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Showing posts with label the factor. Show all posts

Dec 28, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Jumping on That Speeding Freight Train Named Chris Christie

I used to watch Howie regularly on CNN--never wanted to miss the show--and now it is sad to me to see him forced into agreeing with you know who, Bill O'Reilly.  Once in a great while it seems like he is sharing his opinion of what is happening on the news but more often than not Mr. O bullies him down.  He is almost forced to repeat Bill's thoughts and then smile about it.  I don't want Howie just agreeing all the time.

Has anyone else thought Bill O'Reilly is changing to meet Chris Christie somewhere in the middle.

He suggested Phil Robertson was too judgemental in the recent DD fiasco.

Is Bill trying to distance himself from the whackadoodles for survival.

Do you think he gets tips running around on the bolder and fresher tour from the big money "folks" he is looking out for--he is the only one doing that.  500 big one for the meet and greet here in San Diego.
Is he worried about his own survival, the show's survival, his position in the republican party and the survival of the republican party.

Is this due to the fact that the big money folks are indicating they are ready to get behind Chris Christie--the only sane repub ready to hit a grand slam for the party in the big election coming up.

Just an idea but I do not think the tea party can survive the big one and it seems like Mr. O does have that political foresight.

Will he do anything to have the gov, Christie on his show and to share his attention?

He was quiet in order to have Sarah Palin on the show.

Unless Jeb Bush jumps in to save the country from us dems.

Well, what do you think?

Here is Erik Wemple talking about Howie in the Washington Post:

Dec 11, 2013

O'Reilly "goes O'Reilly" on Al Sharpton

Talking about Mr. Bill O'Reilly spinning the brilliant reception of President Obama in South Africa at the ceremonies for Nelson Mandela.

He was received as a world leader--black citizens of all countries are part of the world--that is where you are making your miscalculation--who are the citizens of the world--not just the "folks" of Mr. O'Reilly. One must take their head out of the sand at these times.

Unfortunately Bill shows his colors in a strange and weird way once in a great while.  During the 50th of the JFK assassination Bill said on on more than one occasion that the sentiment of the nation towards Barack Obama was the same as it was right before Kennedy was killed.  He said it twice and when a listener wrote in to complain he said it again more adamantly defending his position.

What exactly was he trying to say.  It was reported in The Ronnie Republic but not noticed in the major networks or publications.  Bill very much wanted to talk about some people's dissatisfaction with our President but he did  not mention the great praise he received just this week at the stadium  for Nelson Mandela.  It was strange when all of  the networks were showing  the adulation for our first black President and commenting on this great  accomplishment that Bill had to take this opportunity to say Nelson Mandela was a communist.  Instead of reporting on the grand reception of President  Obama, like all of the other news outlets Mr O'Reilly went on a hate filled rant against the Reverend Al Sharpton.

Bill can't say the hate he feels to President Obama or he would be in big trouble.  No, he rails on Al Sharpton endlessly.  It is quite ugly at this time.

Not to mention he claims he has the no spin zone and the news is fair and balanced  on his show and  truthful.

His reporting is the biggest example of "spin" out there.  Nice try, Bill, but you were caught on this one.

Dec 8, 2013

Bill Maher Gets on His Knees For Sarah Palin

That's right, that is this dems fantasy.

Hey, the lady gets to talk.

Bashing Bill O'Reilly daily, there is just so much material, for a liberal left blog but giving credit where credit was due seemed appropriate.

Bill said on more than one occasion he wanted Mrs. Palin on his show but she just was not willing to take the option.

Who's driving the media car now.......

While Chris Matthews loves to go on about his education, his experience and his intellect he might want  to take time to realize Sarah Palin has the media savvy of Princess Diana--the likes of which he does not.

Who is actually out there in television listening land, who are the folks?  Is it all political Washington zealots like Chris--or do the midwestern conservative moms and cooks prevail.  Let the political conversation move forward with cooks and moms and men and women of both parties.

