Jan 23, 2015



Zsa Zsa Gabor et sa fille Francesca Hilton lors d'une fête à Las Vegas, en 1970.© Frank Edwards/Fotos International/Getty Images
Le 06 janvier 2015 | Mise à jour le 06 janvier 2015

La fille unique de l’actrice Zsa Zsa Gabor, né de son mariage avec le magnat de l’hôtellerie Conrad Hilton, est décédée d’une crise cardiaque. Elle avait 67 ans. 

«Nous étions au téléphone quelques minutes avant sa mort», s’est souvenu Edward Lozzi, ami et porte-parole de Francesca Hilton, dans un communiqué de presse transmis à «USA Today». La fille unique de l’actrice hongroise Zsa Zsa Gabor et de Conrad Hilton –elle était la plus jeune de ses quatre enfants– est décédée lundi soir à Los Angeles. Âgée de 67 ans, elle a vraisemblablement été victime d’une crise cardiaque. Une mort soudaine, d’autant que l’héritière avait des projets: «Nous parlions du livre qu’elle écrivait et d’un contrat possible, a précisé Edward Lozzi. Elle a dû aller aux toilettes. Elle n’en est jamais sortie. Je suis si triste.»
La sexagénaire se trouvait avec son fiancé, Michael Natsis, qui a tenté de la réanimer, en vain. Transportée à l’hôpital Cedars-Sinai, elle y a été prononcée morte.


Francesca Hilton et Zsa Zsa Gabor, photographiées en novembre 1994.Ron Galella/WireImage/Getty Images
A la mort de son multimillionnaire de père Conrad Hilton en 1979, Constance Francesca Hilton n’avait touché «que» 100.000 dollars. Une somme dérisoire par rapport aux millions qui étaient revenus, conformément au testament laissé par le magnat de l’hôtellerie, à sa fondation. La jeune femme, alors âgée de 32 ans, avait tenté de contester cette décision devant un tribunal, mais n’avait pas pu aller à l’encontre des volontés de son père. «On ne peut pas vivre dans le passé, assurait-elle en 2008 dans une interview accordée au "Times". C’était sa décision.» Elle disait alors ne plus être amère, mais avait une autre bataille à mener.
Depuis des années, Francesca Hilton luttait devant les tribunaux –et dans les médias– contre Frederic von Anhalt, le neuvième et dernier mari de sa mère. Elle accusait le prince autoproclamé de ne pas prendre assez soin de sa mère, victime de sévères problèmes de santé ces dernières années, et de tenter de détourner sa fortune en altérant son testament. L’homme l’avait accusée en 2005 d’avoir contrefait la signature de l’actrice afin de contracter un prêt avec un garant solide.
Zsa Zsa Gabor, Conrad Hilton et Natalie Wood, en 1957.© Bruce Bailey/Getty Images
Sept ans plus tard, Francesca Hilton avait demandé à ce qu’un tutorat indépendant soit mis en place pour prendre soin de sa mère, mais une cour de Los Angeles avait accordé le contrôle temporaire de finances de Zsa Zsa Gabor à Frederic von Anhalt, qu’elle accusait d’utiliser cet argent en fêtes et dépenses futiles au lieu de payer les soins médicaux de la nonagénaire. Récemment, von Anhalt avait interdit à Francesca Hilton de voir sa mère.


Zsa Zsa Gabor photographiée pour ses 94 ans, en 2011. A ses côtés, son mari Frederic von Anhalt.© Willi Schneider / Rex F/REX/SIPA
Depuis un sévère accident de voiture en 2002, l’état de santé de Zsa Zsa Gabor n’a cessé d’empirer. Elle a été amputée de la jambe droite en janvier 2011 afin de stopper la gangrène qui menaçait sa vie, à cause d'un caillot formé après une chute survenue en juillet précédent. Victime d’une fracture du col du fémur, elle avait demandé au cours de l’été 2010 à recevoir lesderniers sacrements en voyant son état s’aggraver et sa jambe enfler.
Ni son sulfureux Frederic von Anhalt, ni ses proches n’avaient osé lui annoncer la nouvelle. La nonagénaire avait mis 18 mois à comprendre que sa jambe avait été amputée. «Il manque quelque chose», avait-elle fait remarquer à son mari. Selon les dernières nouvelles transmises par Frederic von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa Gabor souffrirait de démence et ne pourrait plus parler. Elle est âgée de 97 ans. 

Francesca Hilton, who died of an heiress
Zsa Zsa Gabor and her daughter Francesca Hilton at a party in Las Vegas in 1970.
© Frank Edwards / Fotos International / Getty Images
January 06, 2015 | Updated January 6, 2015

The only daughter of actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, born of his marriage to the hotel magnate Conrad Hilton, died of a heart attack. She was 67 years old.

"We were on the phone a few minutes before his death," recalled Edward Lozzi, a friend and spokeswoman Francesca Hilton, in a press release sent to "USA Today". The only daughter of the Hungarian actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and Conrad Hilton-she was the youngest of his four children-died Monday night in Los Angeles. 67 years old, she was probably the victim of a heart attack. Sudden death, especially as the heiress had plans: "We were talking about the book she was writing and a possible deal, said Edward Lozzi. She had to go to the bathroom. She never left. I'm so sad. "

The sixties was with her fiance, Michael Natsis, who tried to revive her, to no avail. Transported to Cedars-Sinai hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Penniless heiress

Francesca Hilton and Zsa Zsa Gabor, photographed in November 1994.
Ron Galella / WireImage / Getty Images
On the death of his father multimillionaire Conrad Hilton in 1979, Constance Francesca Hilton had received "only" $ 100,000. A pittance compared to the millions who had returned, according to the will left by the hotel magnate, at its foundation. The young woman, then aged 32, had tried to challenge this decision in court, but could not go against the wishes of his father. "We can not live in the past, she assured in 2008 in an interview with the" Times ". It was his decision. "She said then not be bitter, but had another battle to fight.

