Showing posts with label Imad Qumsieh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imad Qumsieh. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2018

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits: from on @TheRonnieRe #Love Palestine

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits

POSTED ON: FEB 15, 2017
8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
BY: Julia Jahanpour/Contributing Writer 
Tea is a prominent part of Arab culture and society. For centuries, it has been served warm for guests, business associates, and at meetings and social events. A strong part of the cultural tradition, hot tea has brought family and friends together for hundreds of years. It is served before, after, and sometimes during meals. Tea is a precursor for gatherings, parties, and celebrations because it not only is considered a polite form of welcoming guests, but is also a healthy beverage.
Different Arab teas have unique properties. Some provide medicinal benefits, while others have sweet flavors and strong aromas that soothe and provide comfort. Unlike Western tea, which is often served very sweet and iced, tea in Arab countries is served hot with fresh herbs. The types of tea drunk throughout the Arab world vary just as widely as the people do.
Here are 8 Arab teas and their beneficial properties.

1. Sage (Maramia)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
Native to the Mediterranean region, sage provides many medicinal benefits, along with an earthy, herbal taste. Known for helping with hot flashes, oral viruses, lymph nodes, and muscle tension, sage offers a wide range of remedies. The strong aroma of maramia can be smelled throughout an entire house, leaving everyone feeling better after just one whiff.

2. Chamomile (Babooneh)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
A popular drink before bed, chamomile tea is decaffeinated, and known to cure insomnia and anxiety.  Highly calming, the dried chamomile flowers steep to a warm golden-brown, and can help with stress and minor aches and pains.

3. Anise (Yansoon)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
With natural sweetness (think licorice), anise tea is loved for its unique flavor and calming properties.  What’s more, anise tea can also be used for upset stomachs, nausea, and hiccups. Natural digestive properties make this tea a great choice after eating large meals.

4. Thyme (Za’atar)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
Great for the mind and stomach, za’atar tea helps improve memory and cleans out the stomach. Rich in antioxidants, this tea is also useful in preventing aging from within.

5. Cardamom (Hal)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
Widely adored for its strong aroma, cardamom tea is very common in the Arab world. It is sometimes mixed with coffee and has historically been known to help with digestion and increase the flow of saliva.  It is drunk before meals to ready the enzymes for nutrients. Although one of the most expensive spices in the world, cardamom is still fervently harvested by hand for its many Arab customers.

6. Moroccan Mint Tea (Atay)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
Atay is one of the most traditional teas in North Africa and prepared with mint leaves and sugar. Originally introduced by English merchants, the tea has spread in popularity throughout Africa, France, and other neighboring countries. Known to be invigorating and lively, the fresh mint used to prepare Atay helps cleanse the palate after meals, and is great for lethargic days.

7. Mint (Na’na)

8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits
Also well-known for its medicinal properties, mint tea is used commonly for getting over colds, sore throats, sinus congestion, and gastric ulcers. With high antioxidants and vitamins, mint helps boost immunity and health. Seasonal allergies can also be treated by drinking cups of  na’na tea due to rosmarinic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent found in mint. Minor aches and pains can be made better by the aspirin-like properties in mentha, even when consumed as a tea! Instead of adding the leaves directly to the tea, nana is made by boiling the fresh ground herb with the water.

8. Black Tea
8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits

Although not as beneficial to one’s health, straight black tea (think Lipton) is still incredibly popular among Arabs. Coffee actually takes second place to the caffeine levels of black tea, which can provide the drinker with longer-lasting energy throughout the day. Black tea can also help flush out the system of toxins, and with a little lemon, will aid in weight loss and appetite suppression.

copied from
here is a link to the page:

Recently visited Palestine, fell in love with the food, particularly the tea.
Visiting The Palestine Wildlife Society and chatting with Imad Qumsieh about his efforts to educate children about the importance of helping the animals and conserving the environment with the philosophy that we are all living together to make the world a better place we enjoyed a cup of tea.
First we had tea with fresh Za'atar and then we had tea with a dried herb called Yensun.  It was delicious and trying to make it here in the U.S.
Not sure if "Yensun" is spelled correctly.


Palestine Wildlife Society

Imad Qumsieh

Imad saved this Palestinian Gazelle and now they are best friends.

Palestine Gazelle

tags:  8 Best Arab Teas and Their Benefits, on @TheRonnieRe,  #Love Palestine, Julia Jahanpour

from the ronnie republic:

May 21, 2018

Shining a light on the dogs and cats of Palestine: Thousands of Moroccans protest against US Jerusalem embassy move


Thousands of Moroccans protest against US Jerusalem embassy move

 Reuters 23 hours ago 

More than 10,000 Moroccans took to the streets to protest against the U.S., Jerusalem embassy move

May 17, 2018

Palestinian Heroes: Dogs Helping Dogs in Palestine

My beautiful friends in Palestine are under occupation.

While the people suffer under this terrible struggle the dogs and cats are suffering, too.

It is hard to focus on these very loyal animals when one if working so hard just trying to find water to bathe their children.

Shine a light on two people trying to help the animals.

Diana Geoerge Babish is focusing on the dogs and cats, and yes, even the turtles.

She has an animal shelter in Beit Sahour, just a few minutes south of Bethlehem.

Recenty visiting this very needed shelter for dogs one canot help but try to find a way to lend a helping hand.

We are so rich here in the United States--just wondering if we can assist this lady in any way.

It is not just money that she needs, but also promotion and education to the citizens of this struggling territory.

The day I was there Diana had just returned from taking a dog to the vet in Israel.

The dog had been hit by a car and pushed to the side of the road with broken legs.  Diana saved this dog after a call from a friend.  The dog was afraid and barking but Diana did not give up in her approach and finnally got the dog in her car and drove her to the vet.
Can you take these dogs home.......

Diana George Babbish is basically working alone in her efforts to keep her shelter going.

The dogs were spectacularly clean and well cared for and well fed.  They responded well to photos and they were friendly. too.

These dogs are ready for adoption, all of their shots and papers are in order and they are looking for homes.

We are talking about homes any where in the world.

Yes, it might be a little bit longer of a trip but if anyone can go over to Tel Aviv and pick up a dog Ms. Babish will be glad to assist you in all of the details.

No kidding, but she says it is cheaper to go there and get the dog than have it shipped seperately.

My other Hero:

Mr. Imad Qumsieh is running a very small Humane Society in order to instruct the folks and the children of the Palestinian area of the importance of the environment and the importance of the animals and how everything works together to make a better land for all of us.

Yes, this very kind individual is friends with a Palestinian Gazelle that he rescued as a baby.  The gazelle got really excited when he came near the enclosure and tried to get by him--it was very cute.
Imad Qumsieh was so happy to tell everyone about the Palestine Wildlife Society

Some of the workers do not get paid but donate their time in order to help the animals.

This small refuge is in need of promotion and supplies.
The new baby goat and the mommy--the baby was the star of the show on this day

It seems like we are experts in the U.S. in some of these fields.

Again, it is not just about the money but about culture, education and exposure.

These two hard working individuals are fighting for the rights of animals and for the right of people--it all works together.
Diana Babish and Sabrina who is participating in the Workaway program.
Here are the facebook pages of these very hardworking individuals:

Please spread the word...........