Showing posts with label GeraldoRivera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GeraldoRivera. Show all posts

Jul 14, 2014

Thank Goodness Geraldo is Back!!!!!

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera--the boys are back in town
The one thinking Republican on the planet has returned to his radio show on WABC New York Talk Radio after his much needed vacation to Rome..........I'm jealous.

Seriously, my daughter wasn't in Rome 5 minutes before she said......have you seen the leather jackets here?  I just feel like it would be wrong to leave Rome without actually getting one.

Back to G/ in a good go round with Alan Dershowitz about the recent collective punishment of the Palestinians from Israel.

My question.........why is Gaza/Palestine an occupied country.  How does anyone do anything.

Geraldo.....why not have someone like Doc Jazz on your show for an interview.  He is trying to bring the world together with music....and he is a average working successful individual trying to go on with the activities of daily living and suffering the trials and tribulations of occupation.  Lets chat with this regular work-a-day guy and see what he says.  Lets see......Doc Jazz.....what is your take on the current situation.  What are you good ideas to stop the violence.

Also we got to hear from my favorite talking cop, Bernie Kerik.  Love to hear his take on favorite part about Bernie.......he always speaks with a certain compassion towards police officers and the guys on the street in a way that is loving and refreshing.  It sends a good message out there for the police and the citizens.  Talking about stop and frisk and how it affects the officers walking the beat in New York City today.

Noam Laden, news/jay and fellow talker on the show shared with us his agreement and disagreement with Geraldo Rivera about the situation in Palestine since he does have family in Israel.

This Israel/Palestine situation is extremely difficult.  Geraldo said the one way for sure to wreck a media career in NYC is to bash the actions of Israel.

At the end of the day, Geraldo Rivera, is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in and suffer the heated radio back lash.

All the bashers that I had to endure while he was gone....Mad man Mendte, Stunningly beautiful and successful and stunningly incorrect Judge Jeanine Pirro; it was exhausting to hear them yell and shout.  Judge Napolitano was okay with his back and forth over police actions in the city.

The home grown talent of Rita Cosby and Noam Laden are always enjoyable as they can think, talk and disagree all at the same time without getting angry....who knew.......

Again asking the age old question.........will the talk show inspire new thoughts with chat and info about current events or shall we adopt the opinions of the shouting host.

I'm sticking with Geraldo Rivera on this one.

from the ronnie republic radio round-up.........and thank you to Larry Mendte for being my friend on facebook......welcome you opinion and

A story about Doc Jazz:


about the Palestine Youth Orchestra:

from Roger Waters.....

from the ronnie republic.....Roger Waters Begs Mick Jagger for the Sake of Palestine.......

Jul 2, 2014

Noam Laden Talking Today for Geraldo: WABC Radio New York Finally Comes To Its Senses

WABC news/talk radio New York finally comes to its senses with host Noam Laden filling in for vacationing regular talk-jay Geraldo Rivera.

English: Rita Cosby, United States media figure
English: Rita Cosby, United States media figure (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Noam Laden, the regular news talker on the weekly morning show is a talented news/talker in his own right as well as working with Nancy Grace.

No, it was a very sad Monday morning tuning in to hear the mad man and Hillary basher.....isn't this the fellow that also had his info wrong the last time he was on and it was mentioned in this blog.

Man, Noam does a much better the G man and my girl Rita Cosby, Noam Laden does not possess the angry freak-out factor when a caller has a suggestion not to his liking.

Asking the age old news talk radio about the political conversation and public information or is it only about the opinions of the host.

Are we as listeners capable of making our own decisions or are we expected to only voice the ideas of the shouting host.

Seriously, the big G, Geraldo Rivera, runs one of the best talk radio shows out there today....particularly for a conservative station.

Hey, go out there and listen and tell The Ronnie Republic what you think.

and the GOP wonders what has happened to their party......

Good job, Noam, thanks for talking and thinking at the same time and well done to WABC for appreciating their home-grown talent......please, put the brakes on the mad man......what happened to Judge Andrew Napolitano......he was pretty good, too.


Always listening to the news.......

Did you see the CNN show last evening about the McStay family......from San Diego and following this story forever.....if you love true-crime you have to check this one out:

click on the link below to see:

info on the Rick Baker Blog...and his radio show on the McStay's and CNN this Sunday evening......

