Showing posts with label Al Sharpton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Sharpton. Show all posts

Apr 29, 2014

Bill O'Reilly: I'm Really Afraid of Snoop and Reverend Al

Bill Clinton - yes, I took this photo
Bill Clinton - yes, I took this photo (Photo credit: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton)
I really like Al Sharpton and Snoop.  Bill cherry picks his info, particularly about Beyonce.  

He refuses to acknowledge the good work of Snoop with his foot ball team in Long Beach and he can't handle the good work of the Reverend.  Try listening to Al Sharpton talking about his life and his father........his words are very soothing.......there is a reason why this man has a prominent position in the media.....but Bill can't take that.....Bill can't handle Snoop.

Bill shook hands with Snoop at Kennedy Center Honors.......he could have asked him about his community work that has been well documented on CBS Sunday Morning and Larry King.  Snoop has talked extensively about taking social responsibility........right, exactly what Bill goes on about every evening.

Is the man afraid of Snoop and Reverend Al.....let him chat about their good work and recognize them.....he says he wants to be fair and balanced.....let him prove it.

here is mediaite:

Bill is so in love with his own Catholic guilt....too bad he cannot be gracious once in a while.

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Feb 15, 2014

Blogging Beautiful Bill Press and the Newsbusters

On MSNBC, Hateful Bill Press Slams Right-Wingers ‘Driven By Hate’

You have to love the hypocrisy of certain liberal media figures regarding hateful rhetoric. On Thursday evening, left-wing talk radio host Bill Press appeared on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation to comment on some supposedly inflammatory remarks from Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Ben Carson. [Video below. MP3 audio here.]

Yes, this is the same Bill Press who makes inflammatory remarks all the time on his show [as we've documented repeatedly].

Host Al Sharpton declared, “You know, Bill, there has been a disturbing trend from some on the right: compare the policies of this administration to Nazi Germany.” He then played a clip in which Dr. Carson lamented that “Nazi” and “slavery” are taboo words and complained about political correctness in general. Carson did not, however, directly call anyone a Nazi in the clip.

After hearing the soundbite, Sir Bill mounted his high horse. He recalled his days as a panelist on CNN’s Crossfire:
We had a rule. Pat Buchanan, Bob Novak and I, we all agreed. Anybody who used the Nazi word or who used Hitler, they automatically lost. They lost all credibility. And for Ben Carson to go there just shows how desperate they are.
But it just so happens that Press himself has invoked the Nazi comparison in the past to attack those he disagrees with. In an August 2009 column, he smeared Tea Party members who protested ObamaCare at town hall meetings:
Taking a page right out of a Nazi playbook, organizers bus in professional protestors and arm them with instructions on how to take over meetings, shut down discussion, shout over any pro-health care reform speakers, and then post video of the resulting chaos on YouTube. It's mob rule, pure and simple.
Does that mean Bill Press has lost all credibility? Nah, he’s a liberal. Liberals can say whatever they want without sparking national outrage.

Later in the segment, Sharpton proclaimed that only a quarter of Americans now identify as Republicans. Press believed that right-wing media figures like Carson, Limbaugh, and Mark Levin were to blame. He erupted:
You know what it is, Reverend? They are driven by hate. And I don't think the American people want hate in their politics. But that's all these people know... They've had this obsession from the beginning. They are sick. They're mentally deranged commentators as far as I'm concerned.
It was an impassioned outburst. But it was also hypocritical, for Press is hardly a model of civility. He has made plenty of hateful comments in the past. In addition to the aforementioned Nazi reference, he has likened Republicans to terrorists on multiple occasions. He once called Newt Gingrich a suicide bomber and compared Glenn Beck to al-Qaeda. He has also compared secessionists to terrorists.

Press’s insults go beyond terrorist comparisons. He once expressed amazement that lightning didn’t strike John Boehner dead after the House Speaker made a particular comment. He expressed his wish that the American people would suffer “un-freaking bearable” pain from last year’s sequester spending cuts. He also slammed former President George W. Bush as “probably the dumbest president ever” and blasted American voters as “bastards,” “idiots,” and “dumb as hell” after they elected a Republican-led House in November 2010.

 [You can find examples of Press’s hateful rhetoric here.]

