Jul 13, 2015

L'ancien président du Pérou Alejandro Toledo: Inspiré sur Geraldo Rivera Radio Today

croped by Image:Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg; ...
croped by Image:Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg; 8682 Lima (Peru), 25/8/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva é recebido pelo presidente do Peru, Alejandro Toledo, no Palácio do Governo. (Foto: Marcello Casal Jr./ABr - hor - 04) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Geraldo Rivera after delivering the k...
English: Geraldo Rivera after delivering the keynote at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 2008 Public Policy Conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tout le monde devrait écouter Geraldo Rivera Radio aujourd'hui interviewer l'ancien président du Pérou, Alejandro Toledo.

Très bonne émission de radio Nouvelles / Parler de Geraldo est sur tous les matins sur WABC de New York les 10-12 dans le fuseau horaire de l'Est .............. 7-9 AM à San Diego.

Ce Président des États-Unis instruits dit que l'éducation est un droit de chaque citoyen.

Il a également partagé avec les auditeurs son predicition que dans 20 ans aux États-Unis serait en fait une nation avec une majorité des Hispaniques comme des immigrants et que nous aurons un président d'origine hispanique.

Président Toledo était sur la radio aujourd'hui pour parler de son nouveau livre La Société partagée - Une vision pour la vision globale de l'Amérique latine.

Il a partagé avec Geraldo sa pensée que l'éducation est le droit de chaque citoyen du Pérou et de l'Amérique latine.

Les habitants de l'Amérique latine sont à venir aux États-Unis d'avoir une vie meilleure et une vie meilleure pour leurs enfants.

Interrogé sur la récente visite du pape Francis président Toledo a partagé l'idée que les ressources naturelles d'un pays devraient être utilisés pour l'éducation des citoyens. Quand les gens ont une éducation ils ont de meilleurs soins de santé, de meilleures possibilités et simplement mener une vie de meilleure qualité.

Maintenant, avec l'avènement du téléphone cellulaire et de la technologie à la disposition des personnes de tous les niveaux de la société les citoyens de toutes les nations sont de plus en plus impatient de recevoir une éducation.

Je souhaite tout le monde pouvait écouter cet homme parler - il était très inspirant.

On peut toujours écouter le podcast si elles oublient le spectacle tout simplement en allant à WABC.com et sautant par-dessus à «sur demande».

Geraldo Rivera a l'un des meilleurs émissions de radio là-bas si vous êtes un fan de la radio talk comme moi ...... tous les grands causeurs appeler et du citoyen de tous les jours en moyenne. Geraldo leur permet de parler et d'avoir leur mot à dire et qui est une bouffée d'air frais à la radio de conversation aujourd'hui ..... particulièrement conservatrice talk radio.

Bon travail, aujourd'hui, Geraldo ...... merci de nous laisser entendre votre conversation très instructive et inspirante avec le président du Pérou Alejandro Toledo.

Je trouvais cela sur Yahoo Finance parler de l'entrevue:

