Jul 17, 2015

Art Bell Returns to Broadcasting July 20th at 9 PM Pacific

Art Bell likes cats

Midnight In The Desert with Art Bell

Art Bell Returns to Broadcasting July 20th at 9 PM Pacific

PR Newswire 
PAHRUMP, Nev., July 14, 2015 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Wanna Take a Ride? Art is returning to broadcasting his famous nightly paranormal talk show, starting July 20th. The new show entitled "Midnight in the Desert" will be LIVE from 9:00 PM to Midnight Pacific, Midnight to 3:00 AM Eastern and will be streaming out FREE over the Internet at http://www.ArtBell.com bringing you the same great topics, same great music, Monday thru Friday.
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Go to ArtBell.Com on July 20th at 9 PM Pacific to listen to Midnight In The Desert
You can also listen to Art Bell on your smartphone or tablet using the great TuneIn Radio app. Download the FREE TuneIn Radio app and search for and follow the "Dark Matter Digital Network."  The new home for Art Bell. If you can't stay up to listen LIVE for FREE, you can become a Time Traveler and listen the next day or weekend. Go to http://www.ArtBell.com, click on the "Join the Time Travelers" link, and subscribe for a low price of only $5 a month to access the past shows. New show name, New digital station, same great Art Bell! Check out ArtBell.com and join us for the best in overnight talk radio.
Please SHARE the good news to all your followers.  #ArtBell.com
Media Contact: Keith Rowland, Dark Matter Digital Network, (480) 454-1020, press@artbell.com
News distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.com

copied from yahoo news

John Le Carre and His Mother and Father: Trying to find the Who What When Where How and Why

UPDATED 09/13/1993 AT 01:00 AM EDT 
IN THE OLD PORT TOWN OF PENZANCE, TEETERING on the southwest lip of England, the local fishermen like to refer to their most celebrated neighbor as the Master. A few miles away, in the Cornish hills, the master himself is ruminating on a bench outside his rambling stone house overlooking the Atlantic. But he isn't feeling all that masterful. At 61, with the publication of The Night Manager (Knopf)—his 14th novel and a kind of oblique confessional—David Cornwell, the man who writes as John le CarrĂ©, has just come in from the cold. "I have had to handle two lies in my life—the first, that I had never been a spook; the other, my father, whom I kept out of discussion," he says. "So I had two causes for silence, two evasions."

Like the shadowy world of espionage that his characters inhabit, Corn-well has led a life of closely guarded secrets. Only recently has he finally admitted that he had indeed been a Cold War spy for MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA. For years he had denied it out of loyalty to his profession, he says, but felt "released from that after a chain of former spooks had written their memoirs and thrown my name around."

The phenomenally successful author of such books as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1974) and Smiley's People (1980) has in recent years felt compelled to speak openly about his long-repressed rage toward his father,a high-living con man who drove his wife to abandon her family when Corn-well was a child. "I think that my great villains have always had something of my father in them," Cornwell says. His 1986 novel, A Perfect Spy, was a not so thinly veiled story about a son who decides to come to terms with his father's flimflam life and, as a result, must own up to his own amoral persona. In The Night Manager, the battered hero, Jonathan Pine, confronts a charming arms smuggler in the hope, says Cornwell, "of extracting some confession—I am evil, I do wrong, I kill people.' I always had the desire to hear the truth from my father for once—'I sinned, I steal. That's what I do for a living.' That's what I wanted most."

Cornwell was born in Poole, Dorset, in the tranquil coastal countryside that was the setting for Thomas Hardy's grim novels. His father, Ronnie, engaged in all sorts of shady real estate ventures—that is, when he wasn't squandering his money in Monte Carlo casinos or playing the horses in Ireland. Constantly in debt, he was jailed for insurance fraud, which inspired the boys' mother, Olive, to run off with a business associate of her husband's when David was 5 and his brother, Tony, was 7. From then on, Ronnie shunted David and Tony (now a retired advertising executive living in Taos, N.Mex.) between relatives and boarding schools. Under Ronnie's casual direction, the family moved often. "Tony and I never kept our friends, and I still have few today," says Cornwell. During holidays, a succession of his father's women friends looked after the boys—"proxy mothers," Cornwell says disdainfully. "Many lovelies."