Bill Press has no right to complain about right-wing hate. He is one of the most hateful left-wingers out there.
Below is a partial transcript of the segment:

AL SHARPTON: You know, Bill, there has been a disturbing trend from some on the right, compare the policies of this administration to Nazi Germany. And last night, Fox contributor Ben Carson defended that kind of talk. Listen to this.

[Begin tape]

BEN CARSON: The objective of many on the left is to take a single word that you're not supposed to say. You can't say Nazis, you can't say slavery. That's political correctness, as you well know. I do not believe in that. I think it's a bunch of crap. I'm worried about the fact that the populace is being silent and is not expressing what they believe because they're afraid. They've been intimidated.

BILL O’REILLY: By? By whom?

CARSON: By the government.


CARSON: By the government and by the media, by the PC police.

[End tape]

SHARPTON: I mean, Bill, it's unreal.

BILL PRESS: No, it is unreal. First, I just got to say, I have a good idea for Rush Limbaugh. You know what to do? Tell the truth for once.

KRYSTAL BALL: Oh yeah, good luck with that.

PRESS: Stop telling the lies, maybe. That's what they really ought to do. But as to Ben Carson, Reverend Al, you and I met way back when I was doing Crossfire on CNN, remember right? We had a rule. Pat Buchanan, Bob Novak and I, we all agreed. Anybody who used the Nazi word or who used Hitler, they automatically lost. They lost all credibility. And for Ben Carson to go there just shows how desperate they are. But here’s what bothers me. Where is the leadership of the Republican Party?
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PRESS: Where is Reince Priebus? Reince Priebus got his underwear in a snit, right, in a twist because somebody at MSNBC said something about a Cheerios ad, didn't even mention the Republican Party. And he demanded a correction and boycott MSNBC and all of that crap. Why isn’t he condemning that kind of language? Where is his leadership and why is John Boehner using the same ‘lawlessness’ language that we hear from Rush Limbaugh and Krauthammer? We expect it from those nut jobs. We don't expect it from the leadership of the party.


SHARPTON: It's hurt them, because, Bill, the negative talk has brought them down to where just 25 percent of Americans identify as Republicans. That's the lowest number in at least 25 years.

PRESS: You know what it is, reverend? They are driven by hate. And I don't think the American people want hate in their politics. But that's all these people know. It is hate talk against the president, against Michelle Obama, the first lady, and it's been that way from the beginning. Remember back in 2008, Mark Levin, another nut job talk show host, said when President Obama had big crowds out at his rallies, they said he’s like Hitler because he had big crowds at his rallies. They've had this obsession from the beginning. They are sick. They're mentally deranged commentators as far as I'm concerned.

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from newsbusters

It is not just the hate but also the whackadoodles that are deleting the repubs from society. Bombastic Beauty, Ann Coulter, has been a one-woman wrecking ball for the group. This is why so many of the GOPers are moving over to the democratic party. With a new leader like Hillary Clinton emerging the strength will continue and the middle of the road idea is attractive to all.

just trying to steer the right in the right direction.......yes, I accept the assignment.

Dec 11, 2013

Bill O'Reilly's Unending Hatred Rant on Al Sharpton: You're Just Making Your Self Ugly Now

Bill's unending hatred rant on Al Sharpton

I'm afraid you have your story backwards.  It was amazing when everyone else was talking about the wonderful things Nelson Mandela had accomplished when Bill O'Reilly just had to jump in with the fact that he was a communist.  It was out of line, Bill did say Mandela was a great man that evening but it was totally out of context and out of line with every other network when he just could not help himself from blurting out he was a communist.  As if he was going to rain on the parade with "the truth."  As if his statement was going to stop people from loving Nelson Mandela,

Bill needs to check his hatred for Reverend Sharpton--he is really becoming quite ugly about the whole thing.  Bill can't handle the fact that we have a black President and that Al Sharpton is happy about the situation.  Bill can't handle the fact that there have many many injustices done in this country in the not so distant past and still occurring.  

Last evening, Bill failed to mention the giant applause our President received at the stadium--applause from the world for his accomplishments.  No, Bill had to go again into a hatred rant on Al Sharpton.  Al Sharpton is genuinely happy about President Obama and the accomplishments that have happened in our country and Bill just can't take it.  

