Showing posts with label WABC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WABC. Show all posts

Aug 17, 2014

Larry Mendte WABC Sunday Night: Love to Agree and Disagree With Larry--from The Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up

Black Leaders in Ferguson would like AL Sharpton TO go away! He just makes things worse. I will be talking about this tonight on 77 WABC. Listen in your car, online or on IHeart radio/

copied from the The Larry Mendte Show facebook page........

Dear Larry:  I have to tell you....we disagree on so much but apparently we really agree on a few things, too.  I listened to you on Geraldo this week and enjoyed your program showing both sides of the issues on the police and the recent events in New York.  It is so easy to be angry with the police but we have to remember they are people with emotions and families doing an extremely hard job.  It is a complicated situation.Should there be more public education about how citizens and the police should act when they want to arrest or question someone....because right now both sides are suffering. What about the idea of helmet or chest cameras.  I do not know the answer.

Here in Wichita the police came under fire for shooting a dog, a pit bull mix, who turned out to be a fine individual....but then I read a story 2 days later about a Grandma's dog that killed the how are the police suppose to act going into the situation...they lose either way......which dogs are killers and which are loose pets?

I happen to really like Al Sharpton and I have found his words to be soothing on many occasions.  If I was a citizen of Missouri I would want him there to represent me.  We can't keep gunning down our kids...I do not want the police to be a militia against our children.  All the kids act up but they should not die for it......yes, mine have  acted up, too.

I really wanted to say I appreciated your show about Robin Williams....I have always thought he was a genius but he was just too much for me.  Everyone loved him but to me he was angry and I was very angry with him for his final action.  So many people have been hurt and affected by his actions.....again, it was just too much and your show was actually very helpful.  Having said that Mrs. Doubtfire was the funniest movie I have ever seen in my life.    He was so over the top......I shared many of your thoughts.

Keep up the good work........always listening to the

Jul 14, 2014

Thank Goodness Geraldo is Back!!!!!

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera--the boys are back in town
The one thinking Republican on the planet has returned to his radio show on WABC New York Talk Radio after his much needed vacation to Rome..........I'm jealous.

Seriously, my daughter wasn't in Rome 5 minutes before she said......have you seen the leather jackets here?  I just feel like it would be wrong to leave Rome without actually getting one.

Back to G/ in a good go round with Alan Dershowitz about the recent collective punishment of the Palestinians from Israel.

My question.........why is Gaza/Palestine an occupied country.  How does anyone do anything.

Geraldo.....why not have someone like Doc Jazz on your show for an interview.  He is trying to bring the world together with music....and he is a average working successful individual trying to go on with the activities of daily living and suffering the trials and tribulations of occupation.  Lets chat with this regular work-a-day guy and see what he says.  Lets see......Doc Jazz.....what is your take on the current situation.  What are you good ideas to stop the violence.

Also we got to hear from my favorite talking cop, Bernie Kerik.  Love to hear his take on favorite part about Bernie.......he always speaks with a certain compassion towards police officers and the guys on the street in a way that is loving and refreshing.  It sends a good message out there for the police and the citizens.  Talking about stop and frisk and how it affects the officers walking the beat in New York City today.

Noam Laden, news/jay and fellow talker on the show shared with us his agreement and disagreement with Geraldo Rivera about the situation in Palestine since he does have family in Israel.

This Israel/Palestine situation is extremely difficult.  Geraldo said the one way for sure to wreck a media career in NYC is to bash the actions of Israel.

At the end of the day, Geraldo Rivera, is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in and suffer the heated radio back lash.

All the bashers that I had to endure while he was gone....Mad man Mendte, Stunningly beautiful and successful and stunningly incorrect Judge Jeanine Pirro; it was exhausting to hear them yell and shout.  Judge Napolitano was okay with his back and forth over police actions in the city.

The home grown talent of Rita Cosby and Noam Laden are always enjoyable as they can think, talk and disagree all at the same time without getting angry....who knew.......

Again asking the age old question.........will the talk show inspire new thoughts with chat and info about current events or shall we adopt the opinions of the shouting host.

