Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly The Ugly American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly The Ugly American. Show all posts

Apr 1, 2014

O'Reilly Critic Chloelouise Re-Rants Self-Righteous Bill and Calls Him Out on Hate Talk To Rep Barbara Lee

so troubled by the use of the word...decent.....what does that mean.........

here is the original post from Ellen on Newshounds talking about O'Reilly and his rant against Representative Barbara on this link to see the story and the comments.....

 commented 28 mins ago · Flag
You use a lot of words and through it all your liberal anger toward everything decent comes through quite loudly. I don’t always agree with O’Reilly but he’s right in this case.


to Jim.....can you please explain your self a little more.   I just do not see the anger you are describing, however, I feel like Bill O. is very angry and not doing a very good job of hiding it.  Sometimes I do agree with BO but not too often.  On my blog, the ronnie re I do try to understand Bill and why he is so popular.  I must give him credit for his success and try to understand it.  What makes him tick.  Again, to me his underlying theme is his cherished Catholic guilt...but what he fails to understand is that the rest of us, or many people, are just not ruled by guilt.  This rant against Rep Lee is the same as his rant against Al Sharpton.....I hate to say it but there is a part of him that is very racist.  He just cannot give any credit at all to these individuals.  He can't even acknowledge some of their good he has to yell about them being all bad.  In the first place that is unrealistic and the second place why?  Wouldn't he think Barbara Lee or Al Sharpton know something about the issues of the inner city and the people that live there.  That's what I don't get....his hatred...he just can't come to terms with the fact that these may be complex individuals that have done some good work.  Why does he put them in a box?  Why does he have to say those ugly words and denounce them in every way.....and then claim how much he loves Jesus and his righteousness in the next breath.  This is what I want to understand about Bill O'Reilly.  After watching him many times it as if he thinks an African-American individual cannot know anything unless they agree with him.  That is really what he says over and over again.  He is just disrespectful and it shows.  Thanks for your

On the other side contrast that with "the folks".....he claims he is the only one who is looking out for the folks.  Who are those people.  I guess Rep Lee and Rev Al are not included in his you see what I mean?  I always ask are his folks the ones paying 500 bucks a pop for the meet and greet portion of his bolder and fresher gig going around the country?

here is my open letter to o'reilly about Snoop Dogg:

if you take time to comment--agree or disagree--it's appreciated:

Jan 13, 2014

Bad, Bad, Bad Bill O'Reilly

from the gawker

I guess this was not one of Bill "folks" know, the ones he is always looking out for

Bill O’Reilly Terrorized Another Female Fox News Staffer

Bill O’Reilly Terrorized Another Female Fox News StafferSEXPAND
Women might want to think twice before working for Bill O’Reilly. According to Gabriel Sherman’s new bookThe Loudest Voice in the Room, the top Fox News anchor grew so enraged at a female producer after a botched segment in 2003 that, in order to defuse the situation, “a senior Fox executive” intervened and escorted the crying producer out of News Corp’s Midtown headquarters.
“After one taping, he stormed toward his staff’s cubicles and tore into a young female producer, whom he blamed for botching a segment,” Sherman writes in Loudest Voice, which until today had been under a strict press embargo. “Staffers watched in shock as O’Reilly, easily a foot taller than the woman, started yelling and slamming his fist down on a shelf.”
“He got really close and in her face,” an onlooker told Sherman; “She was scared he was going to hit her,” said another. (The name of the producer is not revealed.)
Eventually O’Reilly vanished, after which “a senior Fox executive was called in and escorted the woman, in tears, out of the building to calm her down.” The famously vindictive anchor never apologized.
Sherman says the incident came on the heels of O’Reilly’s surging ratings during the build-up to the Iraq War. His rising stature within the right-wing network apparently created an environment where the anchor acted out against his own staffers with relative impunity. The most famous byproduct of O’Reilly’s toxic studio became public in 2004 when another female O’Reilly producer, Andrea Mackris, revealed that her boss had sexually harassed her in the early aughts—in one instance, by offering to pleasure her with a falafel—and threatened to destroy her if she ever told anyone about it.
Fox News declined to comment.
To contact the author of this post, email
[Photo credit: Getty Images]

Oct 17, 2013

Religion According To Bill O'Reilly........