Bill, check your hate at the door the next time before you go on national television, as my grandma said, you're just making yourself ugly now.

here we go with Newsbusters:

Bill O'Reilly Catches Sharpton In Another Deceptive Video Edit: 'They Don't Come Lower'

Noel Sheppard's picture
Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday again exposed MSNBC’s Al Sharpton for deceptively editing a video, this time to make it appear the Factor host was disparaging Nelson Mandela within hours of his death.
“Sharpton uses the occasion of Nelson Mandela's death to dishonestly attack people he doesn't like,” said O’Reilly. “They don't come lower” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
BILL O’REILLY: Now, as a young man, Nelson Mandela had Marxist leanings and dealt closely with communists. Check out a recent article in The Economist magazine if you want specifics on that. Anyone who knows anything about South Africa understands Mr. Mandela's philosophy.
Enter the far left MSNBC network and Al Sharpton. As we have demonstrated in the past, Sharpton is a dishonest purveyor of information, a man who could not care less about reporting what's true. Last Friday, using Nelson Mandela as cover, Sharpton attacked me.
AL SHARPTON: He said about Nelson Mandela last night on Fox:
O’REILLY: 95 years old. Nelson Mandela, I spent some time in South Africa, he was a communist, this man. He was a communist, all right?
SHARPTON: [Unintelligible]
KAREN FINNEY: But don't you wonder where in South Africa? It wasn't like he was hanging out in Soweto that Bill O'Reilly I'm quite certain.
O’REILLY: Well, here I am in Soweto where I did spend some time. That woman Karen Finney, a former spokesperson for the DNC, obviously made a mistake. So I am expecting a letter of apology from Ms. Finney by tomorrow. If she is honest she'll send it over. If she is like Sharpton and not honest, she will not and I will let you know what happens tomorrow evening.
As for Sharpton, he is a flat out deceiver. Here is what I actually said about Mr. Mandela.
O’REILLY: 95 years old. Nelson Mandela, I have spent some time in South Africa, he was a communist, this man. He was a communist, all right? But he was a great man. What he did for his people was stunning. The sacrifices that he made. He could have repudiated and got out of that prison. He wouldn't do it.
O’REILLY: So you can see that Sharpton cut out all of the context as he has done many times before. Now, any other commentator on national TV would have been fired for doing that, but MSNBC seems to be afraid of Sharpton. The thing is, Sharpton uses the occasion of Nelson Mandela's death to dishonestly attack people he doesn't like. They don't come lower.
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O'Reilly exposed Sharpton in August for similar deceptive editing.
But this is clearly acceptable at MSNBC; people there do it all the time to trash their political opponents.
At this point, one has to assume that the executives at MSNBC - and conceivably NBC as well as Comcast - are aware of what Sharpton and others do with video clips, and mustn't be concerned by the dishonestly or the lack of journalistic integrity.
And why should they?
MSNBC isn't journalism, and everyone knows it.
Which forces me to once again ask: When will cable and satellite providers move this farce of a network away from the legitimate cable news channels on their program guides?
If MSNBC is going to make up news rather than report it, it shouldn't be in any way associated with real news organizations.

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Aug 16, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Just plain wrong on the facts

Love the story....Bill has been going on about Oprah and this is the second African-American lady who told a story recently about being treated poorly in a store because they were not dressed properly, but they let it go and moved on---well......exact time in Tiffany's in Palm Springs I strolled in with baggy shorts, flip-flops, tee-shirt.  Right, I thought I looked just fine but after I left the store I saw myself walking by a shop mirror and was horrified at my legs--flabby, shorts way too thin and short, frizzy hair and a stained tee-shirt that was not at all shappy but baggy.

What's my point--the man in the store must have spent 30 minutes telling me about the color of diamonds, how diamonds were graded and  Tiffany's diamonds compared to others and what it meant to actually have a "Tiffany" diamond even though they may be more expensive comparatively.  