Bill O'Reilly, in all of his arrogance, apparently realized a change had to take place if he wanted to reach his often stated goal of interviewing Sarah on his show.  

Sarah Palin:  sought after by the media......

He knew he had to let her talk without trying to annihilate her as he bragged more than one time about his interview with former New Mexico governor, Bill Richardson.  Is it a wonder why anyone would not want to go on his show.

You have got to keep your mouth shut or you are going to go without.

Well, Bill learned his lesson and Sarah went on his show, talked about her political goals for the Tea Party, what the Tea Party stood for, her recent go-round with MSNBC's Martin Bashir, and also shared her recipes.  Bill gave a chuckle as if that was not important--dem or repub, this lady loves to cook and that's  important info on this blog.

Women get to talk  without a sexual slur--a slur Mr.Maher said, as if he thought he was justified because he was funny.  A statement that had no real answer.  How should Sarah Palin have responded to the horrific thing Bill Maher said.  There was no reasonable response or retaliation and as a lady that loves to talk and say her political opinion it was really resented.

Democratic Ball and Chain, Bill Maher...

Well, will he ever learn?  Will he take a lesson from Bill O'Reilly?  Can he ever be humble and forgo an opportunity for humor.  As if he is not already super funny and successful--was his comment really necessary.  Does Bill Maher realize Sarah Palin is controlling the media now--even with her outrageous statements--isn't that what all the big mouth guys are after, anyway--media attention.

Take a lesson Mr. Maher from you adversary Bill O'Reilly and let's see who can top him in ratings.

That's this dems fantasy--looking for humility from Bill Maher.

Dec 5, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: His Christmas Gift to Jon Stewart

Erik Wemple

Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ rips Bill O’Reilly’s Christmas activism

On his Dec. 2 show, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly vowed to “keep an eye” on the so-called War on Christmas. In what’s clearly a not-too-fruitful search for 2013 war-on-Christmas grist, O’Reilly fixated on Macy’s. “This year they’re touting Santa Claus who will help you, quote, ‘With your holiday wish list,’ ” declared O’Reilly, who would prefer that the department store say “Christmas wish list.” More O’Reilly: “So here is my question to Macy’s. What holiday is Santa celebrating? Winter solstice, the birthday of a reindeer — what?”
And that was plenty enough for Jon Stewart, who used a segment of his “Daily Show” program to poke at the war on the War on Christmas. He appeared a bit fatigued by this quite predictable issue, noting how “we do this dance every year.” When Stewart asked what makes this year particularly noteworthy in the tyranny of “happy holidays,” he turned to O’Reilly’s argument about timing: “What is interesting this year is that Hanukkah will be over on Thursday. So there are no more holidays between then and Christmas Day. It’s just Christmas if you want to invoke happy. Bad news for the secular progressives,” said O’Reilly. Stewart ridiculed the notion.
The back-and-forth between O’Reilly and War-on-Christmas detractors like Stewart is a merry pursuit, a staple of the “holiday” season. Last year a poll by Public Policy Polling found that 47 percent of respondents believed this war existed, as opposed to 40 percent who did not. Thirteen percent fell in the “not sure” category, a demographic that O’Reilly and Stewart have gotten an early start on influencing this year.

Oct 25, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Garden Variety Right Wing Nut or Insane Dangerous Narcissist

Bill O'Reilly:  Garden Variety Right-Wing Nut or Insane Dangerous Narcissist

Twice within the last two weeks Bill O'Reilly has referred to the assassination of President Kennedy in comparison to President Obama.

He often mentions Kennedy as he touts his recent book, Killing Kennedy.

He said the sentiment of the country is the same now about President Obama as it was right before Kennedy was assassinated.

A viewer wrote in to criticize and O'Reilly became even more adamant about his position and defending his statement....even making the assertion that is was important for the viewers to know this information.

Many may not agree with not only this statement, but this interpretation of the country's sentiment and the possible insinuation that goes along with this idea.