At 16, David also ran away—to Switzerland, where he lied about his age to get into Bern University. To support himself he worked at "ridiculous occupations," he says, such as washing elephants at a zoo. For a few weeks—once when he was 16 and again when he was 22—he entered an Anglican monastery in Dorset for "contemplation" and even thought of becoming a monk. After two years at Bern, he was called up for service by the British Army in 1950 and assigned to the intelligence corps because of his fluency in German. Based in several Austrian cities, including Vienna, Cornwell interviewed World War II refugees and ran low-level agents into Russian-occupied Austria.

But his mother's desertion never stopped haunting him. At 21, Cornwell set out to find her. After locating Olive through her brother and sending her a letter, he arranged to meet her on a train station platform in Ipswich. "I didn't recognize her until she stepped forward, suddenly and quite eerily resembling my brother," he recalls. Of their two days together, Cornwell says only that Olive left him and his brother behind because she feared that otherwise their father would follow her. That explanation left him bitter and unsatisfied. "How could she do such a thing and just walk away forever? Can you explain it?" he says. "I don't have the answer." Cornwell saw his mother only a few limes after this reunion, though he took care of her financially in the years before her death in 1989.

After the army, Cornwell attended Oxford, where he met his first wife, Ann Sharp, and graduated with a first-class-honors degree in modern languages in 1956. (A natural linguist, he is also a crack mimic whose characters include Truman Capote, Margaret Thatcher and Alec Guinness, whom he met while Guinness was playing Corn-well's most successful character, George Smiley, on television.) Corn-well says he "cannot confirm, deny or refute" rumors in the press that he worked for army intelligence while at Oxford. But after two years of leaching at Eton, he did enter Her Majesty's secret service in 1958. "I had had a taste of the secret world," he says, "and it drew me back."

Cornwell refuses to disclose just what he did for MI6 during his three years in West Germany, except to say that it was "terribly undramatic." Perhaps, but the work did provide the grist for his writing. His spy masters allowed him to publish his first novel, Call for the Dead (1960), provided he use a pseudonym. He chose John le Carre (in French, "the square") because it was "optically seductive" and "in the spirit of intrigue" to have a three-piece name with a Continental ring. A Murder of Quality came out two years later, but it wasn't until 1963's The Spy Who Came In from the Cold that Le Carre became a sensation. (Graham Greene, himself a master of the genre, called it "the best spy novel I have ever read.")

Spy earned Cornwell enough money to quit MI6 and write full-time. But while his career progressed, his marriage crumbled. He and Sharp divorced in 1971, and he married Jane Eustace, now 53, who worked at his publishing house, in 1972. In addition to three children from his first marriage—Simon, 36, a television entrepreneur in London; Stephen, 33, a film director in Los Angeles; and Timothy, 30, a freelance journalist in Washington—he and Jane have a son, Nick, 20, at Cambridge. "Having absolutely no example of parenthood, 1 was a raw father at first," says Cornwell. "So it was a kind of intellectual discovery. But we have all stuck together and are great buddies."

Writing hasn't been quite as arduous. Good plots come fairly easily to Cornwell, though he subjects himself to rigorous self-discipline. Manager consumed a year's worth of globe-trotting research into the international arms trade and one year of writing. He begins each day in his study at 6:30 a.m.—or 4:30 "if the bricks are laid and the characters are sitting up and behaving, ordering me about:" At lunch he has a couple of glasses of wine, then lakes a 90-minute hike along the Cornish cliffs near Land's End. Meantime, Jane types his morning's work into a computer, and Corn-well reads it after having a shower and a Scotch. "Often some small character is trying to be bigger than he is, and you'll think, 'Shut up and we'll find a way of giving you a bigger and better life in a new book.''

One character who would not shut up was his father. His roguish traits and Cornwall's unresolved rage drove the author to unleash Ronnie's dominating figure fully in A Perfect Spy. "I tried for a long time to write about him," he says. "Finally, I was able to address it. When it was over, I fell an altered person. I felt as if I'd taken myself through some kind of wonderful, refreshing therapy."

