically the same dog except for color, they are the same age and about the same grayness........we always joke that Pete and Ronnie are the old school tough guys and they are going to give a talking to the the young kids in sight. they already know all of the rules and they do not mind giving their two cents to the kids regardless of their age.
I have always loved Pete to bits......he has given me many kisses and he loves to tease Ronnie.....the old "I'm standing next to your mom trick."
The last time I saw Pete he looked so different to me.....he seemed very tired--perhaps they had already been at the dog park for a long time. Pete seemed like he was pretty low in energy that day.
After I had the dream I interpreted it to mean Pete was ill and perhaps I should call my friend and see if they wanted to take Pete to the vet but thinking better of trying not to be a butinski and decided against the out of boundaries tip.
Later I felt Pete was tip off about the 98 year old inn the house.....certainly that was his intended indication and not Ronnie.
It seems like the line between this life and the afterlife had become blurred in the house....not in a bad way but in a good way......I knew Grandma and Grandpa were there and happy about it but I felt as though is was the abundance of picture and of course my brilliant placement and a lot of good thoughts, too.
I gladly came to the conclusion Ronnie was on safe ground and not at all the intended.
Trying to visualize Ronnie and how it will be on the other side........well, for one thing I do know Grandpa will be there to meet him and he might be wearing a straw hat.
EDBD is definitely driving the ship with his captain's hat on and he will be there to show Ronnie the way so Ronnie will not have to worry about which way to go.
Remembering now that Grandpa did have two bulldogs and then there is that picture of me and Grandpa sitting on a couch with a bulldog.
Grandma said Grampa is real happy about helping me with my dog.......I was thinking about the whole thing and I head Grandpa say "Sugar".........his nickname for me when I was little........I actually thought that was my name.
When they get there there will be fields of yellow flowers and Ronnie will be very light and strong--he can run so fast and jump extremely high.......he is one of the strongest dogs there if not the strongest.....not only in nature but also in physical strength as well.
His color is so stunning these days--his coat is smooth and shiny--his red brown brindle is stunning and brilliant..........not to mention his golden and black butterfly wings.
Love actually.....does make the world go around...........
My big, lovely, strong, beautiful American Staffordshire Terrier was as if an unbreakable sheild of love existed around me when Ronnie was there. He had that certain something--he was never woriied--he was confidence all over the place. I originally got him because he was good with old cats but it was not long before his confidence rubbed off on me.
He was a gift from God.......and everyone knew him very well--everyone always said,,,"Oh, I know Ronnie."
He definitely had that "it" factor.
We went everywhere together--he was my constant companion--I can honestly say I was never lonely while I had ronnie and the cats, our little family.