I'm sticking with Geraldo Rivera on this one.

from the ronnie republic radio round-up.........and thank you to Larry Mendte for being my friend on facebook......welcome you opinion and

A story about Doc Jazz:


about the Palestine Youth Orchestra:

from Roger Waters.....

from the ronnie republic.....Roger Waters Begs Mick Jagger for the Sake of Palestine.......

Jul 10, 2014

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Stunningly Beautiful and Stunningly Incorrect--Where in the world is Geraldo Rivera

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Geraldo Rivera.
Geraldo Rivera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
from the desk of the Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up:

Judge Jeanine Pirro--stunningly beautiful but stunningly incorrect.

When will WABC News/Talk Radio New York finally come to its senses and use their own talent and lose these angry radio jays on their anti-President Obama rant.

In the first place it is not a political conversation--it does not inspire new thoughts or an exchange of ideas it's just angry birds shouting at the listeners.

Where in the world is Geraldo Rivera and when is he coming back.....

Shall I switch to a local station for the anti-Obama daily tirade of lies.

Noam Laden--thinks and talks at the same time without getting mad

Seriously, here in Wichita, we have Koch-backed Mike Pompeo chanting about Obama care causing a loss of jobs and proudly stating he has voted against it 57 times.

Really, because these progressive thinking Kansas politicians also just voted against birth control.

Couple that with their desert waste land of lack grocery stores and we've got the conservative heartland.

That's right--someone told me here President Obama was so influenced by his Muslim advisers he was not able to make proper decisions.  This man was serious--he learned it in church.

Judge Jeanine Pirro is spreading the lies........

Why not use their brilliant home-grown talent on hand...........

What is WABC thinking...what about Noam Laden and Rita Cosby....even Judge Napolitano.....they run a show of conversation and chat and information--angry shouting is not fun or informational listening.  One side is not interesting.

The age old question remains......

Mad man Mendte--often incorrect, always angry
Are we listening to talk/news radio for interesting conversation of the day--for new pertinent information--for the political big talkers on each side--or just to hear the angry right wing rant of conservative republicans.

Shall we only have the opinion of the angry GOP shouters and not form thoughts for ourselves based on information.

Stunningly beautiful but sadly incorrect
And the Republican Party wonders what is happening....

Shall I go into the legacy of our beautiful President here.......okay just for Judge Jeanine and Mad man Mendte.......who is also incorrect.

We have health care now for everyone--what is their better idea for health care and preventative medicine--no one benefits from citizens not having health is more expensive for all of us in the long run.

Everyone is now part of the political conversation--that is President Obama's brilliant legacy.

Prior to this many were just talked at rather than talked everyone is in the conversation and a part of it.  this is a all began when President Obama spoke against Rush Limbaugh during the Sandra Fluke episode.  That is new--for a sitting president to actually mention names.

At the end of the day the world is a better place--he made it personal.

Judge Jenine should be thinking two times about her influence on women as a successful individual and women, herself.  I admire Judge Jeanine Pirro but here is hoping she will come to her senses.

No one minds if they have a different opinion but to spend the show shouting the angry political rant of the right wing does not a political conversation or a radio show make.

Just ask Naom Laden and Rita Cosby--they do not freak-out or shout--they ask the caller what they think and we agree with them...who knows.......

Jul 2, 2014

Noam Laden Talking Today for Geraldo: WABC Radio New York Finally Comes To Its Senses

WABC news/talk radio New York finally comes to its senses with host Noam Laden filling in for vacationing regular talk-jay Geraldo Rivera.

English: Rita Cosby, United States media figure
English: Rita Cosby, United States media figure (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Noam Laden, the regular news talker on the weekly morning show is a talented news/talker in his own right as well as working with Nancy Grace.

No, it was a very sad Monday morning tuning in to hear the mad man and Hillary basher.....isn't this the fellow that also had his info wrong the last time he was on and it was mentioned in this blog.

Man, Noam does a much better the G man and my girl Rita Cosby, Noam Laden does not possess the angry freak-out factor when a caller has a suggestion not to his liking.