ÉVÉNEMENT SPÉCIAL: Geraldo Rivera Interview L'ancien président du Pérou Alejandro Toledo au WABC - 13th Juillet à 11h30
Airdate: Le 13 Juillet 2015 @ 11h30 ET | 08h30 PT - WABC 770AM Hébergé par Geraldo Rivera
Marketwired 1-800-PublicRelations, '1800pr' Inc.
Il y a 2 heures
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ÉVÉNEMENT SPÉCIAL: Geraldo Rivera Interview L'ancien président du Pérou Alejandro Toledo au WABC - 13th Juillet à 11h30.
Voir la photo
Président Alejandro Toledo pour être en direct sur WABC avec Geraldo Rivera aujourd'hui à 11h30 HE. Cliquez ici pour ...
NEW YORK, NY - (Marketwired - 13 juillet 2015) - Le Centre mondial pour le développement et la démocratie (cgdd.org), la principale organisation de l'avocat de l'Amérique latine qui favorise le renforcement de la gouvernance démocratique et la croissance économique, a annoncé aujourd'hui que son président et l'ancien président du Pérou Alejandro Toledo sera interviewé par Geraldo Rivera en direct sur WABC à New York. Dans cette interview exclusive en tête-à-un, le président Toledo parler avec Geraldo de son nouveau livre, "La Société partagée - Une vision pour l'avenir mondial de l'Amérique latine," les tendances actuelles Amérique latine et les Présidents 2016 ordre du jour.
Date de diffusion: Le 13 Juillet Heure de départ: 11:30 HE | 08h30 PT | 10h30 CT
Réseau: WABC Radio (Radio Fox)
Voir: La Geraldo Afficher
Hôte: Geraldo Rivera
LINK: http://www.wabcradio.com/geraldorivera/
À propos de l'hôte Geraldo Rivera Geraldo Rivera, percutant journaliste d'investigation, l'intervieweur accompli et championne des droits des citoyens, est l'un des journalistes de télévision les plus prospères d'Amérique et des défenseurs publics. Grâce à son travail remarquable en tant qu'auteur, producteur de nouvelles, correspondant de guerre, animateur de talk show, et philanthrope, Rivera a fait d'énormes contributions dans les domaines de la radiodiffusion et des services communautaires.
Rivera a commencé sa carrière de nouvelles en 1970 quand il a rejoint WABC-TV à New York en tant que journaliste pour "Nouvelles Eyewitness." En 1972, il a présenté une série de dix rapports d'enquête exposant des conditions déplorables à l'Ecole Willowbrook État pour les malades mentaux. Ces rapports primés ont conduit à une enquête du gouvernement, l'intervention judiciaire et la fermeture subséquente de la majeure partie de l'institution.
Ces rapports révolutionnaires fermement établis Rivera comme un ardent défenseur du droit de savoir du public, ainsi que d'une voix efficace pour le changement social et politique. Jamais à éviter toute controverse, Rivera a pratiqué sa marque unique efficace de journalisme de télévision pendant plus de quarante ans, la poursuite et à casser des histoires qui font une différence dans la vie des gens.
À propos de WABC WABC Radio (770 AM), connu sous le nom "NewsTalkRadio 77 WABC" est une station de radio à New York. Possédé par la division de radiodiffusion de Cumulus Media, la station diffuse sur un canal clair et est theflagship station du One Network Westwood (successeur de Citadel Media; anciennement Médias Citadelle et ABC Radio Networks). WABC installations actions de studio avec des stations sœurs WNSH (94.7 FM), WPLJ (95.5 FM), et vWNBM (103,9 FM) ci-dessus dans la gare Pennsylvania Station midtownManhattan. Son émetteur est situé à Lodi, New Jersey. 50 000 watts le signal de canal clair non-directionnel de WABC peut être entendu dans la nuit dans une grande partie de l'est des USA et du Canada.
À propos du Dr Alejandro ToledoDr. Alejandro Toledo (Stanford Ph.D.) a été démocratiquement élu président du Pérou en 2001. Après avoir terminé son mandat de président, Toledo retourné à Stanford, où il était un membre distingué en résidence au Centre de l'Université des Etudes Avancées en sciences du comportement, et aussi un éminent conférencier Payne visite au Centre de l'Institut Freeman Spogli sur la démocratie, le développement et l'Etat de droit.
Simultanément, le Dr Toledo a fondé et continue à servir comme président du Centre mondial pour le développement et la démocratie à Washington, DC. En 2009-2010, le Dr Toledo était un Distinguished Visiting Scholar à l'École des hautes études internationales à l'Université Johns Hopkins à Washington, DC, et aussi un non-résident Senior Fellow à la politique étrangère et l'économie mondiale et le développement à la Brookings Institution. Au cours des dernières années, le Dr Toledo a publié sur les questions scolaires axés sur les politiques liées à la croissance économique, l'inclusivité et la démocratie.
Pour plus d'informations sur le Centre mondial pour le développement et la démocratie, visitez http://cgdd.org/en/
* A 1-800-PublicRelations, Inc. événement (1800pr.com) PR.
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PR / Médias Matthew BIRD
1-800-PublicRelations, Inc.
+1 (800) 782-6185
+1 (646) 401-4499

Former President of Peru Alejandro Toledo: Inspirational on Geraldo Rivera Radio Today

croped by Image:Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg; ...
croped by Image:Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg; 8682 Lima (Peru), 25/8/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva é recebido pelo presidente do Peru, Alejandro Toledo, no Palácio do Governo. (Foto: Marcello Casal Jr./ABr - hor - 04) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Soci...
English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Everyone should listen to Geraldo Rivera Radio today interviewing the former President of Peru, Alejandro Toledo.

Geraldo's very good news/talk radio show is on every morning on WABC New York from 10-12 in the Eastern time zone..............7-9 AM in San Diego.

This United States educated President said that education was a right of  every citizen.

He also  shared with the listeners his predicition that in 20 years the United States would in fact be a nation with a  majority of Hispanics as immigrants and that we will have a  Hispanic president.

President Toledo was on the radio today to talk about  his  new book  The Shared Society--A Vision For The Global Vision Of Latin America.

He shared with Geraldo his thought that education was  the right of every citizen of Peru and Latin America.

The people of Latin America are coming to the US to have a better life and a better life for their children.

