Fields of Lavender in Provence, France
Now let's visit these Lavender fields in Provence, France........It's beautiful--how can we get there--what is it like to actually stand in the middle of those purple blue rows--is it an overwhelming aroma of lavender wafting through our being.
I'm suggesting we take British Airways from San Diego and stop for a visit in London on the way.
We will see some shows and do a little shopping--we will stop for a Ramos Fizz at the Ritz.
The important question--where to have our tea.
Shall we do a little shopping--window shop on Savile Row and then look for shirting fabric at Liberty of London..........
Seriously, I know where there are plenty of really nice fabric shops, also buttons, at great prices--one cannot find these fabrics in San Diego.
Plenty of apps to help us find things......dinner, discounts, transportation.
We will be sure and stay at a hotel with a brilliant English Breakfast to get our day of sightseeing off to a good start.
We will get a package with hotel, breakfast and airline and then we will only spend on shopping, shows and transportation and dinner.
We could take an inexpensive flight to France but I am suggesting the Channel Tunnel for convenience and more's just easier to end up at the train station and take a taxi to our destination......right, I love the Paris train stations, too.
It would be fun to stay a few days in Paris and try to find the roasted chicken and some of the food that Phil Rosenberg had in that PBS show.....I'll Have What Phil's Having.
Paris is so fun just walking around.....I love walking......I have always wanted to walk in the park that is made from an unused elevated metro track.
Let's also be sure and try the hot chocolate Phil was talking about......
Chocolat Chaud.

This is where Phil had his Choc.......we will take our picture sitting here, too.
Well, the trip is starting to shape up, but what about actually seeing those Lavender Fields.........shall we jump on the TGV and head down to Provence and check it out?
Story in be continued.........suggestions accepted