It doesn't add up.  We are not on the same level playing field.  Also--racism--white children, from a middle class school will not be beat up for gang affiliation.  That will never be in that kids repertoire of memories.  Again, Bill is dead wrong on his facts, as he often accuses Al Sharpton of whom he has an unhealthy vendetta against which reveals his racism and hate for others he feels are of a lower level than him, women and minorities.  But that is another story for another time.  Bill, is again and as usual,

Aug 6, 2013

Jesus Christ, Anthony Weiner and Hate

Forever a radio listener I tune in to the Jesus Christ Show every Sunday morning.....I listen to part of the show until I run to watch my very favorite television show of all time.....CBS Sunday Morning.....and yes ,Bill Geist is the most perfect interviewer and reporter but that is another story for another time......


Dear Jesus...I really enjoyed your show today and I am glad you talked about Anthony W........why, well, I almost do not know what to think about him.  Yes, I know he is wrong and I liked the way you explained it and I have to agree with what you said, but I do have a problem.  I am almost embarrassed to say I don't care.  I know everyone wants me to care but in the honest truth, I do care, but not that much....

Seriously, there are so many bigger problems to think about, not just big world problems like hunger and sickness and clean drinking water and all of that but I am also talking about hate.  

Here is something that really troubles me in politics if you will.  Bill O'Reilly absolutely hates Reverend Al Sharpton.  He has a vendetta against him that will not stop.  Yes, I used to be married, in fact  to a Bill O'Reilly type, arrogant and yelling and always making fun of  someone they thought lesser of them.. ...that would most often be me.  It was horrible and humiliating.  I can practically feel the hatred this mas seems to possess in his soul.  

In the grand scheme of things, yes, sending pictures is quite inappropriate for someone asking for the trust of the people..... but again, this is so little to me.  Hating someone or a group of people or being arrogant is worse, in my humble opinion.  To me, trying to spread hate is the real sin.

Really, I think most men  will cheat given the opportunity and I think it is human nature for a man to want to have an interaction with a beautiful young, it's not right but it is the way things exist...well, it isn't new is is a waste of time to keep bringing it up---talking about about two willing adults.   

I just think there are other more horrible problems in the world and hatred is one of them.

I hope  you have time  to respond because I do value your words and I am not trying to be disrespectful in any way.

thank you for your time.

chloe louise

here is a link to The Jesus Christ Show......

The website is very enjoyable and Neil's take on Anthony W. and politics is very insightful........

Aug 2, 2013

Chris Christie: Republican Rock Star rush, bill, sean: out of their league and out of their mind

I think and I hope Chris Christie is going to be a breath of fresh air for the Republican Party and he is definitely a leader.  Rush had to stop talking about Sarah Fluke once President Obama stepped in and spoke about women  The problem, in my ROWG neighbors, for instance, they love Rush and say he is just so funny and about the climate--they think Rush is the news.  I know because they often quote Rush to me.  But, LZ, who won the election?  That is what Bill O'Reilly and his sinking ship of fools forget.  The voters are a beautiful coat of many colors and President Obama is the President of all of the citizens.  Bill is code for Race, just like you are explaining, but that is not going to work any longer--his rant on Al Sharpton is getting into the insane category--he is out of his league and out of his mind.  He cannot handle the fact that Reverend Sharpton has had very soothing words for people that were very hurt by vigilante justice on a kid and now we have people in power who can change those unfair laws like Eric Holder.  Yes, you described it perfectly, O'Reilly makes me sick but I do think Chris Christie has jumped ship from Rush, Bill, Ann Coulter and the rest of their sinking ship of fools.  Bill keeps saying he represents the average guy, but I have news for him---the average guy voted and Barack Obama is President.  Now, any republican that wants to have the slightest chance against Hillary will have to distance themselves as far as possible from the old school freaks.

copied from CNN..................

