Showing posts with label the Ronnie republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Ronnie republic. Show all posts

Jul 16, 2015

Noam Laden: No Ed Mullins--We're Not Buying It--On WABC New York Radio Today

Noam Laden from WABC Radio New York City chats  with President Alejandro Toledo of Peru......
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Noam always conducts an excellent radio news/talk show..........

He has his own show on WABC at 5 in the morning New York City time and everyone enjoys Noam Laden as a  co-anchor with Geraldo Rivera also on WABC in the 10-12 AM time slot.......that is 7-9 for  the San Diego listeners.

Today Noam is asking why are there so many homeless people in New York City.........

In San Diego we  have very  many homeless people, too.

We have to give credit in San Diego to another local excellent talk show  host and that would be Sully on KOGO San Diego..........

Sullly has had very many special shows trying to solve the homeless problem in San Diego............why does it exist and how can the problem be solved.......why does it  even exist at all now as  opposed to previous years in San Diego when the problem was not apparent.

so  here is what a very friendly and pleasant homeless  man told  me when I used to sell my jewelry at the farmer's  market in San Diego.

He said in San Diego there were always plenty of low income hotels and inexpensive coffee shops where an individual could easily survive and eat, have a place to stay for just a  few dollars  a day.

Then with the  revitalization of downtown San Diego all of these buildings were removed and not replaced.....where do  the folks  without a home stay??

There is  no low income housing in San Diego.

There are plenty of people panhandling in San Diego and Noam Laden is suggesting it is also legal in New York City.

Noam Laden also asked Sergeants Benevolent 

Association's Ed Mullins why  he  was so  enraged about the settlement 


the city  and the  family of Eric Garner.  it was a bit odd to me as Ed Mullins 

tried to tell Noam that  Eric Garner just happened to be  dead resulting from an 

unfortunate accident and that the police department was totally innocent. 

 Noam suggested the family must be very upset when they watch the video  and 

see their husband and father being taken down and murdered by the police. 


 indicated everyone has it fact, Eric Garner did not work or pay 

taxes---the police were  all right and Eric  Garner and his family were all wrong.

Noam Laden did not buy one bit of this horse  hockey for one minute--Ed 

 Mullins was  actually very difficult for this blog lady to was  just  too 

much.....but  good try Ed.........we are just  not  having it right now.

Thanks, Noam, for your very good show today in filling in for Geraldo Rivera.........good job and well done.

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Noam Laden and  President of Peru Alejandro Toledo

copied from @noamladen on twitter

Jul 9, 2015

Donald Trump: I'm going to go ahead and give the election to Hillary Clinton........

Trump: A joker in the GOP's presidential deck

10 hours ago  •  
"Some people," as Barry Switzer famously declared (rather oddly for a football coach), "are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple." And then there's Donald Trump.
Inheriting a $250 million fortune built by his father on government loans and housing contracts, Trump fell close to the family's corporate welfare tree. He now claims a net worth in the billions and cultivates the myth that he is a "self-made man."
His version of the story doesn't mention the government subsidies, the "too big to fail" debt (continually restructured by bankers who feared going down with him if he defaulted) or the multiple business bankruptcies.
So there stands The Donald on third base, hamming it up for the cameras and periodically awarding himself MVP trophies. Home plate, he's now decided, is the White House.
I have to hand it to the guy. Anyone who can go bust four times running casinos — casinos, for the love of Pete! — then suggest, with a straight face, that he's the man to bring fiscal responsibility and business acumen to Washington, deserves credit for sheer chutzpah.
Perhaps his descent into xenophobic rant is an attempt to distract attention from the weak "self-made man" narrative. Or maybe he's a Democratic mole. Either way, he's bad news for Republican prospects in 2016 and beyond.
Trump's claim that a disproportionate percentage of Mexican immigrants are "criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc." seems custom crafted to cost the Republican ticket double digit vote percentages.
The first problem with his assertion is that it's flatly false. As syndicated columnist Steve Chapman points out in Reason magazine, Mexican immigrant populations in the U.S. correlate to lower, not higher, violent crime rates. "If Trump wants to avoid rapists, here's some advice: Head for areas with lots of residents who were born in Mexico."
The second problem is that he's throwing a bomb, fuse lit and hissing, into the GOP's attempt to solve its voter demographic problem. White males (the party's "base") are a shrinking proportion of the electorate. Hispanic voters, on the other hand, are growing in number.
Smart Republicans understand this. At least three candidates — Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush — hope to move in at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on the strength of significant Hispanic support.
There's a tightrope between the GOP's opportunistic devolution into Know-Nothingism since the days of Reagan and George H.W. Bush (who competed in 1980 for the title of "most open borders candidate") and an appeal to immigrant voters and their families.
And there's Trump, doing unicycle stunts on the tightrope, jostling the other performers' elbows, forcing the PR choice between supporting him, slamming him or trying to ignore him. It's a long way down and the ground below is very hard. Choose carefully.
The Republican Party has two possible political futures: In one, it gets libertarian on immigration. In the other it gives up its hopes for the White House not just in 2016, but for the foreseeable future.
Thomas L. Knapp is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism (

