Jun 22, 2012

Citizens in Favor of President Obama

Brent join me and Brian Terry's family in requesting that Eric Holder and President Obama release all records in relation to Fast and Furious. Shouldn't the parents of an honorable Border Patrol Agent murdered in the line of duty by an Amercian Gun sold by the US Government have all the truth out?

  Just wondering... how do those numbers compare to the war of George Bush and its toll on American citizens and soldiers.  The parents of the fallen soldiers are sad, as well.

 President Obama is the man who has demonstrated leadership in standing up to Rush Limbaugh in his horrible rant against women; he is also the President who has spoken in favor of civil rights for all and spoken in favor of gay marriage.  President Obama is the man who has made headway in providing healthcare for all of the citizens of the United States, just like the other advanced countries in the world.  President Obama is the one who voted in favor of saving our big car companies.  Right now the repubs have to think of a plan to cover the kids up to the age of 26 on the parents plan if the current healthcare guidelines are overturned.  Many parents, even conservatives, wil be very angry about that.

The first paragraph was a comment on Brent Budowsky's pundit blog on employment issues.  This appeared in "The Hill" yesterday.

The second paragraph is my comment against it.

The third paragraph is another comment I made in favor of President Obama.  I do feel he will win again--he sets a good example for civil rights in the United States.

Jun 21, 2012

CUISSON AVEC ALIA: Bringing the world together with food and fabric on the ronnie republic

 Cooking With Alia

CUISSON AVEC  ALIA----translated on google translate.......by chloelouise

Les gens ne vous voulez voir une nouvelle, créative, spectacle différent cuisine authentique et très intéressant? Ensuite, je suis très très recommander Cooking With Alia. Je souscris à ce sur You-tube. Je me lève le matin, boire mon café et regarder ce magnifique spectacle joyeux, lumineux et intéressant à droite sur mon adresse e-mail. J'aime cette chose la technologie - J'aime You-Tube et j'aime e-mail.

 Ses recettes sont marocains avec une touche gastronomique française - mais ils sont faciles à suivre pour moi. Elle m'a appris comment faire soufflé au citron. Alia est du Maroc, mais la nourriture est également basée sur la cuisine française traditionnelle qui est une composante de la cuisine marocaine. Elle est si bien informé ..... J'ai commencé à la suivre parce que je peux l'entendre si facilement. Elle est facile à comprendre pour moi.

Ses recettes sont marocaine avec une touche gastronomique française - mais ils sont faciles à suivre pour moi. Elle m'a appris à faire soufflé au citron. Alia est du Maroc, mais sa nourriture est aussi basé sur la cuisine française traditionnelle qui est une composante de la cuisine marocaine. Elle est si bien informé ..... j'ai commencé à la suivre parce que je peux l'entendre si facilement. Elle est facile à comprendre pour moi.

file under:   bringing the world together with food and fabric.......

do you have a story you would like to share on this blog, the ronnie republic,  about this subject.........or another important story you would like everyone to know about........I am also trying to showcase the people and the food and fabric of Palestine........thanks for your time and thank you for reading the ronnie re....cl
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Jun 20, 2012

chip franklin.....ironic, violent or just plain stupid

chloe louise to cliffalbert-------program director of KOGO 600
show details 11:59 AM (0 minutes ago)
I just couldn't help noticing something very "ironic" while I was listening to KOGO this morning.  Cliff Albert was giving his usual spiel on morality at 7:30.  He felt there could be less violence and, people, citizens, should just do more to stop these horrible events.  He was referring to the house that was burned down this past weekend in El Cajon.  A lady and her granddaughter were dead and a policeman was shot in the head or neck.  He felt warning signs from this person should have been taken more seriously.  The man did have a history of violence and two relatives had restraining orders against him, according to Cliff Albert, the program director.  Cliff must be a very moral individual himself; he always has a lot to say about living correctly and apparently he does not like dogs, motorcycles or the mentally ill. 

Today, Cliff did make a valid point.  I know personally of a story where the police were called three times for a complaint of domestic violence.  It was not until a lady sheriff arrived that the man in question was finally taken downtown.  Then this lady proceeded to inform the victim that they could indeed get a restraining order against this individual and part of it could come to an end.  Sometimes the violent person beats the system, like last weekend.  Like Cliff I do not know the answer but we could look into it and maybe have more education about the whole thing.  Maybe we could stop morning talk show hosts from suggesting and shouting about violence as an act of retaliation.