When asked about the recent visit of Pope Francis President Toledo shared the idea that natural resources of a country should be used for the education of the citizens.  When people have  an education they have better health care, better opportunities and simply lead a life of higher quality.

Now with the advent of the cell phone and technology available to individuals of all levels of society the citizens of every nation are becoming more impatient for an education.

I  wish everyone could listen to this man speak--it was quite inspirational.

One can always listen to the podcast if they miss the  show simply by going to WABC.com and jumping over to "on-demand."

Geraldo Rivera has one of the best radio shows out there  if you are a  talk radio fan like me......all of the big talkers call in and the average workaday citizen.  Geraldo lets them talk and have their say and that is a breath of fresh air in talk radio today.....particularly conservative talk radio.

Good job, today, Geraldo......thank you for letting us hear your very informative and inspirational conversation with President Alejandro Toledo of Peru.

I found this on Yahoo Finance talking about the interview:

SPECIAL EVENT: Geraldo Rivera to Interview Former Peru President Alejandro Toledo at WABC - July 13th at 11:30am

Airdate: July 13th 2015 @ 11:30am ET | 8:30am PT - WABC 770AM Hosted by Geraldo Rivera

SPECIAL EVENT: Geraldo Rivera to Interview Former Peru President Alejandro Toledo at WABC - July 13th at 11:30am
View photo
President Alejandro Toledo to be live on WABC with Geraldo Rivera today at 11:30am ET. Click here for …
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Jul 13, 2015) - The Global Center for Development and Democracy (cgdd.org), the leading Latin American advocate organization that promotes the strengthening of democratic governance and economic growth, today announced that its Chairman and former Peru President Alejandro Toledo will be interviewed by Geraldo Rivera live on WABC in New York. In this exclusive one-on-one interview, President Toledo will talk with Geraldo about his new book, "The Shared Society - A Vision for the Global Future of Latin America," current Latin America trends and the Presidents 2016 agenda.
Air Date: July 13th Start Time: 11:30am ET | 8:30am PT| 10:30am CT
Network: WABC Radio (Fox Radio)
Show: The Geraldo Show
Host: Geraldo Rivera
About Host Geraldo Rivera Geraldo Rivera, hard-hitting investigative reporter, accomplished interviewer and champion of citizens' rights, is one of America's most successful television journalists and public advocates. Through his distinguished work as an author, news producer, war correspondent, talk show host, and philanthropist, Rivera has made enormous contributions in the fields of broadcasting and community service.
Rivera began his news career in 1970 when he joined New York's WABC-TV as a reporter for "Eyewitness News." In 1972, he presented a series of ten investigative reports exposing deplorable conditions at the Willowbrook State School for the mentally ill. These award-winning reports led to a government investigation, court intervention and the subsequent closing of much of the institution.
These groundbreaking reports firmly established Rivera as a staunch advocate of the public's right to know, as well as an effective voice for social and political change. Never one to shy away from controversy, Rivera has practiced his uniquely effective brand of television journalism for more than forty years, pursuing and breaking stories that make a difference in people's lives.
About WABC Radio WABC (770 AM), known as "NewsTalkRadio 77 WABC" is a radio station in New York City. Owned by the broadcasting division of Cumulus Media, the station broadcasts on a clear channel and is theflagship station of the Westwood One Network (successor to Cumulus Media Networks; formerly Citadel Media and ABC Radio Networks). WABC shares studio facilities with sister stations WNSH(94.7 FM), WPLJ (95.5 FM), and vWNBM (103.9 FM) above Pennsylvania Station in midtownManhattan. Its transmitter is located in Lodi, New Jersey. WABC's 50,000-watt non-directional clear channel signal can be heard at night in much of the eastern U.S. and Canada.
About Dr. Alejandro ToledoDr. Alejandro Toledo (Stanford Ph.D.) was democratically elected President of Peru in 2001. After finishing his term as President, Toledo returned to Stanford, where he was a Distinguished Fellow in Residence at the University's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and also a Payne Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at the Freeman Spogli Institute's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law.
Simultaneously, Dr. Toledo founded and continues to serve as the President of the Global Center for Development and Democracy in Washington, DC. In 2009-2010, Dr. Toledo was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C., and also a Non-Resident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution. In recent years, Dr. Toledo has published on policy-oriented academic issues related to Economic Growth, Inclusiveness and Democracy.
For more information on the Global Center for Development and Democracy, visit http://cgdd.org/en/
* A 1-800-PublicRelations, Inc. (1800pr.com) PR event.

