Aug 7, 2013

Why Chris Matthews is wrong and Chloe Louise is right....Chris Christie wins it easily over Rand Paul

Right, I watch Chris Matthew’s Hardball on MSNBC each and every day.  Love Chris but this time he has got it wrong--except for his name, that is.

He is predicting Rand Paul for the presidential nominee of the republican party.....

Chris, sorry about this one but you are dead wrong.

Chris Christie, republican rock star, will easily be the chosen one to bring his party out of darkness--out of the walking dead of negativity headed by fox new and the ROWG branch of the GOP--which Rand Paul is, indeed, a part of and now embarrassed about his position.

Chris, it’s already over and done with.....

Chris Christie already proved it....Rand Paul tried to go to battle with the great fighter, lost and has tried to beg forgiveness.  Christie won the ground over his statement about libertarianism with the comment focused on Rand Paul.

Rand Paul can’t keep up.  Chris Christie did not need to try and get together with loser Paul and like confrontations will continue.  

Christie can fight without being ugly.

He has the back of the citizens of New Jersey and he will show he also has the back of the working class citizens of the United States.

He has that certain something--the Christie Swagger--Rand Paul comes off as little, afraid and whining, just like his fox news cohorts.  That is a bad choice of a gang to hang-out with.  That will bring him down.

Chris Christie has already ditched the limbaugh sinking ship of fools of the republican party.

Chris Christie has a certain panache--he rolls with the big boys--talking about President Obama being the biggest boy of all.

He won the race with his passion on Sandy and he will ride home on a clean finish--the tea-partiers will be crying in the wind as they are left behind.

My only fear and hope at the same time--Chris Christie will be much harder to beat for my girl Hillary Clinton but the race will be great.

See you there Chris Mathews--I love you but you are wrong on this one--Chloe Louise is right.

chloe louise...Hillary girl forever.

this is from Real Clear Politics.........

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    Kordane  Chloe Louise 
    You're wrong because you're thinking like a Democrat whilst trying to predict how Republicans will vote. You have to think like a Republican to know how Republicans will vote.
    You guys thought that Huntsman was the best Republican candidate ever, even though he barely got any support at all among Republicans.
    The same will happen with Chris Christie.
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      Chloe Louise  Kordane 
      Your dog is pretty. Actually, you are absolutely right--I hate to admit it. I was so sure that Huntsman would take off--he was the only sensible choice. Romney was a disaster--he was so weak; he would have had a fighting chance if he would have just stuck to his original plans--he just kept getting weaker and weaker. Then the next question is what is wrong with republicans? Who are the voters? What is the make up of the voters and the US? Who won the election. Even the tea-party-est of the GOP must realize they have to change if they want to win. The crazy rush-ite era is over for the republican party--even they have to know that--if they can count--that is. Strength is attractive--with dogs and politicians--that is why Christie will win the nomination. The repubs have got to think it through this time. Christie is a breath of fresh air from the O'Reilly haters.

Why Chris Matthews is wrong and Chloe Louise is right....Chris Christie wins it easily over Rand Paul

Right, I watch Chris Matthew’s Hardball on MSNBC each and every day.  Love Chris but this time he has got it wrong--except for his name, that is.

He is predicting Rand Paul for the presidential nominee of the republican party.....

Chris, sorry about this one but you are dead wrong.

Chris Christie, republican rock star, will easily be the chosen one to bring his party out of darkness--out of the walking dead of negativity headed by fox new and the ROWG branch of the GOP--which Rand Paul is, indeed, a part of and now embarrassed about his position.

Chris, it’s already over and done with.....

Chris Christie already proved it....Rand Paul tried to go to battle with the great fighter, lost and has tried to beg forgiveness.  Christie won the ground over his statement about libertarianism with the comment focused on Rand Paul.

Rand Paul can’t keep up.  Chris Christie did not need to try and get together with loser Paul and like confrontations will continue.  

Christie can fight without being ugly.

He has the back of the citizens of New Jersey and he will show he also has the back of the working class citizens of the United States.

He has that certain something--the Christie Swagger--Rand Paul comes off as little, afraid and whining, just like his fox news cohorts.  That is a bad choice of a gang to hang-out with.  That will bring him down.

Chris Christie has already ditched the limbaugh sinking ship of fools of the republican party.

Chris Christie has a certain panache--he rolls with the big boys--talking about President Obama being the biggest boy of all.

He won the race with his passion on Sandy and he will ride home on a clean finish--the tea-partiers will be crying in the wind as they are left behind.

My only fear and hope at the same time--Chris Christie will be much harder to beat for my girl Hillary Clinton but the race will be great.

See you there Chris Mathews--I love you but you are wrong on this one--Chloe Louise is right.

chloe louise...Hillary girl forever.

Bill O'Reilly and the Walking Dead Members of the Fox News Branch of the Republican Party

Last week Al Sharpton, this week Jay-Z, this very arrogant individual wants to lay the blame on derelict single moms, like me, to everyone else he can find except himself and George Zimmerman.  

As Star Jones so eloquently put it last evening on Piers Morgan--the African American community has been having the discussion about race in America for a very long time but after President Obama spoke the white community joined in, as well.  The white community except for Bill O'Reilly and his walking dead members of the Fox News branch of the republican party.  

LIke all narcissist Bill's not even going to join the discussion and will fight every day to make sure it's not in any way shape or form about him.  He rather yell and get real mad than take any notion of just a discussion of responsibility as an American issue.  No, he will make it all the mom's fault for "doing it."  Fortunately we have James Carville to explain the fats of life to Bill O.