Religion according to Bill O'Reilly....

Sorry, Bill, Jesus likes me, too--a liberal and pro-choice.

Bill's rules apply to everyone but him, as in his interpretation of "the facts," as well.  His book has been criticized by religious scholars for not being factual or cherry picking certain items to make his point.

This is what I would like to know.....who are "the folks" that Bill claims he is looking out for as he stated in a recent interview....."I am the only one looking out for the folks."  Does he not think the folks want health care?  And here is his biggest disconnect of all.....does he not realize "the folks" elected President Obama?

It's Bill's way or the highway.....apparently this applies to everything from religious interpretation, the voting population of the United States and Howie Kurtz.

Go Howie!............

Howie Kurtz and James Carville taking Bill O'Reilly to task are the best reason to watch Fox News and The Factor.  It's a no spin zone unless it's Bill doing the spinning himself.

from News Hounds.............

Bill O'Reilly Attacks 'Killing Jesus' Critics Who 'Despise Religion'

Bill O'Reilly once advised the folks to ignore their "enemies." But Bill's inability to follow his own advice or, dare we say, hypocrisy, was shown by last night's O'Reilly screed in which he savaged those who do not believe that the divinely inspired "Killing Jesus" is the most awesome book evah. The devoutly Catholic O'Reilly framed his discussion around how the evil, librul media and "the left" despise religion - a popular victim card played by those who claim that it's the poor who play the victim. But the discussion was really all about poor Bill as it soon morphed into O'Reilly's patented baseless attacks on those who, I guess, are Bill's "enemies" because they dare to deride his faith (of which he is such a stellar example). Howard Kurtz tried to add some reason to the discussion; but as is true in life writ large, those who are "faith based" can be quite unreasonable!
Bill opened up by stating, as O'Reilly fact, that the "media is continuing to demean religion, been happening for years." He played video in which MSNBC Luke Russert spoke to a Christian Broadcasting Network host about how religion is given snarky treatment by the media. O'Reilly presented a "perfect example" of the snark when he quoted the USA Today book critic, Bob Minzesheimer (Don't know if he's Jewish but if he is, he's probably getting anti-Semitic e-mails!), who merely pointed out the fact that after O'Reilly told 60 Minutes that he was inspired by the Holy Spirit, his book went from number two to number one. O'Reilly also read Minzesheimer's factual comment that O'Reilly "panned" his critics. (He was also critical of the book but O'Reilly didn't mention that.)
Howard Kurtz agreed with Russert that there is a "condescension," in the media towards religion; but that it's based on lack of understanding rather than malicious intent. He also cited how there is a "cultural divide" because the urban media tend to be secular. Bill wanted to know why these secular people want to "demean" those who believe. Kurtz responded that there might be a "lack of understanding."
Bill then pulled a fact straight out his ass: "The Catholic Church scandal was met with glee in much of the liberal press" who "used it as a hammer." He asserted that the "columnists went wild" and that he could provide examples of this "all day long." Rather than actually provide examples, he named former Huffington Post columnist Larry Doyle, Bill Maher who is a COMEDIAN, Joan Walsh (who challenged O'Reilly on his Tiller attacks), "a bunch of gay activists, a bunch of abortion people all day long just hammering everybody in the Catholic Church is an idiot, all the priests are perverts, you know what happened..." Kurtz defended Boston Globe reporters and cited how NBC did a popular bible series. When Kurtz mentioned the glowing publicity received by the new Pope, Bill whined that Pope Benedict didn't get the same treatment and the only reason that Pope Francis gets good treatment is because he's perceived as liberal.
Pope Bill pontificated that "the left is against religion (Hmmm, Sister Simone Campbell is a "leftist" and she's a Catholic nun!) because religion opposes things like gay marriage  and abortion, that's what it's all about." This is another O'Reilly ass fact because liberal Protestant denominations and non-Orthodox Jews support abortion and gay marriage.
Bill launched into poor me mode with another baseless and narcissistic ass fact about how "the secular national media doesn't want anybody to buy this book." (Hey, Bill, I don't think they really care about your book or who buys it) He whined that "very few have even mentioned it." (Awww)  Bill's overly inflated ego was on hand with the comment that "this is by far and away the best selling book in the world."  When Kurtz noted that O'Reilly got publicity from CBS, O'Reilly said that 60 Minutes is "reportage."
Theologian Bill bloviated that his statement about the Holy Ghost is "what every Christian believes if he or she is a Christian and that was used to attack me." Kurtz countered that the comment gave him more exposure and more book sales. Bill wanted to know why he was attacked over this "expression of what every Christian believes." When Kurtz tried to answer, Bill overtalked him: "All Christians are inspired by God to do things." He added that these evil doer are "playing to their crew" who "despise religion and any expression of it." He cited the "USA" reviewer who is playing to his "anti-religion crew." He accused the national media of being "a little pack" who "all think the same." (Kinda like Fox viewers?)
If Bill O'Reilly did a good "examination of conscience" he might realize that these "attacks" are merely reflections on how Bill's oft proclaimed Christianity is contradicted by his own not very Christian personal and baseless attacks such as this latest screed and critic "panning." Just saying....


