Showing posts with label Diana George Babish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diana George Babish. Show all posts

Jan 12, 2019

Only West Bank Animal Shelter Faces Shut Down #LovePalestine

Do you have any thoughts on helping these dogs.

These lovely companions are available for adoption.

One can easily bring home a dog on their next trip to Tel Aviv.

Diana George Babish has done an excellent job of providing care for her dogs at her shelter in Beit Sahour.  This is only 5 minutes outside of Bethlehem.

The dogs have had medical care, neutered and spayed and micro chipped.

Hundreds of Diana's dogs have been adopted internationally.

She provides the kennels and papers so it is not an issue to bring them into another country.

One of the big issues in finding homes for the dogs is isolation by land and politics.

She would love to send some of her dogs to The United States in order to provide homes for some of these lovely creatures she has worked so hard to save.

Do you have any ideas or experience in this area:  fosters, bringing dogs to the U.S., donations, volunteers to bring the dogs here, getting the word out, etc.

It is much less expensive to bring a dog with a person as opposed to sending the dog separately as cargo.

Here is my e-mail and then a link to the facebook page of the shelter.

Thank you for your time.

Please jump in with any thoughts or ideas,

Dec 28, 2018

Calling All the Dog People Out There: This Lovely Lady Needs a Home! #LovePalestine

Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature

Just wanted to tell everyone about Diana George Babish and her animal shelter just outside of Bethlehem in Beit Sahour.

I visited there this year as part of my side trip with Bike Palestine. She is having a large problem right now because the government officials are in the process of closing her shelter.

She has saved hundreds of dogs and cats from abuse and hunger and abandonment.

As you may know, there is a huge issue in the region with stray dogs. I noticed this on my first trip to Palestine and one of our guides said that the people there are struggling so hard with the activities of daily living there just is not a focus on animals.

The shelter is really doing God's work because not only are they isolated by land but they are also isolated by politics, as well.

Another problem is that there is not a government council such as a humane society or animal protection.

Many dogs are abandoned and end up forming packs that roam the city. The animals cannot survive in this way and sadly, once in a while they attack a child.

She has the only animal shelter in the West Bank and right now she needs all of the help she can get.

If anyone out there has any suggestions for helping or can adopt any dog or cat this would save the life of an animal.

She easily provides documents, crates and instructions--hundreds of her rescued dogs have been adopted all over the world.

Here is a link to her facebook page and thank you for taking the time to read this post:

Here is a link to the facebook page of the shelter for more info on signing a petition, sending and e-mail to the government council and also a Go fund Me:

Check out Boss--he is a cool cat and he needs a home.

Please share this post...........

I wrote a post about the animal shelter in Bethlehem. If you want me to edit it in some way so you can put it on your page just let me know. This lady is working so hard to help the dogs and cats. I visited her and fell in love with the people and the place. I am trying to tell every one about it. thank you for your time, Cl


Dec 27, 2018

These Cute Dogs in Bethlehem Really Need Your Help.......Urgent!

Just wanted to tell everyone about Diana George Babish and her animal shelter just outside of Bethlehem in Beit Sahour.

I visited there this year as part of my side trip with Bike Palestine. She is having a large problem right now because the government officials are in the process of closing her shelter.

She has saved hundreds of dogs and cats from abuse and hunger and abandonment.

As you may know, there is a huge issue in the region with stray dogs. I noticed this on my first trip to Palestine and one of our guides said that the people there are struggling so hard with the activities of daily living there just is not a focus on animals.

The shelter is really doing God's work because not only are they isolated by land but they are also isolated by politics, as well.

Another problem is that there is not a government council such as a humane society or animal protection.

Many dogs are abandoned and end up forming packs that roam the city. The animals cannot survive in this way and sadly, once in a while they attack a child.

She has the only animal shelter in the West Bank and right now she needs all of the help she can get.

If anyone out there has any suggestions for helping or can adopt any dog or cat this would save the life of an animal.

She easily provides documents, crates and instructions--hundreds of her rescued dogs have been adopted all over the world.

Here is a link to her facebook page and thank you for taking the time to read this post:

Here is a link to the facebook page of the shelter for more info on signing a petition, sending and e-mail to the government council and also a Go fund Me:

Check out Boss--he is a cool cat and he needs a home.

Please share this post...........

I wrote a post about the animal shelter in Bethlehem. If you want me to edit it in some way so you can put it on your page just let me know. This lady is working so hard to help the dogs and cats. I visited her and fell in love with the people and the place. I am trying to tell every one about it. thank you for your time, Cl

Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature
This beautiful lady needs a home.


