Showing posts with label jon huntsman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jon huntsman. Show all posts

Oct 20, 2015

John Kasich: The GOP Meets Normal


John Kasich, the anti-Trump

When the Trump fever breaks, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio could be a top GOP contender.
Thirteen weeks ago, Donald Trump shared with the Tribune Editorial Board an hour of his bombast, sarcasm and ... good-natured charm. Trump was a delight. And if that verdict surprises you, come sit here, because it surprised us too.
On Tuesday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich took a turn in the same chair. Kasich hadn't even announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination when we, like much of America, first engaged Trump. To the essay question that begins Compare-and-contrast:
If you want a rocking-good time on Saturday night, hop aboard Trump's helicopter or yacht or limo or jet. Bring your own quick wit or you'll soon fall behind. But if you're shopping for, say, a new president for your divided nation, a grown-up who has spent decades proving how capable he is at working the levers of government to deliver solutions, then skip Trump's entertaining show and pay serious attention to Kasich. If enough Americans do, you might see his name atop your election ballot on Nov. 8, 2016.
Even if he had a weak record in office, Kasich would wake up every day as a serious potential nominee. No Republican has won the White House without winning Ohio — something Kasich has done twice, most recently with 64 percent of the vote. GOP strategists get giddy at the prospect of pairing Kasich on a ticket with Marco Rubio (ascendant) or Jeb Bush (not really) of Florida, another gotta-have swing state.
But Kasich, even with his Ohio State diploma, is more than a dutiful Buckeye. His nine terms in the U.S. House gave him 18 years on the Armed Services Committee and six years as chair of the Budget Committee. An Associated Press synopsis of his career notes that in the latter capacity he was "the chief architect of a deal that balanced the federal budget for the first time since 1969."
As governor Kasich eliminated an Illinois-scale budget deficit and grew Ohio's rainy-day fund from 89 cents (true) to more than $2 billion. Ohio's economy is in growth mode and his state government is less bureaucratic than when he took office in 2011.
All of that said, there's something in Kasich's past for almost every voter to like or loathe. He's a conservative Republican who embraced Obamacare by expanding Medicaid. He boasts of cutting taxes more than any sitting governor in the U.S. yet believes in government "helping people get on their feet to live out their God-given purpose — that, to me, is America." He would put U.S. boots on the ground to defeat Islamic State in the Middle East. But he says that if battles are won with bullets and guns, wars are won with ideas — a liberal goal he thinks the U.S. hasn't tried hard enough to achieve. He supports a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution while admitting that he might tolerate deficit spending on tax cuts to spur growth and to build up America's military, adding briskly, "with reform of the Pentagon."
What struck us wasn't an urge to agree with everything Kasich says — we don't — but his willingness to speak straight and let listeners think what they will of him. This isn't a mesmerizing guy. He's a Midwesterner whose dad carried the mail. Some find him preachy: At a conference last year he scolded a woman who challenged his moral argument for expanding Medicaid. "I don't know about you, lady," Kasich said, pointing at her. "But when I get to the Pearly Gates, I'm going to have an answer for what I've done for the poor."
Maybe Kasich won't rise in this election cycle beyond the role Jon Huntsman Jr. played in 2012: the favorite Republican of liberal Democrats. But we also can see Kasich taking the mantle of the late Jack Kemp — smart on economics, conservative in outlook, with a moderate streak that creates crossover appeal.
We aren't sure whether the Trump bump has reflected the feelings of rank-and-file Republicans or of people from several ideological tents who share a revolutionary anger. When tempers cool, though, a strong array of GOP candidates awaits. We won't be surprised if Kasich works his way into the top tier.
One last observation on the two men who sat in the same leather chair:
Trump had an absolutely splendid necktie.
Kasich didn't bother to wear one.
Copyright © 2015, Chicago Tribune

copied from the

Sep 19, 2014

Huntsman and Hillary: A Brilliant Combination

English: Savile Row, a shopping street in Lond...
English: Savile Row, a shopping street in London Français : Savile Row, une rue commerçante de London Camera: Casio EX-S100. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: View from the street of the front of ...
English: View from the street of the front of 3 Savile Row (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Gieves & Hawkes on Savile Row 1 in Lo...
English: Gieves & Hawkes on Savile Row 1 in London. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Seriously, I love Hillary Clinton.....always have and always will.