What is the actual goal of O'Reilly, this bilge busting reservoir of flatulence?

Many citizens and voters, as we saw by the last election, are glad to have President Obama in office and very glad to have health care.  Many republicans have stated they were happy to have their children remained covered to the age of 26.

Is "stirring up" the job of the right wing conspirators.....

Will Mr. O'Reilly be paid a visit by the secret service.......

As those horrible words were repeated, twice, by the seemingly insane king of Fox News fanatical facts of anti-democrat propaganda the horrible words of the old white racists came to mind form The Men Who Killed Kennedy predicting the terrible event to happen in Dallas.

What is this joker trying to stir up...........stir that the job of these Fox News whack jobs?

Bill often states as he did on the morning show of CBS when asked if he will be running for office.......I am the only one looking out for the folks.

Bill, who are your folks.........the "folks" elected and re-elected President Obama.  Wouldn't President Obama actually be the one looking out for the average working guy?  The average working guy who wants health care.

No, President Obama, is not a communist or socialist, as you also tried to say this week.

Is this man extremely dangerous, or what.

Is he actually jealous of President Obama because he is cute and funny........this may be the real reason.

Bill was here in San Diego last Friday........the ticket prices?

92.00 to 147.00 for the regular seats.......and.......539.00 for a chance to meet and greet with Bill and Dennis Miller.  Just wondering if these are the average folks Bill is meeting as he tours around the country on his Bolder and Fresher gig.  Are these the average working folks he is looking out for, people who pay 539.00 to see his show.

Are the voters in the working class neighborhoods who elected our President and who are thankful for health care paying to see that show.

Is Bill's vision skewed.......will he be visited by the secret service like Ted Nuggent and what are his actual goals? He is very offensive to those other "folks" who see President Obama as someone with a wonderful vision for our country.

Warning:  Do not be dragged into to this grand narcissistic scheme--it will only be harmful in the long run.

from Newshounds...............

This set is 18.00.....The earrings are 8mm swarovski cubes with sterling silver findings.......I put it together with a bracelet I purchased at the gem show in
tax and shipping are included in the price.

Oct 15, 2013

Who Are Bill O'Reilly's "Folks".........

Who are the "folks," Bill?

Bill keeps insisting.....I'm looking out for the folks.

But Bill, who are the folks?

Do the folks not want health care?

This is the Bill O'Reilly disconnect...........ranting on endlessly about Obamacare......but, Bill, I'm pretty sure the folks , and there are a lot of them, want health care.

Bill, please explain, what do you think?

Chloe Louise, San Diego

Oct 10, 2013

A Female Bill O'Reilly

Seriously, that would just about be an accurate description of mother.....

with a touch of Nixon thrown in.

why I want to divorce my mother and marry my cat......

one other note.....

Bill keeps saying he is representing "the folks"............

But Bill.....who are the folks........

don't you think "the folks" want health care?

Aug 14, 2013

Bill O'Reilly--Out of his League and Out of his Mind

I'll take Anthony Weiner or Eliot Spitzer any day over a yeller like O'Reilly.

Frankly, O'Reilly is not only code for racism these days but he is also conducting a war on women.

Women today deserve the right to chose over their own person--who, what , when where and gender--all of the options to be available to them including education and contraception.

Fully funded and planned parenthood--the women deserve the best--not an uniformed old yeller that refuses to listen to the facts.

About 20 years ago, Holland--condoms advertised on the Cartoon Network--right, noticed on a vacation--let the US catch-up.

Bill O'Reilly--out of his league and out of his mind.

Aug 6, 2013

Carville lays o'reilly out: it was just a matter of time

james carville explains the facts of life to bill o'reilly......