For years, Francesca Hilton fought in court -and in Frederic von Anhalt media- against the ninth and last husband of his mother. She accused the prince declared himself not take enough care of his mother, severe health problems suffered in recent years, and try to turn away his fortune by altering his will. The man was accused in 2005 of having forged the signature of the actress to a loan with a solid guarantee.

Zsa Zsa Gabor-Conrad Hilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Conrad Hilton and Natalie Wood in 1957.
© Bruce Bailey / Getty Images
Seven years later, Francesca Hilton had asked that an independent tutoring is in place to take care of his mother, but a Los Angeles court had granted temporary control of finances Zsa Zsa Gabor to Frederic von Anhalt, that it accused of using the money on futile festivals and expenses instead of paying for medical care nonagenarian. Recently, von Anhalt had forbidden Francesca Hilton to see his mother.


Zsa Zsa Gabor, Zsa Zsa Gabor photographed for his 94 years in 2011. At his side, her husband Frederic von Anhalt.
© Willi Schneider / Rex F / REX / SIPA
From a severe car accident in 2002, the state of Zsa Zsa Gabor health has worsened. It was amputated right leg in January 2011 to stop the gangrene that threatened his life because of a clot occurred after a fall last July. Suffered a fracture of the femoral neck, she had asked during the summer of 2010 to receive the last sacraments seeing his condition worsened and leg swelling.

Nor its sulfur Frederic von Anhalt, nor his family had dared to tell him the news. The nonagenarian had put 18 months to understand that his leg had been amputated. "Something is missing," she had remarked to her husband. According to the latest Frederic von Anhalt transmitted, Zsa Zsa Gabor suffers from dementia and could not speak. It is 97 years old.

copied from Paris Match

translation on google translate

from Radar: Rest In Peace: Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Daughter Francesca Hilton To Be Buried Near Marilyn Monroe

Zsa Zsa Gabor Daughter Burial
Zsa Zsa Gabor’s daughter Francesca Hilton will finally rest in peace later this week. After a two-week controversy over the terms of her burial, RadarOnline.com has learned she will be buried in a Westwood cemetery in a private ceremony in a matter of days.
Her Hilton relatives, along with contributions from friends, paid for a small plot not far from Marilyn Monroe’s crypt in the historic west Los Angeles cemetery. It’s also where her famous aunt, Eva Gabor, is buried and where her mother, still alive at 97, is intended to be interred.
Hilton, who was 67 when she died on January 5, spent 10 days in a morgue as her stepfather Prinz Frederic von Anhalt publicly battled with her publicist Edward Lozzi over who should control final arrangements. The dispute came to an end when her billionaire brother Barron Hilton, 87, signed the paperwork claiming his sister’s remains.
Several hundred family and friends gathered at West Hollywood’s St. Ambrose Catholic Church Wednesday night for Hilton’s funeral. Three of her nephews — Steve HiltonConrad Hilton III and Rick Hilton — represented the Hilton family at the funeral. Von Anhalt was not invited. In fact, two ex-marines were stationed at the church door to stop him in case he tried to attend.
Although she was the daughter of hotel magnate Conrad Hilton, Francesca was homeless when she died. As Radar exclusively reported weeks before her death, Hilton was living in her 1997 Toyota Forerunner, except when she could scrap up enough cash to pay rent in a Hollywood flophouse.
“Her life was not easy,” Conrad Hilton III told Radar after the service. His aunt — who he called “a character” —suffered from living in the shadow of two famous and successful parents.
One friend called Hilton “a pre-Kardashian,” a reference to how her mother and aunts — the Gabor sisters — created the Beverly Hills tradition of a glamorous family captivating the media.

Jan 22, 2015

DISHES OF THE SOUTH SHORE: Teibel’s Family Restaurant — Lake Perch...from the nwitimes.....I want this food right now.........

Slideshow: 50 Dishes of the South Shore

January 21, 2015 12:00 am  •  
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DISHES OF THE SOUTH SHORE: Teibel’s Family Restaurant — Lake Perch
  • A lot of dishes can make a viable claim to being a signature food in the melting pot of Northwest Indiana: pierogi, gyros, Italian beef, cevapi, latkes, basically any sausage of European provenance, and so on.
    A strong case could be made for lake perch, which is ubiquitous during Lenten fish fries and a staple on many bar and restaurant menus.
    Phil Schmidt's has been gone for years, and few would contest the reigning perch palace is Teibel's Family Restaurant at the intersection of Indianapolis Boulevard and U.S. 30 in Schererville. The time capsule-like supper club has been a region tradition since 1929, and is especially popular for banquets and at Christmastime, when it's resplendently lit up and decorated.
    The proudly old-school restaurant piles on sides like tomato juice, soup, salad, rolls, and a relish plate with coleslaw, cottage cheese and pickled beets, and caps the meal with a dish of peppermint ice cream. The family owned eatery is well-known for its Austrian recipe for fried chicken, but many people go just for the lake perch, a throwback comfort food that's been enjoyed for generations in the Calumet Region.
    Teibel's Canadian Yellow Lake Perch is fried to a glistening golden perfection and drenched in butter. Spritz lemon juice on it or slather it with tartar sauce, and it's about as decadent as freshwater fish can get, and that helps explain Teibel's fiercely loyal following................copied from nwitimes.com