Can't wait for her to be President.

Love Jon Huntsman--one of the few sane members of the Republican Party.

Love Huntsman--Brilliant and stunning tailors of Savile Row.

Why not give some of your stunning jackets to Hillary Clinton to wear on her political campaign.

I can see Hillary Clinton campaigning now in a stunning and brilliantly tailored Huntsman suit--it's an awfully chic picture.

Hillary deserves the best--that's the best suit--Hillary's the best president.

It's a win-win situation......

Stunning, beautiful and brilliant:  Huntsman and Hillary

May 16, 2014

Geraldo Rivera, un rostro atractivo para el Partido Republicano

Geraldo Rivera, un rostro atractivo para el Partido Republicano

..... literalmente y figurativamente ....... remezcla : GOP

Journalist Barbara Walters, at the Metropolita...
Journalist Barbara Walters, at the Metropolitan Opera opening in 2008, with Sir Howard Stringer behind her. © Rubenstein, photographer Martyna Borkowski (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
El periodista Barbara Walters , al Metropolita ...
hermosa BarbaraMartha Stewart
Martha Stewart
amar a Martha
Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera (Photo credit: Island Capture (aka Silverph or psilver))

Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo ... cute .... persiguiendo Barbara fue en vano

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly
loco Católica , Bill O'Reilly

Palabras de sabiduría de Ariana Huffington ....... sólo una de las grandes damas de Geraldo tuvo en su programa de hoy .

Ariana habló de la mujer mantenerse saludable ..... las pruebas y tribulaciones de la madre soltera tratando de tener éxito , el trabajo duro , criar a los niños , tener tiempo para usted y lo más importante ........ dormir lo suficiente .

Ariana compartida hoy en día que, de hecho , ella tenía desglose de no conseguir el sueño adecuado , cayó y se golpeó la cabeza , se despertó en su propio charco de sangre y, finalmente, determinó que tenía que hacer un cambio en su vida por su propia salud.

Ella siente que las mujeres pueden trabajar duro para tener éxito en su carrera elegida , pero no con tanta fuerza su salud y su capacidad mental o la paz de la mente se pone en peligro . Ariana dice que podemos tener éxito con el equilibrio - sin daño a nosotros mismos y nuestras familias.

Ella recomienda un estilo de vida saludable de sueño y meditación correcta - el resultado final de todo el asunto - señoras y señoras grandes - tener tiempo para usted .

Gracias , Ariana , por tomarse el tiempo de su día ocupado para darnos su opinión sobre la supervivencia de las mujeres en el mundo corporativo.

Geraldo rindió homenaje a mi chica Barbara Walters ..... es su cualquier persona con un trabajador más conmovedor y la carrera de inspiración.

Geraldo dijo que realmente trató de hacer el cambio de Barbara Walters durante su fase de 20/20 , pero Barbara dijo cortésmente , Geraldo - ¿sabes qué, eso suena divertido pero en este momento , pero estoy ocupada entrevistando al Presidente de Panamá , pero tal vez la próxima tiempo .

Bueno, buen intento , Geraldo ........ si había alguien en el mundo a la entrevista, la Sra. Walters sería la elección de este blogger .

Amor Barbara Walters , siempre tienen y siempre lo hará .

Hablando de las chicas grandes reales , Martha Stewart saltó a contarnos sus pensamientos sobre la gente de nominación y las empresas que están haciendo un buen trabajo para los Estados Unidos que debe ser reconocido . Más información estará disponible en su sitio web.

Martha Stewart, la única que tenía las chuletas en la empresa para hacer tiempo y salir sonriendo y mirando perfecta - haciendo su tiempo y continuar perfeccionando su carrera. Esta es una verdadera dama fuerte y exitosa . Siempre admire Martha .