Cornwell describes The Night Manager as "a story of an attempted patricide," but in the end he let the evil Roper, who represents his father, survive. "I fought with myself, and may have put the wrong ending on," he says. "You can never make people own up to what they are. But that's the way I think life is." (That seems to have been the case with Ronnie, who, after David became famous, began asking for loans and even ran up bills pretending to be his son. Conwell refused to attend his father's funeral in 1975, but he did pay the expenses.)

In addition to his town house in London's fashionable Hampstead, Cornwell is thinking of buying a place in ("you'll swoon") Miami or, perhaps, Washington, D.C., to be nearer to his children. Other than some "uninformed" birdwatching along the cliffs and drawing caricatures while telling stories to his five grandchildren, he doesn't act like a man with retirement in mind. "I feel very bouncy. I'm not thinking, 'Oh, crikey, how do I get out of bed in the morning?' " he says. "I think much more of getting the books in while I've still got lime, while the yeast is still working."

Meantime, it seems the Master is finding some surcease from his furies. "This feeling that you can never dismantle monstrosities was bred in me from childhood," he says. "I began life as a pretty ruthless person, but now I feel more confident. I'm much more at ease with myself."

JOHN WRIGHT in Cornwall 

copied from people.com

some other stories from the ronnie re:

The Debt...When terrible, abusive parents come crawling back, what do their grown children owe them?

Why I Want To Divorce My Mother and Marry My Cat

Jul 16, 2015

Noam Laden: No Ed Mullins - We're No comprarlo - En WABC de Nueva York Radio Hoy

16 de julio 2015

Noam Laden: No Ed Mullins - We're No comprarlo - En WABC de Nueva York Radio Hoy

Noam Laden desde WABC Radio City de Nueva York conversa con el presidente Alejandro Toledo de PerĂº ...... 
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Noam siempre lleva a cabo un excelente programa de noticias de radio / charla .......... 

Él tiene su propio show en WABC en 5 en el tiempo de la Ciudad de Nueva York por la mañana y todo el mundo disfruta de Noam Laden como co-presentadora con Geraldo Rivera tambiĂ©n en WABC en la franja horaria 12.10 AM ....... que es 7-9 para los oyentes de San Diego. 

Hoy Noam se pregunta por quĂ© hay tantas personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Nueva York ......... 

En San Diego que tienen muchas personas sin hogar, tambiĂ©n. 

Tenemos que dar crĂ©dito en San Diego a otra excelente talk show host local y que serĂ­a Sully en KOGO San Diego .......... 

Sullly ha tenido muchos espectĂ¡culos especiales tratando de resolver el problema sin hogar en San Diego ............ por quĂ© lo hace existe y cĂ³mo puede el problema se resolverĂ¡ ....... ¿por quĂ© siquiera existe en absoluto ahora a diferencia de años anteriores en San Diego cuando el problema no era evidente. 

asi que aquĂ­ hay lo que un hombre sin hogar muy amable y agradable dijo mĂ­ cuando yo solĂ­a vender mis joyas en el mercado de agricultores en San Diego. 

Él dijo en San Diego siempre habĂ­a un montĂ³n de hoteles de ingresos bajos y cafeterĂ­as baratas que una persona podrĂ­a sobrevivir con facilidad y comer, tener un lugar para alojarse por sĂ³lo una pocos dĂ³lares al dĂ­a. 

Luego, con la revitalizaciĂ³n del centro de San Diego todos estos edificios fueron retirados y no sustituye ..... donde hacen las personas sin una estancia en casa ?? 

No existe una vivienda de bajos ingresos en San Diego. 

Hay un montĂ³n de las personas panhandling en San Diego y Noam Laden estĂ¡ sugiriendo que tambiĂ©n es legal en la ciudad de Nueva York. 

Noam Laden tambiĂ©n pidiĂ³ a  los sargentos  de Beneficencia  

de la AsociaciĂ³n Ed Mullins por quĂ© estaba tan enfurecido sobre el acuerdo  


la ciudad y la familia de Eric Garner. que era un poco extraño para mĂ­ como Ed Mullins  

intentĂ³ decirle que Noam Eric Garner acaba de pasar a estar muerto como consecuencia de un  

desafortunado accidente y que el departamento de policĂ­a era totalmente inocente.  