Jun 17, 2018

Can you help these dogs in Palestine......#LovePalestine

Animal and Environment Association - Bethlehem Palestine
17 hrs
Early this morning , Lama Shehadeh Tazami from Al Doha, Bethlehem, called us to rescue a small dog hit by a car. The puppy was almost 4 months , hit by a car and left in the middle of the street. We told Lama to ask somone's help to move the puppy to the side road until we come. We came and found the puppy in difficult condition, blood coming out her nose and her eyes are full of blood. We sent the dog in a taxi to a clinic in Jerusalem,where the she got fluid,medicine,and observation since her condition wasn't stable and had severe dehydration .The dog needs more tests and treatment, please urgent help is needed to cover her treatment at the clinic. Whoever wants to help, please donate to her file at Abu Ghosh vet clinic phone number 0545613377, 0723224769 .Thank you
We thank Lama, her husband and the people who help in moving her off the road.
Irresponsibility in driving causes death to many creatures among animals, which consequently causes damage, pain and of course high cost covering the treatment .
تلقينا صباح هذا اليوم اتصالاً من السيدة لما شحادة تزامي تعلمنا عن وجود كلب في وسط الطريق وقد دعسته سيارة. طلبنا منها أن تطلب من المارة وضع الكلب على طريق آمن بعيداً عن الشارع وتسقيه الماء لغاية أن نحضر لمساعدته. وجدنا ان الجروة تبلغ من العمر الاربعة أشهر وفي حالة حرجة عيناها مليئتان بالدم وايضاً أنفها ونفسها ضعيف. تم نقلها بسيارة الى عيادة بالقدس وتتلقى حالياً السوائل والعلاج كونها في حالة جفاف قوية. نشكر السيدة لما وزوجها والناس الذين قاموا بنقل الجروة لطرف الطريق .
الجروة بحاجة الى مساعدة فوضعها حرج وبحاجة لمزيد من صور الاشعة والعلاج، فمن يرغب بمساعدتها الاتصال بالعيادة على الارقام التالية : 0545613377 و 0723224769 . شكراً
الاستهتار بالارواح يسبب الموت للكائنات الحية منها الحيوانات التي تتعرض للدهس يومياً دون الاكتراث بأن حياتها ايضاً لها ثمن هذا ويتسبب أيضاً بمخاسر مادية لمن يقوم بمعالجتها.


Animal and Environment Association - Bethlehem Palestine
18 hrs
Early this morning , Lama Shehadeh Tazami from Al Doha, Bethlehem, called us to rescue a small dog hit by a car. The puppy was almost 4 months , hit by a car and left in the middle of the street. We told Lama to ask somone's help to move the puppy to the side road until we come. We came and found the puppy in difficult condition, blood coming out her nose and her eyes are full of blood. We sent the dog in a taxi to a clinic in Jerusalem,where the she got fluid,medicine,and observation since her condition wasn't stable and had severe dehydration .The dog needs more tests and treatment, please urgent help is needed to cover her treatment at the clinic. Whoever wants to help, please donate to her file at Abu Ghosh vet clinic phone number 0545613377, 0723224769 .Thank you
We thank Lama, her husband and the people who help in moving her off the road.
Irresponsibility in driving causes death to many creatures among animals, which consequently causes damage, pain and of course high cost covering the treatment .
تلقينا صباح هذا اليوم اتصالاً من السيدة لما شحادة تزامي تعلمنا عن وجود كلب في وسط الطريق وقد دعسته سيارة. طلبنا منها أن تطلب من المارة وضع الكلب على طريق آمن بعيداً عن الشارع وتسقيه الماء لغاية أن نحضر لمساعدته. وجدنا ان الجروة تبلغ من العمر الاربعة أشهر وفي حالة حرجة عيناها مليئتان بالدم وايضاً أنفها ونفسها ضعيف. تم نقلها بسيارة الى عيادة بالقدس وتتلقى حالياً السوائل والعلاج كونها في حالة جفاف قوية. نشكر السيدة لما وزوجها والناس الذين قاموا بنقل الجروة لطرف الطريق .
الجروة بحاجة الى مساعدة فوضعها حرج وبحاجة لمزيد من صور الاشعة والعلاج، فمن يرغب بمساعدتها الاتصال بالعيادة على الارقام التالية : 0545613377 و 0723224769 . شكراً
الاستهتار بالارواح يسبب الموت للكائنات الحية منها الحيوانات التي تتعرض للدهس يومياً دون الاكتراث بأن حياتها ايضاً لها ثمن هذا ويتسبب أيضاً بمخاسر مادية لمن يقوم بمعالجتها.

copied from the facebook page of Diana George Babish,
here is a link to the page for more info:

She is working very hard to help these dogs--please tell everyone you know.