PR / Media Matthew BIRD
1-800-PublicRelations, Inc.
+1 (800) 782-6185
+1 (646) 401-4499

Jul 12, 2015

Donald Trumps Hair: Mystery Solved

Long Haired GSD
Long Haired GSD (Photo credit: Wikipedia)--long hair but the same length all over
English: Male long hair in Western culture. To...
English: Male long hair in Western culture. Totnes, UK 2008 (Saturday afternoon, about tea time) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Amateur tsumami kushi, a comb, a trad...
English: Amateur tsumami kushi, a comb, a traditional Japanese hair decoration. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Hair:  Always in the news.......

What makes it tick?

What is the story behind it?

What is the true color?

How does it stay in place?

the ronnie republic has answered these questions...........

After careful lengthy observation and prolonged thought it  seems the mystery can be  solved by talking about the  cut.

It  isn't cut--more accurately it is  not layered.

It  is  all  one length cut somewhere in the back--as if it was  hand held or a pony tail that has been cut off--the blunt  cut.

It  is a  blunt  cut--combed back and held with spray.

Note the photos--in the example of the German Shepard--the hair is long but it is all the same length.  Donald has employed the strategy of the human being with long hair of one length but  simply cut it off shorter and held it in place with massive amounts of hair spray.

But Why.........

Why does it  fall forward in that odd way.........

Because the hair is too long for the  style and his hair is  thin in texture--he may have a lot of thin hair.

Image result for afghan hound
This look is difficult to pull off even for the beautiful people and once age becomes a factor, almost impossible.
So I am proposing the strange style, often referred to as the comb over, is  actually a comb back of one length of hair, held with spray and grocery store style box colored.

Maybe the attempt is  to cover the  balding crown  with the  majority of the hair in the front plagued by  a low forehead.

Image result for afghan hound
The wind is always unpredictable and risky
Look at  the back and the sides--suggesting the sides are also long and again combed back, cut in one length at  the neckline.

Well,  what do you think.................

Opposing views accepted.Image result for donald trumps hair

Image result for donald trumps hair

Check out this post suggesting he is suffering from a pretty good hair style in the 70's that has aged poorly........you know, like  the 60 year old lady with a high pony tail, gray hair and bangs--what looked really good at one time is now dated.

Perhaps the donald wants the look of the 70's for today---you know the philosophy--oh, I really have long hair but I just  cut it off and combed it back because I have to get a job now......I'm still young  and cool.


At the end of the day this is the look Donald Trump would like to achieve--this is the message he is really trying to send--but when it comes to color, texture, strength, confidence--it might just come down to gene pool.

London Calling--the ronnie republic: Riding Bikes in London

the ronnie republic: Riding Bikes in London: Going for gold this weekend? Stratford to Barking; Go east for a mostly traffic-free circuit with an Olympic view 1 ...

Riding Bikes in London

Going for gold this weekend?

Stratford to Barking; Go east for a mostly traffic-free circuit with an Olympic view

Updated: 12:42, 09 July 2015

Start the day at View Tube Café by treating yourself to coffee and cake while taking in the stunning views of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and futuristicArcelor Mittal Orbit, the UK’s tallest sculpture. Then pick up a Santander Cycle from the docking station on Bromley High Street, and leave the 21st century behind. This meandering route takes you down the towpath beside the Three Mills Wall River. There have been mills on this site since the Domesday Book. Look out forHouse Mill, a Grade 1 listed building constructed in 1776 and still the world’s largest tidal mill, and don’t miss the Clasping Hands sculpture, a moving memorial to a fatal accident in 1901. After negotiating the famous floating towpath, head south west along Limehouse Cut, London’s first navigable canal opened in 1770, toLimehouse Basin, keeping an eye out for moorhens, coots and other waterfowl along the way.
From the calm canalside the route brings you into the buzz of Canary Wharf. Dock your cycle at Westferry DLR and head over to the Museum of London Docklands(free entry) for a fascinating insight into the history of the area. Pick up another bike (your next docking station is Bromley) to continue anticlockwise, passingBillingsgate Fish Market and the Excel Centre before returning via the Greenway to View Tube Café.

This route is provided by the British Cycling’s as part of its free guided ride programme. For other bike rides visit tfl.gov.uk/leisureroutes
Did you know?
This summer Santander Cycles are unlocking unique experiences around London including a once-in-a-lifetime bike ride around the Science Museum on a Santander Cycle. Visit Santander.co.uk/uk/cycles

copied from standard.co.uk

Santander Cycles is easy
Just go to any docking station with your bank card and touch the screen to begin. Or download the official Santander Cycles app to get quicker access.
Hire a bike, ride it where you like and return it to any docking station along the way. Costs start from £2 for 24-hour bike access, including unlimited 30 minute journeys