here is the link to see the the video of Howie and Bill and other comments, too.......

Jul 28, 2013

bill o'reilly: at the helm on The Sinking Ship Of Fools

In the case of racism it seems like Bill O'Reilly and all the crew members of his sinking ship of fools are code for racism in America but I certainly would not say that about all republicans.
Chris Christie wants all Americans to know he has their back--just like President Obama and I have to say that is a wonderful sentiment and I am a dem.
Karl Rove: note to self--work on ways to inconspicuously ditch Bill and Sean and start focusing on the Jersey shore menu.

Jul 20, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Gets It Wrong: 'Justice for Trayvon' rallies draw thousands across USA

'Justice for Trayvon' rallies draw thousands across USA

George Zimmerman's acquittal a week ago on all charges in the shooting death of the unarmed black teen touched off protests across the nation.

Thousands gathered Saturday at rallies in more than 100 cities nationwide to remember Trayvon Martin, to press for federal civil rights charges against the man who shot him, and to attack stand-your-ground self-defense laws.
George Zimmerman's acquittal a week ago on all charges in the shooting death of the unarmed black teen touched off protests across the nation. The Justice Department is investigating whether Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights when he shot the 17-year-old during a February 2012 confrontation in Sanford, Fla.
In New York, the Rev. Al Sharpton took aim at stand-your-ground laws in more than a dozen states that generally give people wide latitude to use deadly force if they fear serious bodily harm. "We are trying to change laws so that this never, ever happens again," Sharpton, who organized the rallies through his National Action Network, told the crowd in New York.
Zimmerman's lawyers had considered the controversial stand-you-ground defense, but opted instead for a more traditional self-defense argument.
Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon's mother, spoke at the New York rally. "Today it was my son. Tomorrow it might be yours," she warned the crowd. Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin echoed those sentiments at a rally in Miami.
The rallies drew the rich and famous, including Beyonce and Jay Z in New York. But mostly the crowds consisted of regular folks who felt justice was not served at Zimmerman's trial.
In Washington, D.C., hundreds of people braved searing heat, many carrying "Justice for Trayvon Martin" signs, almost all chanting "No justice, no peace." Hellen Smith, 45, brought her 14 year old daughter. The Maryland state human resources manager said she had mixed emotions about the verdict. She said jurors may not have had enough evidence to convict, but added that "We have to stand up for any person of any race who has been unjustly murdered."
Terri White, 60, a Baltimore psychotherapist said she was "disappointed in the system" after Zimmerman was acquitted. "I have two African Americans sons and grandsons and I want to see things change for them."
Washington resident Ralph Reynaud, 69, said the verdict shows that many people connect more easily with Zimmerman than with a black teen. "There was no justice," Reynaud said. "The letter if the law was executed, but the spirit of it was invalidated."
Most of the rallies and vigils were taking place outside federal court buildings. Sharpton said the vigils will be followed by a conference next week in Miami to develop a plan to address Florida's "stand your ground" law.
The rallies came a day after President Obama, speaking to reporters at an impromptu gathering in the White House briefing room, said that all Americans should respect the jury's acquittal of Zimmerman, but that white Americans should also understand that African Americans are pained by Trayvon's death and continue to face racial discrimination.
Obama told reporters that, like other African Americans, he has been followed by security guards while shopping, and has seen motorists lock their doors or women hold tighter to their purses as he walked near them. "Those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida."
"I think it's important to recognize that the African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away," Obama said, and "it's going to be important for all of us to do some soul-searching."
The president also questioned the wisdom of Florida's "stand your ground" law and suggested people consider whether Trayvon also had the right to stand his ground, adding: "Do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt threatened?"
Obama also paid tribute to Trayvon's parents, saying that "I can only imagine what they're going through and it's remarkable how they've handled it."
In a statement, Trayvon's parents Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton said Friday, "We are deeply honored and moved that President Obama took the time to speak publicly and at length about our son, Trayvon. The President's comments give us great strength at this time."
Contributing: David Jackson, Jordan Friedman, Molly Vorwerck and Steph Solis; Associated Press
Follow John Bacon @jmbacon on Twitter