Asking the age old news talk radio about the political conversation and public information or is it only about the opinions of the host.

Are we as listeners capable of making our own decisions or are we expected to only voice the ideas of the shouting host.

Seriously, the big G, Geraldo Rivera, runs one of the best talk radio shows out there today....particularly for a conservative station.

Hey, go out there and listen and tell The Ronnie Republic what you think.

and the GOP wonders what has happened to their party......

Good job, Noam, thanks for talking and thinking at the same time and well done to WABC for appreciating their home-grown talent......please, put the brakes on the mad man......what happened to Judge Andrew Napolitano......he was pretty good, too.


Always listening to the news.......

Did you see the CNN show last evening about the McStay family......from San Diego and following this story forever.....if you love true-crime you have to check this one out:

click on the link below to see:

info on the Rick Baker Blog...and his radio show on the McStay's and CNN this Sunday evening......

Jun 23, 2014

Geraldo Rivera: I'm Just Not Into Hurting People's Feelings

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera:  the vibe of New York

That's my take on the show...........

Seriously, listening to a whole lot of news/talk shows Geraldo is a breath of fresh air.

In the first place most of the shows on the radio dial are conservative, super conservative.........but most importantly, they are not talk--that is actually a misnomer.

At first it does seem like they are a talk show and maybe they are even interested in your opinion--that is the false hood, in fact--those shows, most of them, are just a podium for the host to spew their right-wing rant.

It's not really news or information but a conservative editorial.

Many, many times when a caller gives a founded opposite view they are cut off or talked over......the whole thing is a farce.

Geraldo Rivera of WABC New York Talk Radio is different--who knew there would ever be a talk/news jay that would actually listen to the callers.  He lets them talk and answers their compliment, criticism or just comments on their take on things.

Radio listeners--this is extremely rare in talk radio.

Example:  Just this morning Geraldo spoke of La Marina, a docking area and restaurant in New York City he enjoys visiting with his family.  He gave a little history of the place and the O'Rourke family saying in earlier times in was, in fact, known for drug dealing, but now the whole scenario has changed as it is more upscale with new owners.  This was written in the New York papers.

In a few minutes a lady called in to say she was the wife of the individual who had spent time in jail but the papers and Geraldo had taken the whole story out of context.  They did not have money to fight it as she was a registered nurse, retired, and her husband was a construction worker.........the name was correct but everything  reported was wrong according to the caller.  The caller also said the papers had misrepresented the story to be about police corruption, however, that was really not the case.

It was touching as the woman was very distraught--one could hear it in her voice.  It was not only impressive that Geraldo took the call but gave her plenty of time to tell her story and them apologized for his misinterpretation of the facts.  He even recounted to her what had appeared in the papers and allowed her retaliation.  She said the papers have painted the picture incorrectly the entire time but her frustration came in not having the means to ever correct the story.

It was touching......I think Geraldo Rivera felt very bad and he said he does not ever want to hurt people's feelings.  That is not what he is about or the show.

Now, the listener is the winner.....thanks to WABC we know there is another side to the story. has to be said....Geraldo and Noam Laden run a good show.

In most talk-radio the listener never gets to hear both sides of the story.....the caller only gets to talk if they agree with the host.  Roger Hedgecock can be an exception at times.

Thanks Geraldo, Good job for leading the way to a fresh view in news-talk radio.  Those other yellers out there might want to take a tip on how to run a conversation.

Geraldo is a new vibe for the republican party--the other repubs should take a tip and maybe they can resurrect their sinking ship.

People call in every day to thank him for his good work and to yell at him, too.

This guy has the ear of New York--GOP, take a listen.

Chloe Louise--Hillary girl forever.

Corrections and comments are welcome as the words of the show were interpreted from memory.

I would love to interview the caller, Mrs. O'Rourke and tell her side of the story.  Interested in information not interogation she can have approval over what is written, telling it as her take on things and the events that have happened.  It is way too interesting to let it go--right, the nurses have to stick together.

Here is the e-mail:

or the phone.......619-786-4147.

Thanks for your time and reading the ronnie republic radio