Cocina en vivo corriente de Martha en PBS , Martha Bakes los fundamentos o la Escuela de Cocina de Martha es la bomba ....... nadie hornea un pastel como Martha Stewart ..... es uno de los mejores programas de cocina en la televisión hoy en día.

Geraldo está haciendo el punto de toda la semana que el salario mínimo debe elevarse .

En serio, es Geraldo Rivera el futuro del Partido Republicano o qué ........ su forma de pensar ...... salario mínimo , la inmigración ... estas cuestiones tienen que abordarse ...... el factor determinante es que Geraldo tiene compasión por la persona que trabaja y hace caso a lo que dicen las personas que llaman ..... no es un espectáculo furioso que tan a menudo aflige radio de la charla de hoy.

Geraldo dijo más de una vez esta semana, " le estoy dando una nueva energía para el Partido Republicano. "

Algo tiene que cambiar , a la derecha , ya que el Partido Republicano de Bill O'Reilly y Karl Rove sólo es viable si los repubs gustaría planear en la pérdida de la mayor elección de nuevo.

Geraldo comentó a principios de esta semana el estado de Karl Rove respecto a la salud de Hillary Clinton eran asqueroso. Esta es la razón de la gente odia la política.

Karl Rove está llevando a los republicanos a la derecha en la tumba.

¿Podrían los repubs considerar a alguien como Jon Huntsman ........ Geraldo , ¿qué te parece ?

¿Los repubs realmente tienen futuro como el partido de los ricos viejos , enojado , hombres, blancos?

Piense en ello, que ganó las dos últimas elecciones ...... Jon Huntsman habló sobre Hillary Clinton respecto ..... Geraldo Rivera es uno de los pocos republicanos con una visión, una visión realista viable para el Partido Republicano .

Hablando de salario mínimo y de ser sólo un trabajo después de la escuela como una persona que llama indica - enfermera de la escuela San Diego ---- los padres a menudo trabajó en dos taquerías de criar y mantener a sus hijos.

No se puede dejar de lado O'Reilly ..... los 12 años de edad los niños hispanos a menudo golpean a la afiliación de pandillas ..... ahora qué decías de privilegio blanco , Bill?

Un buen espectáculo hoy , Geraldo , gracias por hablar de la belleza y la habilidad y el talento y el trabajo duro de Barbara Walters.

Todavía tenemos dos partidos políticos .... es la conversación política que mueve las cosas hacia adelante ...... una pequeña cita de Karl Rove.

Chloe Louise ....... Hillary niña para siempre.

Geraldo Rivera, un rostro atractivo para el Partido Republicano

....... literal y figurativamente ............ remezcla : GOP

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Dec 1, 2012

CNN's Velshi Calls Grover Norquist a 'Dangerous Man'..quotes Jon Huntsman

CNN's Velshi Calls Grover Norquist a 'Dangerous Man'

CNN's Ali Velshi labeled anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist a "dangerous man" on Friday for blocking a fiscal cliff compromise between Democrats and Republicans.

"Hey, speaking of the fiscal cliff, there's been all this focus on one dangerous man who stands in the way of a deal that could avert it, Grover Norquist. He is neither elected, nor has he ever run for office, so why is Washington so scared of him?" Velshi introduced his segment on Norquist. [Video below the break. Audio here.]

And CNN's financial guru quoted the lone GOP presidential candidate who did not sign Norquist's anti-tax hike pledge, Jon Huntsman. "He had some advice for his fellow Republicans," Velshi said before airing Huntsman preaching against politicians taking special-interest pledges.

"[I]t becomes impossible to do the work of the people, which desperately needs to be done economically and in every other way to prepare for competitiveness in the 21st century, when you're hamstrung and tied down by all of these pledges," Huntsman told Velshi.

A transcript of the segment, which aired on November 30 on CNN Newsroom at 3:35 p.m. EST, is as follows:
ALI VELSHI: Hey, speaking of the fiscal cliff, there's been all this focus on one dangerous man who stands in the way of a deal that could avert it, Grover Norquist. He is neither elected, nor has he ever run for office, so why is Washington so scared of him?

(Video Clip)

GROVER NORQUIST: Taxes went up, spending didn't go down.

