Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Jul 30, 2014

A Perfect Day to Chat With Jesus

Commenting on a perfect day at the park, stunning green grass, mild temps, kids playing in the water.........

We were just saying our thoughts about meeting Jesus--we will sit at the picnic table and listen to what our friend has to say.

Always feeling Jesus is a friend it is going to be so exciting to meet him and listen to his words.

We will be a group of people listening to the words of wisdom.

There will be plenty of healthy food to eat and fruit on the trees.

Dogs and cats will be there, too.

There will not be a war--no one would even think of eating any animals.

Everyone will get along.  We will be tolerant and appreciative of our differences.

It is so exciting to talk about Jesus with friends....but what are your thoughts.....what is your idea about meeting Jesus........

May 4, 2014

Thank you to all of my Twitter followers: Would you like to comment on my blog.......

Bill O'Reilly
Cover of Bill O'Reilly
English: Karl Rove Assistant to the President,...
English: Karl Rove Assistant to the President, Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Bill O'Reilly at a Hudson Union Socie...
English: Bill O'Reilly at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yes, it's true......I love Jesus and I am a democrat.

I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that follow me on twitter.

I know I have many followers that are of a different political view......but I love the political conversation.

That is what Karl Rove's the political conversation that keeps things moving forward.

If anyone would like to comment, write a post--agree or disagree--talk about Bill O'Reilly as in what makes him tick...........or anything.

Please comment.

I do have guest contributors that are conservatives.

I also like to write about the radio, news, food, travel, dogs, cats, crafts, sewing  and Wichita.

Here is my

hope to hear from you.......thank you for following........the current question on my you think cats go to heaven.  I'll just tell you that I do.....I have to.   Love to hear what you think.

Thanks girl forever.......the ronnie re
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Jan 12, 2014

Ann Coulter and God’s Word

English: Commentator and author at CPAC in .
English: Commentator and author at CPAC in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ann Coulter and God’s Word
In her New Year’s Eve essay (her eighth almost identical Kwanzaa essay in 14th years), Coulter argued that the Bible should be taken seriously and not misinterpreted for political purposes. She added this aside: “(I promise you, except for venereal disease and eternal damnation, life would be a lot more fun if we were making it up as we went along.)”
Some have misread Coulter’s parenthetical remark as an expression of what befalls those who reject and disobey God’s Word. Yes, Coulter commends God’s Word yet, at the very same time, seems to commend doing your own thing (“making it up as we [go] along.”) Are “venereal disease and eternal damnation” the only consequences to sin? Is life all about seeking “a lot more fun?” Amazingly, Coulter made a “promise” about life being more fun doing things your own way. (Yet another failed Coulter promise.)
All actions have consequences – according to Newton and according to God. Coulter might think “life would be a lot more fun” doing it her way instead of God’s, revealing her ignorance of God’s greatness and His grace: our Father in heaven really does know better what is best for us. Jesus came to give us life, and to give it to us abundantly.
The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “Rejoice! And, again I say, rejoice!” We, as Christians, are called to experience a bit of heaven on earth in living in a close relationship with our Creator. When we are walking with God, we experience His unsurpassing peace, His inexpressible joy, and His unfailing love. Those experiences are to be prized! The world has nothing better to offer.
What passes for “fun” in this world badly misses the mark and deprives people of the joy which can be experienced in following Jesus and doing what He would do.
As noted in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, Coulter has a problem subjecting her will to God’s. She would rather do what is right in her own eyes than in God’s. Ironically, Coulter concluded her “Breaking Bad” essay (in which she called that TV series “a Christian parable”) with Scripture: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”
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Dec 20, 2013

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter Justifies DD Hate Talk with Jesus

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter justifies hate with Jesus, and calls herself a Christian.

Religion without compassion.

Justifying their hate with Jesus.

Just have to speak at this time--past employment working with many gay men in the health care field.

Many were out but some, very few even knew they were gay.

But here is one thing about all of those guys

I would never, ever, ever want to do anything to hurt their feelings and if that happened in this Duck Dynasty thing with this ill-kept ex-hippie I am so sorry for any one who was offended.

Bombastic Barbie, Ann Coulter proclaiming these duck people are simply following the words of Jesus and the Bible.

Gee, how can I draw more attention to myself--who can I insult next.

Ann Coulter:  How can I single-handedly lay waste to the republican party.  How can I lose the election again in 2016.

Can I stop health care for every one.  Do I have an alternative or shall I just keep shouting insults.

So many of these gay men, my co-workers at every level--so often bailed me out at work.  No, not just once but many many times. Offering kind words of advice, as needed.

So often these lovely men carried on a conversation with me when others would not.

Thank you to all of these men for helping me out so many, many times and for being my friend.

To me, Jesus does not want to go around hurting other people's feelings.

What do you think Ann.

Ann and Sean Hannity book signing today in Florida.

I like the compassion of Reverend Al Sharpton and personally he has given me strength through his words and setting an example for accepting others and also telling his life story.

Dec 4, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Punishing in the name of Jesus

The butler of bilge, Bill O'Reilly, loves to try and hide behind Jesus.  This gets into the religion thing--justifying hate with Jesus and religion.  Jesus might love the people Bill wants to deny and judge.  Jesus may even love Bill and let him be a lesson for all of us.  It's confusing but I wish Bill would not try to talk for Jesus because I love Jesus, too.  Bill is tainting my idea of Jesus.  Personally I love Jesus, all religions, atheists; I really love Ron Reagan and cats, and the United States and President Obama---there. 

Are all Catholic men this punishing?

Bill O’Reilly: Jesus is not ‘down with’ food stamps because most poor people are drug addicts (via Raw Story )
No one knows what Jesus would do to feed today’s poor, hungry Americans — but Fox News host Bill O’Reilly is pretty sure the Christian savior wouldn’t be “down with” giving them food stamps because it’s “their fault.” After Rep. Jim…