Showing posts with label Late Show with David Letterman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Late Show with David Letterman. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2014

Joan Rivers Rules....Just Ask Letterman and CNN's Fred Whitfield

the very beautiful and capable Fredricka Whitfield

Joan Rivers at the 25th Anniversary party of M...
Joan Rivers at the 25th Anniversary party of Michael Musto writing for The Village Voice (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Seriously, was the whole thing a publicity stunt, or what.....

Love Joan and Fred Whitfield....I watch her every Saturday morning....she should have her own show with her legal guys......she is knowledgeable and gracious.

Fan of Joan Rivers forever--she is a brilliant comedy writer and comedienne.

Actually, watch how easily Joan took over the show on Letterman last evening.....the whole thing was a brilliant publicity stunt on Joan's part.

At the end of the day.....who has made all of the headline--Joan Rivers.

Saturday morning, CNN, my girl, Fred Whitfield makes and ill-gated attempt to interview Joan Rivers.

Fred fan forever and thinking the interview was going swimmingly surprise did set in when Joan walked off the set after being questioned about wearing fur during the chat about her new book.  PETA has recently complained Joan wears real fur--Joan insisted the furs were old and she is, in fact, an animal activist.

Joan did make excellent points about being funny and dishing on Fashion Police which Fred well acknowledged.

Well, what was the goal of the whole thing one would have to ask themselves...

Did everyone else say...hey, what's going on as Joan Rivers stormed out on CNN's Fredrika Whitfield......a tried and true CNN regular on Saturday morning.

Fred seemed surprised, too

What do you ronnie re.

Ronnie:  Loves Joan and Fred, just wishes the PETA incident had not come up.

Joan and Fred Stories:

Fred and the Legal Boys should have their own show.......

Joan is my Johnny now.......this is a great interview with Joan and Howard Stern.......

Joan is an expert comedy writer, too.......