Jul 1, 2014

from the Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up: Judge Andrew Napolitano Sits In For Geraldo and Does a Pretty Good Job

English: Judge recording an episode of at CPAC...
English: Judge recording an episode of at CPAC in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Geraldo Rivera.
Geraldo Rivera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
WABC Radio  New York......

So here is the age old the radio talk show format about a political discussion and finding out new information or is it only about the opinions of the host no questions asked......

The man in for Geraldo today........he did a pretty good job.

This was Judge Napolitano from the Fox Network.

Of course, he was not as good as Rita Cosby who I was hoping for in Geraldo's absence and he was not as good as Geraldo but he still ran an interesting show, did not shout or yell or get angry and conducted a political discussion.

Not really agreeing with the Judge or Fox News on most issues but still anxious to hear his opinion and why......he is against stop and frisk and Geraldo is for stop and frisk so the conversation was informational and fun from the listeners point of view.

It is always fun to hear about New York since their issues are slightly different from the rest of the country due to their size and tourist attraction--something is always going on there and the big political radio talkers are there, too.

Judge Napolitano gave his views on stop and frisk and he also had on his show a guest to give his reasons for a strong opposition.

Not really understanding the issues of New York City or stop and frisk it is a real learning experience when we get to hear an in-depth study from both for a radio show, that is.  He let the callers give their ideas without interruption.

Seriously, the show was entertaining and enjoyable.......more than the angry ,  Clinton bashing individual they had on Monday morning.

Actually, Noam Laden conducts a great talk show on his own.....they should just let Noam fill in when Geraldo and Rita are not available.....particularly instead of the angry incorrect shouting man.

Good job, Judge, we will be listening for your tomorrow.

From the desk of the Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up.....hey, what is your best radio show.....who do you listen to for your info and why.......

from wiki........

  1. Andrew Napolitano
  2. Andrew P. Napolitano is a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge. He is a political and senior judicial analyst for Fox News Channel, commenting on legal news and trials. Napolitano has written several books on legal and political subjects. Wikipedia
  3. BornJune 6, 1950 (age 64), Newark, NJ

Jun 23, 2014

Geraldo Rivera: I'm Just Not Into Hurting People's Feelings

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera:  the vibe of New York

That's my take on the show...........

Seriously, listening to a whole lot of news/talk shows Geraldo is a breath of fresh air.

In the first place most of the shows on the radio dial are conservative, super conservative.........but most importantly, they are not talk--that is actually a misnomer.

At first it does seem like they are a talk show and maybe they are even interested in your opinion--that is the false hood, in fact--those shows, most of them, are just a podium for the host to spew their right-wing rant.

It's not really news or information but a conservative editorial.

Many, many times when a caller gives a founded opposite view they are cut off or talked over......the whole thing is a farce.

Geraldo Rivera of WABC New York Talk Radio is different--who knew there would ever be a talk/news jay that would actually listen to the callers.  He lets them talk and answers their compliment, criticism or just comments on their take on things.

Radio listeners--this is extremely rare in talk radio.

Example:  Just this morning Geraldo spoke of La Marina, a docking area and restaurant in New York City he enjoys visiting with his family.  He gave a little history of the place and the O'Rourke family saying in earlier times in was, in fact, known for drug dealing, but now the whole scenario has changed as it is more upscale with new owners.  This was written in the New York papers.

In a few minutes a lady called in to say she was the wife of the individual who had spent time in jail but the papers and Geraldo had taken the whole story out of context.  They did not have money to fight it as she was a registered nurse, retired, and her husband was a construction worker.........the name was correct but everything  reported was wrong according to the caller.  The caller also said the papers had misrepresented the story to be about police corruption, however, that was really not the case.

It was touching as the woman was very distraught--one could hear it in her voice.  It was not only impressive that Geraldo took the call but gave her plenty of time to tell her story and them apologized for his misinterpretation of the facts.  He even recounted to her what had appeared in the papers and allowed her retaliation.  She said the papers have painted the picture incorrectly the entire time but her frustration came in not having the means to ever correct the story.

It was touching......I think Geraldo Rivera felt very bad and he said he does not ever want to hurt people's feelings.  That is not what he is about or the show.

Now, the listener is the winner.....thanks to WABC we know there is another side to the story. has to be said....Geraldo and Noam Laden run a good show.

In most talk-radio the listener never gets to hear both sides of the story.....the caller only gets to talk if they agree with the host.  Roger Hedgecock can be an exception at times.

