Showing posts with label international cuisine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international cuisine. Show all posts

Jan 10, 2013

Cooking With Alia--The Best Show on You-Tube+++Cuisiner avec Alia - Le meilleur spectacle sur You-Tube

Here is a really good show on You-Tube--Cooking With Alia
Voici un très bon spectacle sur You-Tube - Cuisiner avec Alia

File under:  bringing the world together with food and fabric.
Fichier sous: rassembler le monde avec de la nourriture et fabric.

In Marrakech!!! Starting to videotape cooking videos tomorrow in... ARABIC! Yes, awesome news to start year 2013 - I will have another cooking channel in Arabic for all the people who have been asking me for one! :-)
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I copied this information for the Cooking With Alia Facebook page--she is actually one of my heroes--I am always talking about bringing the world together with food and fabric but Alia is actually doing it...

If you just search "Cooking With Alia" on you-tube there are plenty of really good, interesting and easy to prepare dishes--she taught me how to make Lemon souffle.  It is pretty easy to follow her directions--that is one of the reasons I always go back to

Dec 1, 2012

Showcasing the Food of Palestine

I like to write about young women speaking out around the world and also about food.

My thing--if I can be of help to people around the world in any small way--trying to show off the culture and food of certain areas--sometimes the focus shifts to just people living a daily life.

Do you know anyone who has a blog about food in Palestine I can put on my blog?

For instance--I like "Cooking with Alia"....she talks about her culture, shows her grandmother in traditional dress cooking with her beautiful dishes, and she also showcases some traditional Saudi recipes.

I love this concept.

Do you know what ever happened to the ship with school supplies for the children.

Just wondering...

Thank you for your time....

chloe louise