Feb 20, 2014

Does Ann Coulter Know What She Believes?

Does Ann Coulter Know What She Believes?
Polemicist Ann Coulter, once a recognized icon of the conservative movement, and later, a gay icon, has puzzled many people in recent years. Eager to be seen as conservatism’s darling, a firebrand and flamethrower – indeed, a zealot in all things conservative – Coulter has been anything but conservative.
Though giving lip service to the pro-life movement, Coulter fails to seek or support pro-life candidates. Espousing family values, she became a national spokesman for gay conservatives. Claiming to be a Reagan conservative, Coulter claims Romney was a better candidate that Reagan. Now, Coulter is again attacking the Tea PartyCoulter wouldn’t know a RINO if she looked in the mirror.
If Coulter is such a firebrand conservative zealot, why does she fall in love with so many RINOs?
Perhaps the answer to Coulter’s conflicting views and behaviors lies within Coulter. Perhaps Coulter neither knows what she really believes nor believes what she thinks she knows.
For almost two decades, Coulter has lied, twisted the truth, defended her hypocrisy, refused to repent, and continually pushed the political and rhetorical edge. Without boundaries, and having forsaken the north star of truth, Coulter has simply gone over the edge.
If Coulter doesn’t know what to believe, and if she doesn’t believe what she claims to believe, why should be believe anything she says? We should Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age.

from Daniel Borchers

Thank you, Dan, for telling us your thoughts.......cl

here is a link to Dan's website:


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Coulter Watch is a site that promotes the proposition that Conservatism can only endure as a viable and vibrant movement if it maintains a commitment to the core character traits of honor andintegrityhonesty and virtue.

Huffington Posts Martha Burk--A Very Short memo to the GOP

Martha Burk Headshot

A Very Short Memo to the GOP

Posted: Updated: 
Print Article
From: The little woman and her sisters
Date: 2014-2016 election season
The majority of voters (women) want access to birth control.
The majority of voters (women) want abortion to be legal.
The majority of voters (women) don't think any rape is legitimate.
The majority of older voters (women) rely on Social Security and don't want it cut.
The majority of those on food stamps (women with kids) need the help.
The majority of minimum wage workers (women) want a raise.
The majority of voters (women) think they should be paid the same as men for the same work.
The majority of voters (women) know at least one husband who had a sleazy sexual relationship.
The majority of voters (women) respect the wife for getting through it the best way she could.
The majority of voters (women) don't want a female presidential candidate attacked for something her husband did almost 20 years ago that has nothing to do with her credentials, track record, ability, and yes, ambition.
The majority of voters (guess who?) know that if a man says he wants to win on his own terms he's tough and dedicated, but if a woman says it she's ruthless and bitchy.
Guess why the majority of voters (you guessed right) think your party is waging a war on women.
Follow Martha Burk on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarthaBurk

from the Huffington Post

Each and every statement from Ms. Burk is true. Well written.
The Republicans have done nothing useful for years. When you have nothing to say, you attack the other side. Because your own record is at best blank, the best you can do is try to say well they are worse than us!
"The majority of voters (women) don't want a female presidential candidate attacked for something her husband did almost 20 years ago that has nothing to do with her credentials, track record, ability, and yes, ambition."

How about a female presidential candidate who rode to power as the wife of a sexual predator and worked actively to defend him in order to maintain her own political power?

How about a female presidential candidate who calls the female victims of a sexual predator in the Senate and their female supporters "whiny women" who needed to shut up because the then First Lady needed the Senator's vote for her government health care takeover?

How can the leader of a coalition of so called women's groups support and defend such behavior?
Ms Burk:

Hillary will have to answer all her questions first during the DNC Primary Election.

It has nothing to do with the GOP
If it has nothing to do with the GOP then why is presidential aspirant Rand Paul attacking her along with the head of the RNC, which also bussed people to the so-called March for Life on the mall last month. Wake up!
Right on target Martha. Nothing else needed.