Thanks Geraldo, Good job for leading the way to a fresh view in news-talk radio.  Those other yellers out there might want to take a tip on how to run a conversation.

Geraldo is a new vibe for the republican party--the other repubs should take a tip and maybe they can resurrect their sinking ship.

People call in every day to thank him for his good work and to yell at him, too.

This guy has the ear of New York--GOP, take a listen.

Chloe Louise--Hillary girl forever.

Corrections and comments are welcome as the words of the show were interpreted from memory.

I would love to interview the caller, Mrs. O'Rourke and tell her side of the story.  Interested in information not interogation she can have approval over what is written, telling it as her take on things and the events that have happened.  It is way too interesting to let it go--right, the nurses have to stick together.

Here is the e-mail:

or the phone.......619-786-4147.

Thanks for your time and reading the ronnie republic radio

May 30, 2014

Geraldo Rivera ABl. Simpspn Auf CNBC: Eine der besten Shows ABl. Out There

Geraldo Rivera.
Geraldo Rivera in the ronnie republic
Geraldo Rivera ABl. Simpspn Auf CNBC: Eine der besten Shows ABl. Out There

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera in der Republik vorge ronnie
O.J. SIMPSON MURDERS auf 20 Jahre, von Geraldo Rivera berichtet
Lüften Samstag 22.00 @ est und Monday Night @ 9.00 est dieses Memorial Day Weekend auf Fox News Channel.

Vorschau: # sp = show-
Clips & v = 3584772483001
   Zusehen alle Neuigkeiten und alle OJ Simpson zeigt, dauerte es nicht lange, um zu erkennen Geraldo nächtlichen CNBC Show war eine der besten ABl. täglich Razzien gibt.

Chloe Louise Geraldo, können Sie eine der besten Shows im Fernsehen ABl. hatte ..... Ich weiß, weil ich sah es jeden Abend ...... ja, ich habe gerade die Nachricht immer und ich noch tun .... Liebe ...... beobachten und Schreiben über Talk-Radio und den Nachrichten ....... ....... das ronnie cl re

Hier ist ein Link auf die Webseite für mehr Show Information:
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May 29, 2014

Geraldo Rivera Radio Round-Up: The Second Amendment is Supid

English: Geraldo Rivera at a Hudson Union Soci...
Geraldo Rivera:  The 2nd Amendment is Stupid 
Piers Morgan at CES 2011.
Piers Morgan in The Ronnie Republic
Geraldo Rivera on WABC New York Radio Today.......

Geraldo, like just about every one else in this country is infuriated by the ease in which mentally ill individuals can obtain guns.

He said I have constitutional right and my children and my family members to be free from the weaponed anger of the mentally ill.

Why are we defending their rights to obtain a firearm?

Geraldo Rivera said on more than one occasion today......The Second Amendment is Stupid.

Yesterday he also said this gun law is outdated and written in a time when we were originally defending our country against Britain.

Times have changed and the law and the meaning for it is antiquated.

Geraldo went on to say today the NRA does not really disclose all of the information--they do not want the American people to know the statistics.

The Ronnie Republic asks the question......well, how does is actually work in Europe where there are not guns .........are the citizens happy about not having easy access to firearms or are they angry.

How does it work for the does it work for the criminals.

Are different gun laws reasonable for the United are we different from Europe.

Often watching Piers Morgan and his frequent rant against the US gun laws and comparing our stats to those of the UK..........the guests he had on his show act as if the UK is another planet when he brings up the facts.

What about to gun laws work there.....can we implement some of these ideas in the US.

What is realistic for our wonderful but suffering country.

What do the police chiefs think.

What does Bernie Kerik think?

Lets continue this discussion and keep talking about it until we can get to a reasonable solution.....part of a solution.

Talking about the recent tragedy in Santa Barbara where so many young adults lost their lives due to the anger of a mentally ill individual.

Let's just keep talking right now until we can find a solution.

Indeed, Geraldo Rivera is a breath of fresh air for he Republican Party--he is not your basic angry, old, white, NRA preaching, GOP member.

He sad today........I'm not afraid to talk....what are they going to do to me.

Good for you, Geraldo, for speaking out against the NRA and the repubs--they certainly are not on the road to winning an big election in their current state--after all, it would be nice to have at least two parties.

What do you think?

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