 Noam sugiriĂ³ la familia debe ser muy molesto cuando ven el vĂ­deo y  

ver su esposo y padre estĂ¡n tomando y asesinados por la policĂ­a.  


 indica todo el mundo tiene mal ....... de hecho, Eric Garner no funcionaba o pagar  

impuestos --- la policĂ­a estaba bien y Eric Garner y su familia estaban todos equivocados. 

Noam Laden no comprĂ³ ni un poco de esta hockey caballo durante un minuto - Ed 

 Mullins era realmente muy difĂ­cil para este blog dama escuchar .... era demasiado  

mucho ..... pero bueno tratar Ed ......... simplemente no estamos teniendo ahora. 

Gracias, Noam, por su muy buen espectĂ¡culo hoy en reemplazo de Geraldo Rivera ......... buen trabajo y bien hecho .

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Noam Laden y   el presidente de PerĂº , Alejandro Toledo, 

copian denoamladen en twitter

Noam Laden: No Ed Mullins--We're Not Buying It--On WABC New York Radio Today

Noam Laden from WABC Radio New York City chats  with President Alejandro Toledo of Peru......
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Noam always conducts an excellent radio news/talk show..........

He has his own show on WABC at 5 in the morning New York City time and everyone enjoys Noam Laden as a  co-anchor with Geraldo Rivera also on WABC in the 10-12 AM time slot.......that is 7-9 for  the San Diego listeners.

Today Noam is asking why are there so many homeless people in New York City.........

In San Diego we  have very  many homeless people, too.

We have to give credit in San Diego to another local excellent talk show  host and that would be Sully on KOGO San Diego..........

Sullly has had very many special shows trying to solve the homeless problem in San Diego............why does it exist and how can the problem be solved.......why does it  even exist at all now as  opposed to previous years in San Diego when the problem was not apparent.

so  here is what a very friendly and pleasant homeless  man told  me when I used to sell my jewelry at the farmer's  market in San Diego.

He said in San Diego there were always plenty of low income hotels and inexpensive coffee shops where an individual could easily survive and eat, have a place to stay for just a  few dollars  a day.

Then with the  revitalization of downtown San Diego all of these buildings were removed and not replaced.....where do  the folks  without a home stay??

There is  no low income housing in San Diego.

There are plenty of people panhandling in San Diego and Noam Laden is suggesting it is also legal in New York City.

Noam Laden also asked Sergeants Benevolent 

Association's Ed Mullins why  he  was so  enraged about the settlement 


the city  and the  family of Eric Garner.  it was a bit odd to me as Ed Mullins 

tried to tell Noam that  Eric Garner just happened to be  dead resulting from an 

unfortunate accident and that the police department was totally innocent. 

 Noam suggested the family must be very upset when they watch the video  and 

see their husband and father being taken down and murdered by the police. 


 indicated everyone has it wrong.......in fact, Eric Garner did not work or pay 

taxes---the police were  all right and Eric  Garner and his family were all wrong.

Noam Laden did not buy one bit of this horse  hockey for one minute--Ed 

 Mullins was  actually very difficult for this blog lady to hear....it was  just  too 

much.....but  good try Ed.........we are just  not  having it right now.

Thanks, Noam, for your very good show today in filling in for Geraldo Rivera.........good job and well done.

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Noam Laden and  President of Peru Alejandro Toledo

copied from @noamladen on twitter

Jul 15, 2015

El ex presidente de PerĂº, Alejandro Toledo: inspirada en Geraldo Rivera Radio Hoy

13 de julio 2015

El ex presidente de PerĂº, Alejandro Toledo: inspirada en Geraldo Rivera Radio Hoy