I could not help but note it was so "ironic" that chip had recently shouted in a very angry voice "Die in a burning building, you scum bag!" in reference to politician David Wu possibly having a relationship with a very young lady.  I think he has since resigned.  The next day I heard chip comment that he must be careful about his remarks because there are kids in the car.  I have often thought to myself --not just kids in the car but anyone listening.  His statements are so offensive and so unnecessary in order to describe an event. 

I wonder if that will be erased from the record like so many other things that chip says and then later denies he said it.  Yes, denies it and then gets real angry that anyone could possibly accuse him of making the statement. 

Well isn't it ironic that chip called for someone to die in a burning building and then someone actually did.  Isn't it ironic that chip called for someone to meet a violent fiery death and then his boss said that kind of act is too violent. 

Is it a coincidence that Cliff called for something not to happen that chip said should happen to David Wu.  Is it just plain stupid that chip made that statement.  Is it just plain stupid that chip said he wanted to crawl over the lectern and do some violent act to Barbara Boxer?  Is it stupid that chip said he wanted to punch Whoppee Goldberg?
Does Cliff Albert not know what chip franklin says?

Is all of this "ironic" a "coincidence" or "just plain stupid"--as chip often asks in his favorite game--and then gets real angry when someone disagrees.

Maybe Cliff okays this violent talk from chip because it brings in high ratings. 
chloelouise....originally posted August 24, 2011.......here is the link:


Jun 19, 2012

Bullying of LGBT youth goes beyond the schoolyard


Bullying of LGBT youth goes beyond the schoolyard

By Chad Griffin, president, Human Rights Campaign - 06/08/12 04:55 PM ET 
.......copied from "The Hill" by Chloelouise
It’s a story too familiar lately – a young lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender teenager is the victim of relentless bullying and harassment, sometimes with dire consequences. But as hurtful as words and actions from peers can be to a young person, the harm done by community and government leaders can often be just as bad – if not worse.
The Human Rights Campaign has just completed the largest ever survey of more than 10,000 LGBT teens across the country on what life is like for them in America today. We learned that while peer-to-peer bullying is hurtful to LGBT teens, it’s actually their peers that teens say are the most accepting. On the other hand, it is the adults in their communities – be it their elected leaders or their churches or even their families – that they feel least accept them.

For too many LGBT people in this country, they’ve grown up being told every day that they’re different, they’re less-than, and they’re not worthy. They read in the newspaper that politicians think they don’t deserve to be protected against bullying, or covered by workplace non-discrimination laws, or even be able to one day marry the person they love.  In fact a staggering 92 percent of LGBT youth report hearing negative messages about being gay – and 60 percent say they hear those messages from elected leaders.

Thankfully many of these young people do believe that life will one day get better.  But according to our survey, 63 percent say they’ll have to move away from their community if they ever want to be accepted. Can you imagine?  Life is so miserable that they feel like they have to leave their family and friends behind in order to live a happy life. There shouldn’t just be a patchwork of places where young people can believe in themselves; that should be the norm from coast to coast. Our country’s LGBT youth should be bombarded with the message of “it’s ok to be who you are,” not “the only way you’re going to be happy is to move to San Francisco.” And the reality is that packing up and moving isn’t something most LGBT people could afford anyway.

America’s leaders have a responsibility to these youth. Those in power need to realize that their words and actions (or inactions) have severe consequences. Never should a kid have to hear a politician on TV shaming them deeper into the closet or saying that their relationship is worth less than someone else’s. They should be able to go to school every day knowing that adults care about them without worrying about senseless bullying.

There’s no doubt that around this country tonight there are LGBT kids who will go to their rooms, turn off the lights and stare at the ceiling unable to sleep, worrying about what the next days and weeks and months may bring. But we can do something about it. We can pass anti-bullying laws and create safe havens in our schools. We can ensure that an employer can’t use one’s sexual orientation or gender identity as an excuse to fire someone.  And we can make sure that all loving and committed couples are able to share in the joy of marriage. When you stand against these protections you are endorsing state-sanctioned discrimination against a generation that deserves much better.
Griffin is the new president of Human Rights Campaign.

chloelouise........copied from "The Hill"