copied from the Muscatine Journal............

Thanks, Thomas, for giving us the facts on the Donald.

Jul 5, 2015

Ronnie from the ronnie republic radio round-up talks Wolf Blitzer, fighting for a story and maintaining integrity in the ultra competitive climate of the news today..............

Ronnie from the ronnie republic radio round-up talks Wolf Blitzer, fighting for a story and maintaining integrity in the  ultra competitive climate of the news today..............

The Ronnnie Republic Anchor/Reporter Ronald "Ronnie"  photo credit--mom

No, Wolf Blitzer has always been my top dog for the news, Ronnie, lead critic of the Ronnie republic news/talk radio blog replied when asked about the recent controversy over CNN's lead anchor.

He has always had that certain something.....that certain "it" factor, that certain Mick Jagger-esque debonair.....he is not afraid to tell the story like it is.

Wolf does not mind jumping into the news ring and putting up a fight to walk away with the facts.

Not that I would ever do that--I would never ever do that......Ronnie reiterated as his train of thought seemed to stray in the moment.

Actually, that is one thing Wolf and I have in common.......humility and strength.

CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer
CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I  don't know what it is.....maybe it's his name--but there has always been something there that made him a winner.

Not that I am about winning or losing or fighting but I just feel like Wolf Blitzer and I grew up on the same side of the street.

Well done, Wolf--I've got your back.

Ronnie commenting on the recent dust-up and twitter comments about CNN's The Situation Room's, Wolf Blitzer.


thanks, ronnie, for taking time out of your busy day to give us your take on things.

English: The CNN Center in Atlanta.
English: The CNN Center in Atlanta. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

from the news desk of the ronnie republic.

Jul 3, 2015

Top Dog--Wolf Blitzer: A Certain Sway With The News

The Ronnnie Republic Anchor/Reporter Ronald "Ronnie"  photo credit--mom

No, Wolf Blitzer has always been my top dog for the news, Ronnie, lead critic of the Ronnie republic news/talk radio blog replied when asked about the recent controversy over CNN's lead anchor.

He has always had that certain something.....that certain "it" factor, that certain Mick Jagger-esque debonair.....he is not afraid to tell the story like it is.

Wolf does not mind jumping into the news ring and putting up a fight to walk away with the facts.

Not that I would ever do that--I would never ever do that......Ronnie reiterated as his train of thought seemed to stray in the moment.

Actually, that is one thing Wolf and I have in common.......humility and strength.

CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer
CNN Anchor/Reporter Wolf Blitzer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I  don't know what it is.....maybe it's his name--but there has always been something there that made him a winner.

Not that I am about winning or losing or fighting but I just feel like Wolf Blitzer and I grew up on the same side of the street.

Well done, Wolf--I've got your back.

Ronnie commenting on the recent dust-up and twitter comments about CNN's The Situation Room's, Wolf Blitzer.
English: The CNN Center in Atlanta.
English: The CNN Center in Atlanta. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

from the news desk of the ronnie republic.