croped por Image: Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg;  ...
croped por Image: Lula e Alejandro Toledo.jpeg ; 8682 Lima (PerĂº), 25/8/2003 (Agencia Brasil - ABr) - O presidente LuizInĂ¡cio Lula da SilvaĂ© Recebido pelo presidentedo PerĂº, Alejandro Toledo, no PalĂ¡cio do Governo. (Foto: Marcello Casal Jr / ABr - hor - 04) (Foto: Wikipedia )
InglĂ©s: Geraldo Rivera en un Hudson UniĂ³n Soci ...
InglĂ©s: Geraldo Rivera en un evento Hudson Sociedad UniĂ³n en septiembre de 2010. (Foto: Wikipedia )
Todo el mundo debe escuchar a Geraldo Rivera Radio hoy entrevistar al ex presidente de PerĂº , Alejandro Toledo . muy buena de Geraldo noticias / talk show de radio estĂ¡ en cada mañana en WABC de Nueva York 10-12 en el tiempo del este zona ....... ....... 7-9 AM en San Diego. Este Estados Unidos Presidente educado dijo que la educaciĂ³n es un derecho de todo ciudadano. TambiĂ©n compartiĂ³ con los oyentes su predicition que en 20 años los Estados Unidos, de hecho, ser una naciĂ³n con la mayorĂ­a de los hispanos como inmigrantes y que vamos a tener un presidente hispano.Presidente Toledo fue en la radio hoy para hablar sobre su nuevo libro   La Sociedad Compartida - Una VisiĂ³n Para la visiĂ³n global de AmĂ©rica . AmĂ©rica CompartiĂ³ con su Geraldo pensĂ³ que la educaciĂ³n era el derecho de todo ciudadano de PerĂº y AmĂ©rica Latina. Los pueblos de AmĂ©rica Latina estĂ¡n llegando a los EE.UU. para tener una vida mejor y una vida mejor para sus hijos. Cuando se le preguntĂ³ sobre la reciente visita del Papa Francis Presidente Toledo compartida la idea de que los recursos naturales de un paĂ­s se deben utilizar para la educaciĂ³n de los ciudadanos. Cuando las personas tienen una educaciĂ³n tienen mejor cuidado de la salud

, Mejores oportunidades y simplemente llevar una vida de mayor calidad. Ahora, con el advenimiento de los telĂ©fonos celulares y la tecnologĂ­a disponible para las personas de todos los niveles de la sociedad a los ciudadanos de todos los paĂ­ses son cada vez mĂ¡s impaciente por una educaciĂ³n. OjalĂ¡ todos pudieran escuchar esto hombre hablar - fue bastante inspirador. Uno siempre puede escuchar el podcast si pierden el show simplemente por ir a WABC.com y saltando a "a la carta". Geraldo Rivera tiene uno de los mejores programas de radio por ahĂ­ si usted es un fan de la radio como yo ...... todos los grandes conversadores llamar y el ciudadano promedio cotidiano. Geraldo les permite hablar y expresar su opiniĂ³n y que es un soplo de aire fresco en la radio hoy ..... particularmente radio conservadora. Buen trabajo, hoy en dĂ­a, Geraldo ...... gracias por dejarnos escuchar su muy . conversaciĂ³n informativa e inspiradora con el presidente Alejandro Toledo de PerĂº me encontrĂ© con esto en Yahoo Finanzas hablando de la entrevista:

EVENTO ESPECIAL: Geraldo Rivera Entrevista El ex presidente Alejandro Toledo PerĂº en WABC - 13 de julio a las 11:30 am

Fecha de emisiĂ³n: 13 de julio 2015 @ 11:30 am ET | 08:30 am PT - WABC 770AM Organizado por Geraldo Rivera

EVENTO ESPECIAL: Geraldo Rivera Entrevista El ex presidente Alejandro Toledo PerĂº en WABC - 13 de julio a las 11:30 am
Ver foto
Presidente Alejandro Toledo sea en vivo en WABC con Geraldo Rivera hoy a las 11:30 am ET. Haz clic aquĂ­ para ...
NUEVA YORK, NY - (Marketwired - 13 de julio 2015) - El Centro Global para el Desarrollo y la Democracia (cgdd.org ), la organizaciĂ³n defensora lĂ­der de AmĂ©rica Latina que promueve el fortalecimiento de la gobernabilidad democrĂ¡tica y el crecimiento econĂ³mico, ha anunciado hoy que su Presidente y el ex presidente PerĂº, Alejandro Toledo, serĂ¡ entrevistado por Geraldo Rivera en vivo por WABC en Nueva York. En esta entrevista exclusiva de uno-a-uno, el Presidente Toledo hablarĂ¡ con Geraldo sobre su nuevo libro, " La sociedad mixta -  Una VisiĂ³n para el Futuro Mundial de AmĂ©rica Latina , "las tendencias actuales de AmĂ©rica Latina y el 2016 Presidentes orden del dĂ­a.
Fecha de emisiĂ³n:  13 de julio Âª  Hora de inicio:  11:30 am ET | 08:30 am PT | 10:30 am CT red: WABC Radio (Radio Fox) Mostrar:  El Geraldo Mostrar Host:  Geraldo Rivera ENLACE :  http: //www.wabcradio. com / geraldorivera /

