Showing posts with label the no spin zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the no spin zone. Show all posts

Dec 11, 2013

O'Reilly "goes O'Reilly" on Al Sharpton

Talking about Mr. Bill O'Reilly spinning the brilliant reception of President Obama in South Africa at the ceremonies for Nelson Mandela.

He was received as a world leader--black citizens of all countries are part of the world--that is where you are making your miscalculation--who are the citizens of the world--not just the "folks" of Mr. O'Reilly. One must take their head out of the sand at these times.

Unfortunately Bill shows his colors in a strange and weird way once in a great while.  During the 50th of the JFK assassination Bill said on on more than one occasion that the sentiment of the nation towards Barack Obama was the same as it was right before Kennedy was killed.  He said it twice and when a listener wrote in to complain he said it again more adamantly defending his position.

What exactly was he trying to say.  It was reported in The Ronnie Republic but not noticed in the major networks or publications.  Bill very much wanted to talk about some people's dissatisfaction with our President but he did  not mention the great praise he received just this week at the stadium  for Nelson Mandela.  It was strange when all of  the networks were showing  the adulation for our first black President and commenting on this great  accomplishment that Bill had to take this opportunity to say Nelson Mandela was a communist.  Instead of reporting on the grand reception of President  Obama, like all of the other news outlets Mr O'Reilly went on a hate filled rant against the Reverend Al Sharpton.

Bill can't say the hate he feels to President Obama or he would be in big trouble.  No, he rails on Al Sharpton endlessly.  It is quite ugly at this time.

Not to mention he claims he has the no spin zone and the news is fair and balanced  on his show and  truthful.

His reporting is the biggest example of "spin" out there.  Nice try, Bill, but you were caught on this one.

Oct 25, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Garden Variety Right Wing Nut or Insane Dangerous Narcissist

Bill O'Reilly:  Garden Variety Right-Wing Nut or Insane Dangerous Narcissist

Twice within the last two weeks Bill O'Reilly has referred to the assassination of President Kennedy in comparison to President Obama.

He often mentions Kennedy as he touts his recent book, Killing Kennedy.

He said the sentiment of the country is the same now about President Obama as it was right before Kennedy was assassinated.

A viewer wrote in to criticize and O'Reilly became even more adamant about his position and defending his statement....even making the assertion that is was important for the viewers to know this information.

Many may not agree with not only this statement, but this interpretation of the country's sentiment and the possible insinuation that goes along with this idea.

What is the actual goal of O'Reilly, this bilge busting reservoir of flatulence?

Many citizens and voters, as we saw by the last election, are glad to have President Obama in office and very glad to have health care.  Many republicans have stated they were happy to have their children remained covered to the age of 26.

Is "stirring up" the job of the right wing conspirators.....

Will Mr. O'Reilly be paid a visit by the secret service.......

As those horrible words were repeated, twice, by the seemingly insane king of Fox News fanatical facts of anti-democrat propaganda the horrible words of the old white racists came to mind form The Men Who Killed Kennedy predicting the terrible event to happen in Dallas.

What is this joker trying to stir up...........stir that the job of these Fox News whack jobs?

Bill often states as he did on the morning show of CBS when asked if he will be running for office.......I am the only one looking out for the folks.

Bill, who are your folks.........the "folks" elected and re-elected President Obama.  Wouldn't President Obama actually be the one looking out for the average working guy?  The average working guy who wants health care.

No, President Obama, is not a communist or socialist, as you also tried to say this week.

Is this man extremely dangerous, or what.

Is he actually jealous of President Obama because he is cute and funny........this may be the real reason.

Bill was here in San Diego last Friday........the ticket prices?

92.00 to 147.00 for the regular seats.......and.......539.00 for a chance to meet and greet with Bill and Dennis Miller.  Just wondering if these are the average folks Bill is meeting as he tours around the country on his Bolder and Fresher gig.  Are these the average working folks he is looking out for, people who pay 539.00 to see his show.

Are the voters in the working class neighborhoods who elected our President and who are thankful for health care paying to see that show.

Is Bill's vision skewed.......will he be visited by the secret service like Ted Nuggent and what are his actual goals? He is very offensive to those other "folks" who see President Obama as someone with a wonderful vision for our country.

Warning:  Do not be dragged into to this grand narcissistic scheme--it will only be harmful in the long run.

from Newshounds...............

This set is 18.00.....The earrings are 8mm swarovski cubes with sterling silver findings.......I put it together with a bracelet I purchased at the gem show in
tax and shipping are included in the price.

May 3, 2013

Bold, Beautiful and Brilliant--This Might As Well Be Called The Christiane Amanpour Show

Bold, Beautiful and brilliant--this might as well be called the Christiane Amanpour show, and rightly so.

Wow, CNN really brought out their big guns when they added Christiane Amanpour to Anderson Cooper's nightly round-up.

Yes, I always like to watch all of the other contributors to Anderson's new nightly forum:  Jeff Toobin, Amy Holmes and a guest.....they are all very talented and admirable, but they are only distractions compared to the loud, factual, arm-waving and ultra self-confident Amanpour.

What do women want....I want to be Christiane Amanpour!

Now, here is my plan....the so-called "guest" will be bill o'reilly and my liberal fantasy will come true. Oh, I can't wait to see her get a hold of that guy--he'll try to "spin it" and she'll show him what "no spin zone" really means--he won't be able to get a word in edge-wise.....

Go, Christiane.....take it.....

May 2, 2013

bill o'reilly: The Ugly American

bill o'reilly:  American Embarrassment
No Spin...that would be no spin according to the "truth" of bill o'reilly
Problem:  o'reilly's "truth" is "spin."
o'reilly's facts are just plain wrong
Yes, I am happy to give an example.......
Just last evening he said, after he yelled at another expert on the Islamic religion, the people of Afghanistan do not know anything.....he went on further to insult the individuals who have traditionally called Afghanistan their home.
Really, it was quite embarrassing.....He is the epitome of the ugly American.
My friend from Afghanistan, a lady with whom I worked for many years, a lady who was very knowledgeable, a lady who I felt honored to know.........
In her former life in Afghanistan she was a professor of pharmacy, then she was also a professor of pharmacy in Paris.
One time her son was stopped and held for a very long time at the JFK Airport in New York City.  Since he was innocent of any kind of terrorism he was released but she did remain angry.
It was not that she was not appreciative of the United States, but she would have rather been in her home country, however, that was not possible due to unrest.
It is a complicated situation.
Recently, I have seen two individuals attempt to explain facts about the people of the Muslim faith to bill but he just is not having it.  It's always the same thing.  Just the facts as long as the guest agrees with bill--if not the sit. easily turns into a shouting match. 
Bill, let's try to get all of the facts--not just "bill o'reilly" facts.  If you really love America so much try not to be soooooo embarrassing to this place we all call home.
The Ugly American...bill o'reilly......
