Showing posts with label "Never Trust Ann Coulter--At Any Age". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Never Trust Ann Coulter--At Any Age". Show all posts

Feb 20, 2014

Does Ann Coulter Know What She Believes?

Does Ann Coulter Know What She Believes?
Polemicist Ann Coulter, once a recognized icon of the conservative movement, and later, a gay icon, has puzzled many people in recent years. Eager to be seen as conservatism’s darling, a firebrand and flamethrower – indeed, a zealot in all things conservative – Coulter has been anything but conservative.
Though giving lip service to the pro-life movement, Coulter fails to seek or support pro-life candidates. Espousing family values, she became a national spokesman for gay conservatives. Claiming to be a Reagan conservative, Coulter claims Romney was a better candidate that Reagan. Now, Coulter is again attacking the Tea PartyCoulter wouldn’t know a RINO if she looked in the mirror.
If Coulter is such a firebrand conservative zealot, why does she fall in love with so many RINOs?
Perhaps the answer to Coulter’s conflicting views and behaviors lies within Coulter. Perhaps Coulter neither knows what she really believes nor believes what she thinks she knows.
For almost two decades, Coulter has lied, twisted the truth, defended her hypocrisy, refused to repent, and continually pushed the political and rhetorical edge. Without boundaries, and having forsaken the north star of truth, Coulter has simply gone over the edge.
If Coulter doesn’t know what to believe, and if she doesn’t believe what she claims to believe, why should be believe anything she says? We should Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age.

from Daniel Borchers

Thank you, Dan, for telling us your

here is a link to Dan's website:

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Coulter Watch is a site that promotes the proposition that Conservatism can only endure as a viable and vibrant movement if it maintains a commitment to the core character traits of honor andintegrityhonesty and virtue.

Dec 18, 2013

Why is Ann Coulter so Dangerous?

Conservatives recognize the universal truth of the axiom, “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our Founding Fathers understood this and devised the form of government we inherited from them with that in mind. Limited government, enumerated powers, competing factions – all designed to prevent one individual or group from seizing too much power. That system has endured for centuries, but has become corrupted by various power grabs and the expansion of power concentrated in the hands of a few people in Washington, D.C.
Power corrupts. Ann Coulter is particularly prone to its effects. She pursues power with passion (see several chapters in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory), just as she seeks control over every aspect of her life, of her relationships, and of the world around her – including national politics. Moreover, her arrogance – her sense of superiority and belief that she knows better than anyone else (see Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age) – compels her to misuse her power and exert control over other people, irrespective of their wishes or needs.
That combination – corrupt power, compulsive control, and unbridled arrogance – makes Ann Coulter a very dangerous person.

by Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website CoulterWatch