Acerca anfitriĂ³n Geraldo Rivera  Geraldo Rivera, contundente periodista de investigaciĂ³n, entrevistador consumado y campeĂ³n de los derechos de los ciudadanos, es uno de los periodistas de televisiĂ³n mĂ¡s exitosas de Estados Unidos y defensores pĂºblicos. A travĂ©s de su destacada labor como autor, productor de noticias, corresponsal de guerra, presentadora de televisiĂ³n y filĂ¡ntropo, Rivera ha hecho enormes contribuciones en el campo de la radiodifusiĂ³n y el servicio comunitario.
Rivera comenzĂ³ su carrera de prensa en 1970 cuando se uniĂ³ a Nueva York WABC-TV como reportero de "Eyewitness News". En 1972, presentĂ³ una serie de diez reportajes de investigaciĂ³n que exponen las condiciones deplorables en la Escuela Estatal Willowbrook para los enfermos mentales. Estos informes premiados llevaron a una investigaciĂ³n del gobierno, la intervenciĂ³n judicial y el posterior cierre de gran parte de la instituciĂ³n.
Estos informes revolucionarios establecieron firmemente Rivera como un firme defensor del derecho del pĂºblico a saber, asĂ­ como una voz eficaz para el cambio social y polĂ­tico. Nunca uno a alejarse de la controversia, Rivera ha practicado su marca Ăºnica efectiva de periodismo televisivo durante mĂ¡s de cuarenta años, persiguiendo y romper historias que marcan la diferencia en la vida de las personas.
Acerca WABC Radio  WABC (770  AM ), conocido como "NewsTalkRadio 77 WABC" es una emisora ​​de radio en la ciudad de Nueva York. Propiedad de la divisiĂ³n de transmisiĂ³n de  Cumulus Media , la estaciĂ³n transmite en un  canal claro  y es la estaciĂ³n del buque insignia  de  la Red Uno Westwood  (sucesor de  Cumulus Media Networks , anteriormente Citadel Media y ABC Radio Networks). WABC instalaciones comparte estudio con estaciones hermanas  WNSH (94.7 FM), WPLJ  (95.5 FM), y v WNBM  (103.9 FM) por encima de  la estaciĂ³n de Pennsylvania  en el centro de Manhattan . Su transmisor se encuentra en  Lodi, Nueva Jersey . 50.000 vatios no direccional señal de canal claro de WABC se puede escuchar en la noche en gran parte del este de los EE.UU. y CanadĂ¡.
Acerca del Dr. Alejandro Toledo Dr. Alejandro Toledo (Stanford Ph.D.) fue elegido democrĂ¡ticamente Presidente de PerĂº en el año 2001. DespuĂ©s de terminar su mandato como Presidente, Toledo volviĂ³ a Stanford, donde fue un miembro distinguido en Residencia en el Centro de la Universidad de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias del Comportamiento, y tambiĂ©n un Profesor Payne Distinguido Visitante en el Centro de la Spogli Instituto Freeman sobre Democracia, Desarrollo y el Estado de Derecho.
Al mismo tiempo, el Dr. Toledo fundĂ³ y continĂºa sirviendo como Presidente del Centro Global para el Desarrollo y la Democracia en Washington, DC. En 2009-2010, el Dr. Toledo fue un distinguido profesor visitante en la Escuela de Estudios Internacionales Avanzados de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, en Washington, DC, y tambiĂ©n un mayor de no Residentes Fellow en la PolĂ­tica Exterior y de EconomĂ­a Global y Desarrollo de la Brookings Institution. En los Ăºltimos años, el Dr. Toledo ha publicado sobre temas acadĂ©micos orientados a las polĂ­ticas relacionadas con el crecimiento econĂ³mico, la inclusiĂ³n y la democracia.
Para obtener mĂ¡s informaciĂ³n sobre el Centro Global para el Desarrollo y la Democracia, visite http://cgdd.org/en/
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