Bill O'Reilly's Brilliant Pregnancy Prevention Program, Featuring Jay Z

The glaring contradiction in conservative rhetoric between the hostility toward contraception and the endless hand-wringing about single motherhood so often goes unchallenged in cable news discourse that James Carville was able to get Bill O'Reilly to go into a rhetorical death spiral just by bringing it up on Thursday. O'Reilly was running his mouth with the usual race-baiting talking points that incorrectly assume that rising numbers of births to legally unmarried women means that huge numbers of women are raising children alone when he proposed that the federal government fund (with money!) a campaign to tell young women to stop having all of the sex. Carville took this as a fun opportunity to provoke O'Reilly's notorious dislike for contraception by pointing out that any kind of campaign to prevent unplanned pregnancy should include contraception and sex education. 
Watching O'Reilly try to reconcile his "contraception is bad" position with his "stop having babies" position is delightful. First he attempted to deny that contraception, which he associates with sex, has anything to do with baby-making:
Carville: I think the idea that the federal government is going to tell a 17-year-old that you just wait and you don’t have sex—I don’t think that’s going to be effective.
O'Reilly: It has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with getting pregnant.
After Carville pointed out the fundamental problem with this argument, O'Reilly changed tactics, claiming that you can just go to Planned Parenthood and get contraception. When Carville noted that this is a funding issue—alluding to the fact that the anti-choice movement O'Reilly supports attacks any effort to make contraception more accessible—O'Reilly flipped out: "So, you don’t want peer pressure brought, you want to fund, fund, fund! More money, more money!"
He added, "Why don’t we just have the Good Humor man have contraception on the ice cream truck?" before giving more details about what his proposed "federal program" to discourage unmarried motherhood would entail: Having Jay Z tell young women not to have sex. 
O'Reilly: It’s going to discourage! Actively discourage! Peer pressure! Jay Z, the multimillion-dollar man—have him get out and do a couple public service announcements. 
Sadly, Carville did not have a chance to ask any of the pertinent follow-up questions, but I have a few: 1) Why does O'Reilly think that the 43-year-old Jay Z is a "peer" to the young women the Fox News star would dearly love to stop having sex? 2) If a federally funded Jay Z had dropped a line to O'Reilly in 2004 to discourage the then-married man from calling up a female colleague to invite her over for potentially pregnancy-causing activities, would that have stopped him? I'm not being flip. I just want to understand how this rappers-against-sex program is expected to work.

copied from slate.......

Jul 23, 2013

Note to Karl Rove: Bill O'Reilly is Killing the Republican Party

Walking Dead:  Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and The Republican Party........

Bill, I am going to listen to you just as soon as you tell me what your credentials are to talk on this subject.   

Your credentials compared to President Obama and Eric Holder.......

Note to Karl Rove:   who are the voters and why did the repubs. lose the election.....should there be two conservative parties.....the new repubs and the old nuts.....

O’Reilly Smacks Down Obama’s Race Speech: President Has ‘No Clue’ How To Combat ‘Gangsta Culture’

VIDEO» 1107 comments

Bill O’Reilly opened his show Monday night by examining President Obama‘s Friday afternoon speech on race and the Trayvon Martin case. O’Reilly began by saying Obama was “correct in addressing the race issue” but then proceeded to hammer the president for failing to address the “real” problems facing the African-American community.
“The sad truth is that from the president on down, our leadership has no clue, no clue at all about how to solve problems within the black community,” O’Reilly said. “And many are frightened to even broach the issue. That’s because race hustlers and the grievance industry have intimidated the so-called ‘conversation,’ turning any valid criticism of African-American culture into charges of racial bias.” He said it’s these attitudes that have forced African-Americans to “fend for themselves in violent neighborhoods.”
Coming back to Trayvon Martin specifically, O’Reilly said there is only evidence that George Zimmerman “profiled” the 17-year-old because he was “dressed in clothing sometimes used by street criminals”–not his skin color. “It was wrong for Zimmerman to confront Martin based on his appearance,” he said. “But the culture that we have in this country does lead to criminal profiling because young black American men are so often involved in crime.”
This led O’Reilly to pinpoint the primary cause of these statistics: “The disintegration of the African-American family.” More than anything else, he chalked up black crime to the fact that “73% of all black babies are born out of wedlock,” a problem that he said Obama and other civil rights leaders refuse to address. He also pointed fingers at the entertainment industry, and particularly “gangsta culture,” for “encouraging irresponsibility” and “glorifying bad behavior.”
O’Reilly outright rejected the notion, put forward by “race hustlers and limousine liberals” that “unfair” incarceration rates for “non-violent” drug offenses contribute to the problem, calling out Jesse JacksonAl Sharpton and Obama for refusing to condemn drug dealers. Getting more and more heated as he progressed, O’Reilly argued that blacks’ disadvantages “has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents.”
In conclusion, O’Reilly said, “it’s now time for the African-American leadership, including President Obama, to stop the nonsense. Walk away from the world of victimization and grievance and lead the way out of this mess.”
Watch video below, via Fox News:

copied from mediaite.............

from a derelict mom---I rather not be married than be married to a man that shouts like O'Reilly.  If he acts like that on television how do you think he acts when the cameras are not around. This single mom is betting he is pretty scary....can you imagine raising your kids in that environment.  That is what someone said to me..."Do you want your son to grow up and act like your husband?  Then I would get a divorce......"

Bill O'Reilly: Spinning in the No Spin Zone

Bill constantly says he is telling the truth but here is a blatant example of how he tried to spin it and was incorrect.  I wish I could speak as well as Geraldo did the other evening on the show but here is my attempt anyway.  I have written quite a few times about Bill on my blog--the ronnie republic.  If you do not want to click on the link just google the ronnie republic and bill o'reilly.  Thank you for your time.

Sometimes I think the whole thing of Bill O'Reilly is just a cover for racism.  I mean, why is he constantly trying to tell people of African-American descent how to act--as if he knows the answer if people would only listen to him.  

Seriously, what are his credentials--for instance compared to President Obama and Eric Holder.  Not just that these two are African-American and have lived the facts but are they not also learned individuals with education in this particular area.  Wouldn't they be more prepared to talk on the issue than Bill?  

I've gone on now too much.......

Jul 21, 2013

How America Got It Right And Bill O'Reilly Got It Wrong

Chloe Louise · San Diego, California
How America Got It Right and Bill O'Reilly Got It Wrong......

Well, Geraldo Rivera eloquently went up against Bill the other evening this week and nicely laid him out when Bill tried to claim that rallies across the nation affiliated with the Reverend Al Sharpton were actually fizzling out and just how tired he was of hearing about the Reverend in regards to the death of Trayvon Martin.

Who is this guy Al Sharpton, anyway--Bill's lesson in marginalizing someone and their cause.

Then Bill recently went on CBS to tell how he, in fact, was the only one watching out for the average citizen, he was the "watchdog" for the regular working guy.

Bill--Meet Reverend Al Sharpton. Your spin--in your "no spin zone"--was, in fact, incorrect. Yes, Bill, you tried to spin it and you were wrong. Take a look at USA Today and listen to CNN. There were many, many people in all cities all across he country that came out in favor of Trayvon Martin and Al Sharpton.

Oh, right Bill, there was one other person, too. That would be our very well spoken president, Barack Obama. Yes, that's what we all got right in America--electing Barack Obama to the presidency.

We not only have someone to speak about healthcare for all of the citizens, to stand up against Rush Limbaugh against bashing women and their healthcare rights, but now we actually have a President of color who can have a very personal and needed discussion on race and what it means in the United States.

That's right Bill--we got it right and you, in your no spin zone--got it wrong.

Will, Bill be man or woman enough to admit it and maybe even apologize to Al Sharpton?

Will Bill even admit that he made and error. If he did it would cut to his platform and he may have to think about it and discuss the issues of the civil rights of many groups in America in a meaningful way.

And he might have to come to terms with the biggest fact of all. Bill--open your eyes--who is the average working guy in America. How was President Obama elected? America is a beautiful coat of many colors, that is our history.