copied from USA Today:

showcasing the statement of Bill O'Reilly this week on his show as he confronted Geraldo Rivera about Al Sharpton claiming his rallies were fizzling Bill O'Reilly got it wrong.....claiming there is no spin on his show and he is always telling the truth, looking out for the average working guy.....really, Bill....because I think this time you got it

President Obama: What America Got Right

"Wonderful statement issued by Trayvon's parents thanking Pres for today's remarks. Their son's tragic death will not be in vain if we listen" Geraldo Rivera

Chloe Louise Geraldo, you did a real good job going against Bill, O'Reilly, the ugly American, the other evening talking about Al Sharpton. 

In the first place, you spoke so eloquently and factually bill could not jump in and cut you off, his hallmark, and secondly, you were able to tell the story and make the complete statement and say nice things about someone who works hard for the average citizen. 

Bill went on CBS and said he was watching out for regular working folks but in reality I think the person looking out for regular working folks is Al Sharpton. 

Bill, started out by saying he was tired of Al Sharpton but you stopped him in his tracks. 

I am convinced these right wing nuts, Bill and Sean, never even bother to listen to Rev. Sharpton, because if they actually listened and took in the information they would have to change their platform and that is what they do not want to do under any circumstances.

borrowing the words form the facebook website of Geraldo Rivera...........

Jul 19, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Meet Al Sharpton

Talking about Al Sharpton........

this is when he seemed quite  impressive to me:

.....interviewing a group of advocates in Cleveland during the chaos of the three beautiful girls held hostage in the house of Mr. Castro for several years.  The men said "Oh, Hi, Reverend Al....." as if they knew him and they were on a first name basis.  The neighborhood group continued to talk to him without fear or nerves--they were able to say what they were thinking as if they were on equal footing with the Reverend.  

Making the point that Reverend Al Sharpton does represent  and give a voice to a certain working class group of people, just the average citizen, of any color or social orientation that may not otherwise be heard.  He has a certain gift to promote conversation and receive information.

On the other hand.....Bill O'Reilly is so busy cutting people off he is interviewing he does not really get the scoop.  He doesn't get the get.....  When someone he does not like or is afraid of talks he can't handle it.  Maybe the person had something important to tell, good info; Bill will not know because he's too busy being arrogant...he does not listen.

or the more important Bill O'Reilly capable of conversation.........

I would say this to Bill or anyone who criticizes Reverend Sharpton........

Perhaps you are not really listening to Al Sharpton, have you watched his show?  I do not watch him every day but often right before Chris Mathews, as time permits.  

Have you read the opinions of the contributors to the news networks?  Many of them say the same thing, including Eric Holder....stand your ground is really not a fair law and not applied fairly.  It is hard for me to hear and believe that black fathers have to have a certain conversation with their sons about not running away from the police, including Eric Holder, himself, being stopped running when he was a federal prosecutor.  

