TV News, San Diego Radio, Politics and News, Sewing--The Sewing Herald Tribune....we need contributors, Travel.... Agree or Disagree....Please feel free to comment.....all comments appreciated and thank you for your time..... and food,dogs and cats...... let's sit down at this cafe, have a cup of coffee and talk about politics.
Aug 10, 2021
Aug 6, 2021
Gary Anderson--Night Dreams Talk Radio--Good Listening
Aug 5, 2021
Great Pyramids Of Egypt Scott Creighton--Good Listening from night Dreams Talk Radio
Aug 3, 2021
Helping Dogs in Palestine
Diana George Babish has been rescuing dogs in Beit Sahour, Palestine for a lot of years.
She has devoted her life to helping these dogs.
Do you know a way to help or a good way to get the word out?
Thank you for your time and thank you for reading.
Chloe Louise--The Ronnie Republic
Beit Sahour is about 5 minutes outside of Bethlehem.
Aug 2, 2021
Jul 31, 2021
George Noory: Gunning For America And Spreading False Facts
Olive and Mabel - The Long Walk
Jul 28, 2021
Geena Davis on increasing opportunities for women on screen
Jul 24, 2021
Jul 21, 2021
The ‘Meltdown’ Over Ben & Jerry’s from J Street
from J Street
The ‘Meltdown’ Over Ben & Jerry’s
I’m a simple guy with simple likes and dislikes.
I’m a huge fan of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Anything with chocolate.
I’ve had a lifelong love affair with Israel. My family’s from there. I’ve lived there. I’m proud of so much of what the country has accomplished.
And I can’t stand the occupation. It's just not right for Israel to rule over millions of Palestinians without full rights while it moves its own citizens onto land that one day must and should become the state of the Palestinian people.
My fondest hope is that Israel will be a secure, just, democratic national home for the Jewish people, something it can never be if it permanently holds the territory it occupied in 1967 without providing the people who live there with full and equal rights.
So when Ben & Jerry’s says it wants to sell ice cream in Israel but not in the settlements, that seems -- to me -- a rational and principled, even pro-Israel, position.
I’m blown away by the overreaction of those calling this decision “antisemitic.” Antisemitism is brutal and real. My family lost lives because of it. Jews around the world fear it on a daily basis.
Calling this decision “antisemitic” is absurd; in fact, it undermines and trivializes the critical fight against real antisemitism around the world.
And it’s equally inconceivable to me that people are calling for the company to face governmental retaliation for this decision.
J Street and I oppose the Global BDS Movement, which doesn’t recognize the state of Israel or the Jewish people’s right to a national homeland. But when a company says it will do business in Israel -- that’s not a boycott of Israel.
Sharon, the over-the-top response to this decision (you might call it a 'meltdown’) is unwarrented and harmful.
Ben & Jerry’s decision is a legitimate, peaceful protest against the systemic injustice of occupation and a reminder that the settlements are, in fact, illegal under international law.
It’s a line in the sand between Israel and the occupation that ought to make sense to the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans who support a two-state solution and oppose settlement expansion.
Our work at J Street is to make sure that the voice of this majority is heard loud and clear in moments like this.
That’s why we’d be grateful if you added your name to our petition.
And, by the way, if you’re going to buy a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, try my two favorite flavors together: Netflix & Chilled combined with Chunky Monkey.
Thank you for all you do,
Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street
Jul 18, 2021
Jul 15, 2021
The Owl: Discovery Park Seattle
Walking at Discovery Park yesterday.......
Wondering if there was a youngster nearby.
A fellow walker recently spoke of being attacked by an owl at Discovery on more than one occasion.
About 20 feet from this imposing individual, thank you for the photo op, we will be on our way.