Showing posts with label Duck Dynasty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duck Dynasty. Show all posts

Jan 3, 2014

Ann Coulter and Free Speech

In a startling New Year’s Eve diatribe – demurely titled “The Anus Monologues” – Ann Coulter defended free speech by calling for the execution of those who disagree with her.
In the middle of her essay condemning liberal activists and the liberal media, Coulter tried to seize the moral high ground, going badly off track in the process. Coulter writes, “free speech existed even before we had a Constitution.” Actually, free speech wasn’t recognized and protected as a “right” until the Constitution (or, to be more precise, the Bill of Rights).
Further, Coulter conflates “shock troops of liberal agitators” with “government censoring speech.” Belaboring the point that “A&E is not the government,” Coulter misses the point that A&E is not the government. A&E can do what it wants. The free market (not the government) should decide its fate. Regarding censorship, the First Amendment really does only apply to the government (“Congress shall make no law …”), notwithstanding Coulter’s protestations.
But, in the name of free speech, Coulter wants to prohibit some people “from ever talking in public again.” Moreover, she concludes her essay advocating execution of the liberal press: “Cliché-spouting hack TV pundits: I recommend capital punishment.” (See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter for her extensive use of elimination rhetoric.)
Lauding conservatism and Scripture, Coulter denies both in practice and in temperament. Coulter’s hypocrisy and double standards are as self-evident as the nation’s founding principles that she cites.
Conservatives believe in free speech for conservatives and for liberals, for Christians and for non-Christians. The Constitution applies to all. Unlike Coulter, conservatives and Christians actually believe the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal” in the image of God, and, thus, all should be accorded due respect.
People are free to believe, or not believe, as they like. Jesus was about persuasion, not coercion.
Instead of vilifying “shock troops of liberal agitators,” conservatives and Christians would counter them with truth and grace, which is exactly why Robertson was so quickly restored by A&E.
Coulter champions the values of Duck Dynasty, but she fails miserably at living those values.

from Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website: CoulterWatch

Dec 26, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Meeting Chris Christie in the Middle

The ego wars rage on.

Here's the thing--we can't count out Bill O'Reilly. 

Sure I love to bash him almost on a daily basis but "the voters" out there, and I think there are a lot of them, love him. He's big, real big in the ratings and even though we now have President Obama, Mr. O'Reilly and his followers are not going away any time soon. 

I think he is changing ever so slightly to meet the giant force on the political scene, Chris Christie, somewhere in the middle. 

As we noticed his suggestion that the views of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame were indeed to harsh in their judgement of our gay community. Not to mention on a more practical matter that kind of talk will get you fired at work. 

Bill reminded us that Jesus asked us not to judge. 

Bill may want to ensure the popularity of his show and the Republican Party unlike other members of the walking dead branch of the repubs who make statements to attract attention to themselves at the expense of the GOP. 

Perhaps Mr. O'Reilly has foresight the average citizen does not have as he runs around the country on his "Bolder and Fresher" tour meeting with the folks. That may be the folks paying 500 dollars a ticket for the meet and greet portion of the gig. Perhaps these folks and big money backers are providing him with an insight into our next big election. 

Mr. O is moving in that direction.

Dec 20, 2013

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter Justifies DD Hate Talk with Jesus

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter justifies hate with Jesus, and calls herself a Christian.

Religion without compassion.

Justifying their hate with Jesus.

Just have to speak at this time--past employment working with many gay men in the health care field.

Many were out but some, very few even knew they were gay.

But here is one thing about all of those guys

I would never, ever, ever want to do anything to hurt their feelings and if that happened in this Duck Dynasty thing with this ill-kept ex-hippie I am so sorry for any one who was offended.

Bombastic Barbie, Ann Coulter proclaiming these duck people are simply following the words of Jesus and the Bible.

Gee, how can I draw more attention to myself--who can I insult next.

Ann Coulter:  How can I single-handedly lay waste to the republican party.  How can I lose the election again in 2016.

Can I stop health care for every one.  Do I have an alternative or shall I just keep shouting insults.

So many of these gay men, my co-workers at every level--so often bailed me out at work.  No, not just once but many many times. Offering kind words of advice, as needed.

So often these lovely men carried on a conversation with me when others would not.

Thank you to all of these men for helping me out so many, many times and for being my friend.

To me, Jesus does not want to go around hurting other people's feelings.

What do you think Ann.

Ann and Sean Hannity book signing today in Florida.

I like the compassion of Reverend Al Sharpton and personally he has given me strength through his words and setting an example for accepting others and also telling his life story.