Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2015

Listening to Joan Hamburg.........

from the ronnie republic radio round-up............

Seriously--Is Joan Hamburg the nicest lady in the world or what.......

I just love her--it's like your talking to your good friend.

Listening to her every Saturday morning on my comp--WABC AM Radio New York City.

She is also available on the podcast on the WABC website if one misses the show.

She likes to talk about restaurants and shows.

Okay--she seems very friendly and that is why I like her............

It would be fun to see Joan Hamburg's New York City on a weekend out.

At the end of the day, this WABC Radio station has some of the best talk/news shows including Larry Mendte on Sunday night.

Image result for joan hamburg
Joan Hamburg seems like a nice person but I wonder if she likes cats--
Important infor
Howard Stern has a Maine Coone
Sometimes there is really nothing on television and the radio is more fun with a nice hobby like  sewing to boot.

Love you Joan--well done and keep u the good work.

Jun 5, 2015

Noam Laden and Geraldo Rivera: Talking About Race in America

Detective Bernard Kerik
Detective Bernard Kerik (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
John Edwards official Senate photo portrait.
John Edwards official Senate photo portrait. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Soci...
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No it has to be  said.......Noam and Geraldo held interesting discussions all week talking about race in America......what are the reasons for inner city poverty and what about stop and frisk.

Well, Geraldo has made it  very clear that he would like to reinstate stop and is safer for everyone involved---on all sides of the issue and it is better for commerce in New York city giving the example of increased theatre sales and tourism this summer.

This blog writer  tends to agree with Noam Laden--yes, there  are problems right now but is stop and frisk fair?  Noam has given the example of the caller who said he is a business owner but never the less, he has been thrown up against the wall by police officers and treated in an unkind manner simply because of his color or the way he was dressed.  This  fellow owns a  bail bond business.

It seems  there is  a much larger problem and one can remember  John Edwards  when he said there were two Americas.

We have to give credit to Geraldo Rivera and Noam Laden for discussing the issue and disagreeing on the main premise......they both do want fair treatment for everyone  but again, stop and frisk is at the crux of the issue.

Noam and Geraldo are not afraid to listen to the callers.  Geraldo's  show can always be credited with actually being a "talk" show--one of the few out there that can wear the title of news/talk with honesty.  Geraldo is not afraid for anyone to disagree with him.....everyone from the big political talkers to the angry grandmas to the police department...they are all going to call up  and tell Geraldo what they think.

Noam Laden said this  morning that he enjoyed reading the recent book of former police commissioner Bernie Kerik.  Bernie is a friend of Geraldo and Noam and a friend of the show.  Bernie also has the gift of putting a human emotion on the face of the police officers.    It is so easy to say all of the cops out there are only good or bad.

thanks, Bernie for reminding us that the hard working police officers are human beings with families.

Noam said that  Bernie has  also reminded us in his  book that once someone is in prison there is no rehabilitation coming out.  One is just left out there on their own to fend for themselves without any kind of training whatsoever.

I can only refer to my friend in Wichita in the lower income part of town.  He  recently got out of prison and he had so little knowledge to help  him move forward.   He did  not have any job skills, any computer skills, any television, four kids he was trying to raise with his girl. The rehab guy from the prison had apparently run off with the  cash that was intended to help the recent men released.

This very friendly individual was trying so very hard to  live correctly--he had so little going for him.  He had absolutely zero social mobility.

Yes, one could  say everything was of his own doing  but  he  had so little to go on when he wanted to live correctly.  The problems  he had were so removed  from this  blogger one  could  not imagine  his struggles.

The words of  John Edwards still  ring true today.

As  Noam and Geraldo and Bernie  suggested the problem is  very much deeper than stop and frisk.  the problem of poverty seems so complex the answer must be  very difficult.

Good  job  to  Noam and Geraldo and Bernie for trying to talk  about the issue and bringing in the opinion and thoughts of the folks of the city.

Thanks for not being afraid..

read this information in the New York Daily News to learn more about Bernie's new book:  From Jailer to Jailed:  My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

from the desk of  the ronnie republic radio round-up.......always listening to WABC New York News Talk Radio...........

please share your thoughts..........agree or disagree

can't wait to  hear  Art Bell.

Nov 14, 2014

Geraldo: I Say The President Should Pull The Trigger On Immigration

English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Soci...
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Bill O'Reilly at a Hudson Union Socie...
English: Bill O'Reilly at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So today, my man Geraldo Rivera, 77 WABC New York, is departing from his fellow Republicans, as he so often does, to promote the plan of President Obama to go ahead with his plan of immigration reform without the consent of congress.

Geraldo is on WABC every morning from 10-12--he is not afraid to go in a different direction from his other cohorts at Fox News.

Can't wait to see it this evening--he will go up against Bill O'Reilly on The Factor to argue the issue.

Can't help but view Bill O'Reilly as a racist--on many--occasions as he recounts his ideas for policy regarding people of the Religion of Islam and his take on poverty in the African-American community.

I invite Bill here to Wichita and merely witness the lack of grocery stores in the lower income area and hear his take on that--there is simply no access to food in walking distance.  Unbelievable!