VELSHI: (voice over) He's been called a "kingmaker," a "patriot," and the ideological godfather of the Tea Party. Since the mid-80's, Grover Norquist, the founder of Americans for Tax Reform, has been the driving force behind the anti-tax movement. His goal: to take big government, and in his words, "drown it in the bathtub." Norquist's weapon is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which was at one point signed by 95 percent of GOP members of Congress.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Can you raise your hand if you feel so strongly about not raising taxes –

VELSHI: On the campaign trail this year, only one Republican presidential candidate, Jon Huntsman, dared to cross him.

Norquist has clout. He's called the most powerful unelected man in America today. But since the November election, his fortunes have changed.

Sen. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-S.C.): I will violate the pledge –

Rep. PETER KING (R-N.Y.): A pledge you signed 20 years ago, 18 years ago, is for that Congress.

Sen. BOB CORKER (R-Tenn.): I'm not obligated on the pledge.

VELSHI: Republicans in Congress are jumping ship, and supporting unspecified revenue hikes to help cut the deficit. And big business is now resigned to higher taxes. Here's Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein.

LLOYD BLANKFEIN, CEO, Goldman Sachs: But if we had to lift up the marginal rate, I would do that.

VELSHI: Norquist's response?

NORQUIST: To be fair to everybody, some of these people have had impure thoughts. No one has pulled the trigger and voted for a tax increase.

VELSHI: Norquist is clearly looking toward the 2014 midterm elections. But one high-profile figure from the Fix the Debt movement believes that Norquist's clout is clearly waning.

STEVE RATTNER, Campaign to Fix the Debt: I don't view this as some – as the end of Grover Norquist. I don't think he suddenly disappears, never to be seen of again. But I think his aura of invincibility has been largely shattered.

(End Video Clip)

VELSHI: And former Republican presidential contender Jon Huntsman was the only candidate in the primaries who wouldn't bind himself to Norquist's anti-tax pledge. I met with Huntsman earlier today. He had some advice for his fellow Republicans.

JON HUNTSMAN (R), former Utah governor: There are dozens and dozens of special interest movements in Washington, all of whom have their pledges, all of whom try to get their pound of flesh when people are running for office. And I think we're learning, Ali, some very important lessons, the political class in America, as we go through this. And that is, it becomes impossible to do the work of the people, which desperately needs to be done economically and in every other way to prepare for competitiveness in the 21st century when you're hamstrung and tied down by all of these pledges. 

Nov 14, 2012



The one hot and more importantly, not  insane, republican, Jon Huntsman.

Really, I think if they would have run him they would have had a chance.  That seemed to me straight forward from the beginning, but apparently the others did not agree since he did not even come close to winning the nomination.

He said on the Sunday show, yes  I have 7 children and I have been married for a long time, but people can see that and you don.t have to rub it in every one's face.

Right, it seems as if he has respect for people that are a little bit different than himself.  His  family is magnificent but there are so many other  kinds of magnificent families,as well.

Isn't the great thing about America the wonderful mix of individuals and  the way things started in the first place.   I thought that was the premise of the whole place....freedom.  Freedom for everyone,not just sean hannity.

The dinosaurs are dead......

Perhaps there should be the new republican party...lead by Jon Huntsman....and the crazy republican party lead by Rush Limbaugh and all of the crazy moral preachers.

Sean Hannity likes to say on his show "taking back America."  What does that mean?  Who and what is American nowadays?  Does Sean think all of the other people stole America from the rich old white guys?

Can Sean Hannity count....

There are more of all of the other people, the one's who sean is taking America back from, as he always says on his radio show, than ROWGs.  The big money Texas fat cats just couldn't count correctly, as was evidenced by our wonderful election.  Maybe President Obama should include the one sane republican in his advisory committee to balance the insanity of all of the other repubs constantly trying to block him. 

Let the republican party purge those crazy people--they are giving their party a bad name--and the repubs and dems can come together and move the political conversation forward.

PS...I know there are other well qualified and well intentioned republicans...please comment and list them and their attributes..don't bother to include the limbaugh and hannityesque nuts...really...they are moving the political conversation backward, not forward.