Jun 15, 2018

Peter Ogburn Anchors The Bill Press Show - June 15, 2018

They do a good job of explaining the news.


Diana George Babish is a lady who lives in Bethlehem.  She has an animal shelter for dogs.  There are very many dogs who live on their own in this area of the world.

She is working very hard to try and find homes for these animals.  They are all very clean and friendly.  She has kennels ready for transport and all of the papers needed to take one home.

Sometimes in the area dogs are poisoned or just abandoned. 
Diana and her friend Sabrina talking about her animal shelter.

They are hungry and thirsty and in need of health care.

This lady spends her day trying to care for these creatures and in the night she often receives calls to go and pick up another dog in need of her help.

Can you help this lady in any way?

Can you get a dog.

One can fly to Tel Aviv from the UK for about 250 dollars on a discount flight.

Here is a little more information about her and a link to her facebook page:


Thank you for reading and if you have any suggestions for helping the lovely animals feel free to offer any ideas.

Jun 8, 2018

Baby Red Tail Hawks: Morley Field Dog Park, Balboa Park, San Diego

At the dog park:

Hard to see the birds but there were three in the nest.

The nest at the dog park has been there for several years.  Every day the birds put on a show learning to fly.

The lady love:
Coco the dog came from Mexico where she lived on her own.  She was stabbed and then she was rescued by Negar and Judy from Paws4Thought Animal Rescue in Bonita.

We are best friends now.

Recently visiting Palestine and noticing there are quite a few stray dogs in need of assistance.

There is a lady in Bethlehem and she is working very hard to help them.

Her name is Diana George Babish and she has an animal shelter there with very many lovely dogs that need homes.

Can you go over to Tel Aviv and pick one up.  It is actually cheaper than shipping them as cargo and Diana can easily provide all of the papers and a kennel.

Or just help to get the word out.

Their hardships are magnified by political and physical isolation.

here is a link to more info about them including her facebook page:

Thanks for reading......if anyone has any ideas about helping Diana please offer you suggestions.



Jun 3, 2018

Do You Like Dogs.........#LovePalestine

Palestine Pups are in need of a good home.

Do you like dogs........

Would you like to find a home for some very lovely individuals--friendly, cute and in need of that special someone who can provide a safe and loving place to stay.

Your companion is waiting in Bethlehem.

They live in the animal shelter of Diana George Babish.

She is working very hard to find homes for these creatures she has rescued from the streets of this occupied area.

The people in Palestine are struggling just to meet their needs of everyday life under a confining rule.

The dogs and cats are suffering, as well.

Diana George Babish has kindly helped dogs that have been abandoned or even poisoned.

Her dogs can be easily transported from Tel Aviv.

She will provide all of the papers and kennel necessary for transportation.

Believe it or not it is less expensive to go and get the dog than ship this animal as cargo.

Here is her facebook page:

Diana and her friend Sabrina from Work-away

Contact her on Facebook or send a message to find out more particulars.

Maybe you cannot go and get a dog right now but can you put the word out.
Diana takes good care of the dogs and they are friendly

What do you think?

Can you help these Palestine Pups.


This pup had a serious skin condition--Diana worked very hard to get his coat healthy and now he is going to a good home in Sweden.

This is my dog Coco.  She was on her own in Mexico.  In San Diego we have several groups that rescue dogs from this area but the problem in Bethlehem is isolation by location and politics.

Here is a link to more photos of dogs and the shelter:

Dianna George Babbish and her Animal Shelter in Bethlehem

Thanks for reading....please tell everyone.
tags:  #LovePalestine, dogs in Palestine need homes, Diana George Babish, dog rescue in Bethlem

May 24, 2018

Bill Press on The McLaughlin Group 5/20/18: Love McLaughlin

Will The Group be back on PBS soon.........

from cl and the ronnie re.......
Dogs helping dogs in Palestine:
Recently in Ramallah after touring the area with Bike Palestine.  People kept asking my opinion of the donald and voicing their frustrations with his lack of respect for the Arab Counties and moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
In Bethlehem I had the opportunity to visit Dianna George Babish and her animal shelter and right nextdoor the Palestine Wildlife Society and Imad Qumsieh.
Just wanted to tell everyone about these two Palestinian heroes working to help the animals of this area.
If anyone has any suggestions for promotion or how to help these very hard working individuals please jump in with your ideas.......
here is a link to my story:

All of these dogs need homes and they are very lovely dogs, too.
Please spread the word and thank you for reading.
Thank you,
Dianna and her friend Sabrina from Work-Away

Imad Qumsieh

The workers are very dedicated and some have worked without pay.

Can you help my friends in Palestine......they need a home, too.