San Diego--12 year old boys beat up for gang affiliation in the barrio......Bill, just wondering--what do you call that sich?

Can't start here on Bill O'Reilly and white privilege.......his lack of compassion for his fellow human beings is a completely other subject for deep introspection on a different day.

Geraldo is not afraid to stand up to O'Reilly.  He said the other members of the GOP are really not interested in moving forward on immigration reform.

Geraldo Rivera is not always behind our President but immigration is one of his pet projects and dear to his heart.  He said there are over 500,000 undocumented workers in the New York City area alone.

Geraldo told us the last time him and O'Reilly went off on this subject they almost came to blows--it was heated--and the closest he has ever come to a fight on the air.

These people are here and working hard and want a future just like the rest of us.

Here is a sample of the traditional older hard working Latinos in action in San Diego..........

Take a trip to Rancho Santa Fe and see who is doing all of the manual labor, building brick walls, gardening, etc.  The place could not survive without the Hispanic labor.

And as George Bush said....who is going to pick kids are not going to do that kind of work, are yours.......

The best story is the Mexican guys working on an extremely steep roof, no protection, huge drop off, on Thanksgiving day.  I said.....why are you guys working on Thanksgiving......and they boss--he wants the money.

Geraldo also did a good job on his show recently when he called out San Diego congressman Duncan Hunter on saying 5 members of Isis had come through the Southern Border.  In fact, thanks to Geraldo, it was proven to be a lie without any substantiation of facts behind the statement.

The border in San Diego and the surrounding areas is extremely strong.  Try visiting the border crossing at Jamul....these people are not playing around.  Constantly going through cargo trucks, armed and with dogs, often waiting at the end of the dirt driveways during the night--these people are serious and defy anyone to say they are not.

Thanks, Geraldo and Noam, bringing up the opposite side of the issue, for telling us the facts, but mostly thank you for your compassion towards other human beings around the world.

Aug 20, 2014

Geraldo Rivera: Giving a Voice to The Working Class

English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Soci...
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
from the ronnie republic radio round-up........

It has to be said, for a conservative news/talk radio broadcast Geraldo Rivera gives a chance for the average working class individual to have a voice--to speak and be heard.

"I appreciate all of my calls today because they have been so thoughtful and heartfelt."

Seriously, this is unheard of in right wing radio and television news.

Good job to WABC Radio New York and Geraldo Rivera and his partner Noam Laden for letting the average guy get their ideas out there.

Well done.

Jul 22, 2014

Geraldo, You're About the Only Republican I Can Stand To Listen To

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton:  Words of inspiration
That's what Donna from Bergen County said........

Talking about the recent death of Mr. Eric Garner after the use of the choke hold by the New York City cops.

The incident took place on Thursday on Staten Island.

Geraldo making the point the death is tragic but the individual should have been more respectful when the cops attempted to question him.

Geraldo said several times what were the cops suppose to do.

Donna made the point it was not an emergency.....the police were familiar with the man....they knew him--they definitely should have handled it in a different way.

Donna making a brilliant then the question should the police handle a large man arguing with them or just let's say not going along with the premise of the police.

In all honesty many ladies have been in that situation many times, seriously, arguing with the police over a traffic ticket, or whatever.

Are things handled differently when it is a large man of color?

Was this man dangerous--was he assaulting anyone, was he threatening anyone, was he brandishing a weapon.

Were the police afraid?

Actually, here is my question--are people allowed to talk back or stand up to the police--what rights does a citizen have in this kind of situation?

At the end of the day, this is terrible for everyone involved--I'm the first one to argue with the police and complain about them and I also am  the first one to call the police when I do not think something is right.

Geraldo spoke with a reporter from Italy where New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is vacationing.  The mayor said it looked like a choke hold to him but he was not an expert in the issue.  The mayor also said he a full investigation will ensue and he has complete confidence in Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Geraldo said the officer may be indicted and a large payment will be paid to the family of the man that died.

Geraldo also said according to the the New York Post the officer has received many death threats.

It is a big issue in new York right now with all of the recent controversy over stop and frisk which Geraldo has often said should be reinstated.

He feels the police are intimidated and do not know what to do--they are afraid to do their job.

Some criticised Reverend Al Sharpton for turning it into a race issue.  "I'm a friend of Al Sharpton, he takes a lot of heat but I would be surprised if he did not get involved with this issue," Geraldo replied.

Many people look to Reverend Al sharpton and he has recently received an Essence Award for his community involvement.

My take--have you ever had a bad day--try listening to the Rev on Politics Nation.  For some reason his words can be very soothing.  He has given me strengthen more than one occasion.

You know what--I thought the choke hold was illegal these days.

I do not want anyone to die simply because they argued and did not mind.  I also sincerely do not want the officers to die, as well.

here is more about the story from Eyewitness news:

from New York Magazine some cops are responding to the story:

That's Tuesday on the Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up....featuring the Geraldo Rivera Radio Round-Up from WABC News Talk Radio in New York City.

Seriously, actually, at the end of the day.......

Thanks Geraldo for a good show and letting the ladies talk and the people that disagree with you.

A former police officer called in to say the policeman in question should be fired and many callers were in disdain of the police today.