And there is one other thing that Bill refuses to get.  Women today do not want to be married to men that yell and scream and refuse to even have a discussion.  Women today do not have to settle for being married to the Bill O'Reilly types--men that will inevitably teach their sons to yell and disrespect women and anyone that has a different idea--teach by example.  

Trust me on this one--it's not rocket science--I know it from personal experience.

I usually like to watch Bill after Greta for comic relief--well, there is always a lot of material there--but he became so actually sickening with his hate for Al Sharpton I just could not take it any longer.  I have found Reverent Sharpton to be inspirational--if people would just listen to him he has had very soothing words during this turbulent time. 

Right, After President Obama weighed in on the conversation, Bill actually went insane.

You've nailed it.


finding Star Jones.......

I am trying to find a video of Star Jones last evening to include on this page of my blog.  I would be grateful if anyone has information about where to find Star on Piers last night.......thank you fro your

Aug 6, 2013

Carville lays o'reilly out: it was just a matter of time

james carville explains the facts of life to bill o'reilly......

Bill O'Reilly's Brilliant Pregnancy Prevention Program, Featuring Jay Z

The glaring contradiction in conservative rhetoric between the hostility toward contraception and the endless hand-wringing about single motherhood so often goes unchallenged in cable news discourse that James Carville was able to get Bill O'Reilly to go into a rhetorical death spiral just by bringing it up on Thursday. O'Reilly was running his mouth with the usual race-baiting talking points that incorrectly assume that rising numbers of births to legally unmarried women means that huge numbers of women are raising children alone when he proposed that the federal government fund (with money!) a campaign to tell young women to stop having all of the sex. Carville took this as a fun opportunity to provoke O'Reilly's notorious dislike for contraception by pointing out that any kind of campaign to prevent unplanned pregnancy should include contraception and sex education. 
Watching O'Reilly try to reconcile his "contraception is bad" position with his "stop having babies" position is delightful. First he attempted to deny that contraception, which he associates with sex, has anything to do with baby-making:
Carville: I think the idea that the federal government is going to tell a 17-year-old that you just wait and you don’t have sex—I don’t think that’s going to be effective.
O'Reilly: It has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with getting pregnant.
After Carville pointed out the fundamental problem with this argument, O'Reilly changed tactics, claiming that you can just go to Planned Parenthood and get contraception. When Carville noted that this is a funding issue—alluding to the fact that the anti-choice movement O'Reilly supports attacks any effort to make contraception more accessible—O'Reilly flipped out: "So, you don’t want peer pressure brought, you want to fund, fund, fund! More money, more money!"
He added, "Why don’t we just have the Good Humor man have contraception on the ice cream truck?" before giving more details about what his proposed "federal program" to discourage unmarried motherhood would entail: Having Jay Z tell young women not to have sex. 
O'Reilly: It’s going to discourage! Actively discourage! Peer pressure! Jay Z, the multimillion-dollar man—have him get out and do a couple public service announcements. 
Sadly, Carville did not have a chance to ask any of the pertinent follow-up questions, but I have a few: 1) Why does O'Reilly think that the 43-year-old Jay Z is a "peer" to the young women the Fox News star would dearly love to stop having sex? 2) If a federally funded Jay Z had dropped a line to O'Reilly in 2004 to discourage the then-married man from calling up a female colleague to invite her over for potentially pregnancy-causing activities, would that have stopped him? I'm not being flip. I just want to understand how this rappers-against-sex program is expected to work.

copied from slate.......

Jesus Christ, Anthony Weiner and Hate

Forever a radio listener I tune in to the Jesus Christ Show every Sunday morning.....I listen to part of the show until I run to watch my very favorite television show of all time.....CBS Sunday Morning.....and yes ,Bill Geist is the most perfect interviewer and reporter but that is another story for another time......


Dear Jesus...I really enjoyed your show today and I am glad you talked about Anthony W........why, well, I almost do not know what to think about him.  Yes, I know he is wrong and I liked the way you explained it and I have to agree with what you said, but I do have a problem.  I am almost embarrassed to say I don't care.  I know everyone wants me to care but in the honest truth, I do care, but not that much....

Seriously, there are so many bigger problems to think about, not just big world problems like hunger and sickness and clean drinking water and all of that but I am also talking about hate.  

Here is something that really troubles me in politics if you will.  Bill O'Reilly absolutely hates Reverend Al Sharpton.  He has a vendetta against him that will not stop.  Yes, I used to be married, in fact  to a Bill O'Reilly type, arrogant and yelling and always making fun of  someone they thought lesser of them.. ...that would most often be me.  It was horrible and humiliating.  I can practically feel the hatred this mas seems to possess in his soul.  

In the grand scheme of things, yes, sending pictures is quite inappropriate for someone asking for the trust of the people..... but again, this is so little to me.  Hating someone or a group of people or being arrogant is worse, in my humble opinion.  To me, trying to spread hate is the real sin.

Really, I think most men  will cheat given the opportunity and I think it is human nature for a man to want to have an interaction with a beautiful young, it's not right but it is the way things exist...well, it isn't new is is a waste of time to keep bringing it up---talking about about two willing adults.   

I just think there are other more horrible problems in the world and hatred is one of them.

I hope  you have time  to respond because I do value your words and I am not trying to be disrespectful in any way.

thank you for your time.

chloe louise

here is a link to The Jesus Christ Show......

The website is very enjoyable and Neil's take on Anthony W. and politics is very insightful........