Bill O'Reilly: Meet the Reverend Al Sharpton.

here is Bill today in The Desert Sun:

Jul 20, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Gets It Wrong: 'Justice for Trayvon' rallies draw thousands across USA

'Justice for Trayvon' rallies draw thousands across USA

George Zimmerman's acquittal a week ago on all charges in the shooting death of the unarmed black teen touched off protests across the nation.

Thousands gathered Saturday at rallies in more than 100 cities nationwide to remember Trayvon Martin, to press for federal civil rights charges against the man who shot him, and to attack stand-your-ground self-defense laws.
George Zimmerman's acquittal a week ago on all charges in the shooting death of the unarmed black teen touched off protests across the nation. The Justice Department is investigating whether Zimmerman violated Martin's civil rights when he shot the 17-year-old during a February 2012 confrontation in Sanford, Fla.
In New York, the Rev. Al Sharpton took aim at stand-your-ground laws in more than a dozen states that generally give people wide latitude to use deadly force if they fear serious bodily harm. "We are trying to change laws so that this never, ever happens again," Sharpton, who organized the rallies through his National Action Network, told the crowd in New York.
Zimmerman's lawyers had considered the controversial stand-you-ground defense, but opted instead for a more traditional self-defense argument.
Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon's mother, spoke at the New York rally. "Today it was my son. Tomorrow it might be yours," she warned the crowd. Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin echoed those sentiments at a rally in Miami.
The rallies drew the rich and famous, including Beyonce and Jay Z in New York. But mostly the crowds consisted of regular folks who felt justice was not served at Zimmerman's trial.
In Washington, D.C., hundreds of people braved searing heat, many carrying "Justice for Trayvon Martin" signs, almost all chanting "No justice, no peace." Hellen Smith, 45, brought her 14 year old daughter. The Maryland state human resources manager said she had mixed emotions about the verdict. She said jurors may not have had enough evidence to convict, but added that "We have to stand up for any person of any race who has been unjustly murdered."
Terri White, 60, a Baltimore psychotherapist said she was "disappointed in the system" after Zimmerman was acquitted. "I have two African Americans sons and grandsons and I want to see things change for them."
Washington resident Ralph Reynaud, 69, said the verdict shows that many people connect more easily with Zimmerman than with a black teen. "There was no justice," Reynaud said. "The letter if the law was executed, but the spirit of it was invalidated."
Most of the rallies and vigils were taking place outside federal court buildings. Sharpton said the vigils will be followed by a conference next week in Miami to develop a plan to address Florida's "stand your ground" law.
The rallies came a day after President Obama, speaking to reporters at an impromptu gathering in the White House briefing room, said that all Americans should respect the jury's acquittal of Zimmerman, but that white Americans should also understand that African Americans are pained by Trayvon's death and continue to face racial discrimination.
Obama told reporters that, like other African Americans, he has been followed by security guards while shopping, and has seen motorists lock their doors or women hold tighter to their purses as he walked near them. "Those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida."
"I think it's important to recognize that the African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away," Obama said, and "it's going to be important for all of us to do some soul-searching."
The president also questioned the wisdom of Florida's "stand your ground" law and suggested people consider whether Trayvon also had the right to stand his ground, adding: "Do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt threatened?"
Obama also paid tribute to Trayvon's parents, saying that "I can only imagine what they're going through and it's remarkable how they've handled it."
In a statement, Trayvon's parents Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton said Friday, "We are deeply honored and moved that President Obama took the time to speak publicly and at length about our son, Trayvon. The President's comments give us great strength at this time."
Contributing: David Jackson, Jordan Friedman, Molly Vorwerck and Steph Solis; Associated Press
Follow John Bacon @jmbacon on Twitter

copied from USA Today:

showcasing the statement of Bill O'Reilly this week on his show as he confronted Geraldo Rivera about Al Sharpton claiming his rallies were fizzling Bill O'Reilly got it wrong.....claiming there is no spin on his show and he is always telling the truth, looking out for the average working guy.....really, Bill....because I think this time you got it