At 25, Limbaugh show still rules GOP

By LZ Granderson, CNN Contributor
updated 4:41 PM EDT, Thu August 1, 2013

Rush Limbaugh, conservative and influential radio talk show host, makes a point.
Rush Limbaugh, conservative and influential radio talk show host, makes a point.
  • LZ Granderson: President Bush in 1992, seeking Limbaugh's support, carried his bags
  • GOP has been Rush Limbaugh's bellhop ever since he got influential, he says
  • LZ: Rush throws around half-truths and insults. Some are disgusted, others entertained
  • LZ: But it's destructive when people, politicians make him some sort of spokesman
Editor's note: LZ Granderson is a CNN contributor who writes a weekly column for The former Hechinger Institute Fellow has had his commentary recognized by the Online News Association, the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. He is also a senior writer for ESPN. Follow him on Twitter @locs_n_laughs.
(CNN) -- If you want to know why there's little cooperation in Washington these days, I'd start with a campaign promise made in 1988 by presidential candidate George H.W. Bush.
"Read my lips: No new taxes."
So, when he raised taxes two years later, quite naturally, voters, particularly conservatives, were upset.
If you want to know why so little is being accomplished in Washington these days, I'd start with that broken promise and what Bush did in an attempt to get those conservatives back.
He carried Rush Limbaugh's bags.
That's right. In 1992, President Bush invited Limbaugh for a sleepover and personally brought his guest's bags into the Lincoln bedroom for him
LZ Granderson
LZ Granderson
They were not friends.
In fact, Limbaugh didn't care for Bush that much, and "41" knew it. But Bush was seeking re-election. He was saddled with a slumping economy and locked in a tough battle with Gov. Bill Clinton and businessman Ross Perot.
He believed he needed Rush Limbaugh.
The party has been carrying Limbaugh's bags ever since.
So, if you want to know when Washington became so polarized, maybe we should circle August 1, 1988, exactly 25 years ago. That was the day a satirical talk show host syndicated his act and, in the process, made a lot of money and became one of the most influential figures in American politics today.
Joyner: Limbaugh shouldn't say N-word
Limbaugh: Conservatives lost gay marriage
"Have any of you heard of an individual by the name of LZ Granderson?" Limbaugh asked on his show in June 2012."Snerdley? He has not heard of LZ Granderson. Dawn, have you? Brian, have you heard of LZ Granderson? Prior to last night I had not heard of LZ Granderson."
Which isn't true.
In June 2011, Limbaugh brought me up on his show as well, going so far as to say, "You can blame me, LZ Granderson, all you want, and I'll take it."
It only takes a few seconds on "The Rush Limbaugh Show" website to find out those facts. But Limbaugh isn't on the air to provide facts, he's there to entertain. Many of his listeners understand that.
And many of them don't.
A 1994 New York Times article leading into the midterm electioncalled Limbaugh "a kind of national precinct captain for the Republican insurgency of 1994" and documented caller after caller legitimately asking the Mahi Rushie -- he calls himself that on occasion -- for guidance.
Not much has changed.
During the Affordable Health Care Act debate, callers were actually asking Limbaugh, a shock jock in the mold of Howard Stern, what was in the bill. He even threatened to move to Costa Rica if it was implemented, which seemed counterintuitive, considering Costa Rica has universal health care.
But it's moments like that when you remember that Limbaugh's purpose isn't to provide thoughtful political discourse. It's to vent on his listeners' behalf, to appeal to their censored side. The side thatwants to hear a white man say "nigga" in public or call a woman a "slut" without getting fired.
If that makes you laugh, then he's doing his job.
If that disgusts you, well that's his job, too.
Limbaugh has had us on this yo-yo since the moment he assumed the role of Gabriel in the Kingdom of Reagan 25 years ago. Back then, it was only offensive, because he was the party's megaphone, warning listeners about the impending invasion of welfare queens with his mixture of righteous indignation and half-truths. It became destructive when listeners and politicians alike made him its spokesman: a pseudo-politician free from the burden of actually having to do anything.
Like use facts.
In rebutting the legitimacy of climate change, Limbaugh once told listeners the United States had more acreage of forest land today than at the time the Constitution was written. That wasn't true, of course, but it sounded good.
Not too long ago, he read what he believed to be passages from Obama's senior thesis, passages that expressed a disdain for the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, the whole thing was made up by a blogger.And while Limbaugh did sheepishly tell listeners what he had read earlier was false, the host still found a way to justify reading it by saying, "We know he thinks it."
Some folks eat that kind of stuff up.
Some get riled up about it.
And the folks in Washington? Well, after 25 years, they're still not quite sure what to do with it or him. If you're a Democrat, do you ignore him? If you're a Republican, do you carry his bags? I imagine it's like that feeling you get when someone tells you something that you can't determine is a joke or not. You just stand there half-smiling like an idiot.
So, if you want to know what the folks in Washington are doing about the economy, I'd start there.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of LZ Granderson.