But not just for a certain culture or group of people, we do not want laws that allow vigilante justice on any kid of any color or any group.  Unfortunately, the kids do not always act correctly and have poor judgement or do not live in reality--the other thing I have noticed--the boys are huge and sometimes are quick to fight, and the girls, too. I am not talking about Trayvon Martin, but teenagers, in general--they are kids but we do not want them to die for it.  

A little example:  Bario Logan, San Diego--the 12 year old boys were often beat up for gang affiliation where I worked; point being--that incident would never happen at the rich white schools.  That was shocking news to me and I have lived in middle class white San Diego forever.  So I guess it is true--we see the world through a white prism.  

What language are they speaking............

The police were constantly questioning the kids, "What tats do you have, who do you back?"

Bill O'Reilly says he is representing the folks, but in reality Al Sharpton is probably more realistically representing the folks.  Bill said he is the watchdog looking out for the regular working Al Sharpton.

Jul 10, 2013

Bill O'Reilly The Ugly American Strikes Again.....

copied from the Washington Post............

Bill O’Reilly’s magic black murder statistic

Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin supporters (Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
In a discussion of race and the George Zimmerman case on last night’s “O’Reilly Factor,” Fox News host Bill O’Reilly thought he’d come up with a revealing statistic. A resounding piece of data. A mind-blowing number. A jaw-dropping factoid.
The cable-news king was chatting with the Rev. Jacques DeGraff and citing the problem that “overwhelmingly violent crime in this country is generated by young black men. Am I wrong?” DeGraff took issue with the suggestion that somehow violent crime was in the DNA of young black men, noting that “certain conditions” and geography play a role in the problem.
Then O’Reilly unsheathed his data point:
O’REILLY: Well when — then how — if that’s your contention, Reverend, what do you — how do you react to this statistic? And this is unbelievable: In 2011, 91 percent of all black Americans who were murdered, 91 percent were murdered by other black Americans. I mean that — that cuts across every geographical boundary — 91 percent.
DeGraff responded that “most crimes are committed by people from the ethnic group of the perpetrator.”
And how! Have a look at this report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. From 1980 through 2008, 84 percent of white murder victims were killed by whites; 93 percent of black murder victims were killed by blacks. So just how unbelievable does O’Reilly’s statistic appear now?
As the discussion rolled on, O’Reilly bashed the media a bit: “There is no way on earth this trial should be getting this much coverage. And the only reason it’s doing it is because it’s a light-skinned Hispanic against a black kid.”
Funny thing: The Erik Wemple Blog seems to recall some recent “O’Reilly Factor” segments on the trial. This is one host who understands where his ratings are coming from.
love it---I saw it to and wanted to write it for my blog, but of course yours is excellent--I'll use yours if you don't mind.  
Not that long ago he tried to tell an African-American individual  Robert L. Johnson, founder of BET, that the reason some people in the the Black community had difficulty in the work place was because there was a performance issue and he had statistics for that, too.  
Keep in mind, this is someone who does not want the government to pay for any kind of sensitivity training for other cultures or any group of Americans.  Bill, wake-up, look around--this is America.  
He knows everything.  I called him an Ugly American and it seems like the title fits.   
A few years ago I was a school nurse at a 6th grade school with kids from Bario Logan.  The 12 year old boys were constantly beat up for gang affiliation.  Can you believe it.  I was shocked and I have lived in San Diego forever.  
Point being--would this happen to the kids in the white community--I don't think so.  Would this happen to Bill's kids at school.  Would he stand for it?  
What does the 12 year old kid do about it.  Many of the parents had low-income jobs, for instance,  at two taco shops, to meet expenses, no phone and were Spanish speaking.  
You notice Bill rarely has any one on he cannot run over, or in the case of Robert L. Johnson, he simply refused to take in the information, except for the time he had on Bill Clinton and he conducted himself in a completely different way.  Well, it's his show and I guess that's why people like Wesley Clarke would not go on it.  
Bill O'Reilly, the ugly American strikes again.....

here is Bill explaining the facts to Robert L.