How the VA Steals Your Soul
Because they do not listen and they do not communicate.
They refuse to answer questions and they refuse to talk about it.
The VA and the NCA take their stance of innocence, and in this case tried to shame me for asking questions.
The problem:
They buried my mother and they did not let me know--but why.
Mother passed and was cremated at Neptune according to her plans.
At the height of COVID everything including funerals and burials were on hold.
We had all lived in San Diego forever and my cousin, while visiting, offered to pick up the ashes for me--I said okay as he visited my mother and liked her.
Later we would meet at Greenwood where she owned her plot in SD, and put her in the ground.
Even though she owned her plot, she often talked about it, the price to dig the hole was 2000 dollars and grew to 3000 within 6 months.
My cousin and I had discussed this trip many times--to meet in San Diego and place the ashes at Greenwood.
After many discussions I said I wanted to wait--thinking of a possibility of Miramar since she was a Veteran.
He became angry and refused to take my phone calls and texts after I said waiting would work out better for me.
Four months later he began talks with the National CemeteryAdministration to place her ashes at Prescott National where he lived.
He willfully withheld info to the burial scheduling office and the cemetery in order to place her ashes without my knowledge.
In other words--he did not want me to know what was going on--behind my back.
Even though we have a history of 20 phone calls he claimed he did not know how to contact me.
Here is Scott Varley sending me the Remains Permit in November later claiming he did not know my phone number so there was no way to invite me to the service. |
One more problem......
My name is on the death certificate.
The death certificate was scanned with the ashes--they had the death cert with my name, daughter, and the destination as Greenwood.
After research with other national cemeteries one has learned that if there are red flags the cemetery can check with the mortuary, or in this case, Neptune.
The cemetery director, randy heard, would not tell me he had the death cert.
In fact, after being questioned many times, he said he did not have it as it was not required.
He told me that many times.
He would not tell me how they process paperwork that accompanies the ashes.
Yet, he often spoke about the fact that I would need a court order to move the ashes.
He refused to discuss the policy for scanning paperwork that comes with the ashes.
How do I know he had the death cert......
Finally, in desperation I asked phillips, regional director, if the remains permit (also, showing the destination) was with the ashes....what paperwork was with the ashes?
I knew the remains permit was with the ashes becauses scott had to send it to me to send to Greenwood.
Phillips answered back--the death cert was scanned as paperwork with the ashes.
Keep in mind, heard said he would not have known about me because he did not have the death cert because it was not required--therefore there was no way to let me know about the service.
Once I had the facts about the scanning policy, the death cert, the lies about not having the death cert--heard refused to talk.
randy heard, Director of Prescott National Cemetery claiming he did not have the death cert but he would wait for me to get it. |
They like to send 'no-reply' letters back.......
After accusing heard of being less than honest--he claimed scott did not make any false statements and the VA did not do anything wrong--Lisa Pozzebon sent me back a letter that I could rest assured saying that randy heard, Prescott cem director, was truthful.
So right away we knew this was incorrect--we had the phillips statement about the death cert.
But the letter was no-reply.
Are they living in a fantasy world or what?
It is disgusting--it is sickening--it leaves one with a horrible feeling in the pit of their stomach.
What is their goal?
Do they think they are fooling people--do they think the public is really, really stupid?
Did heard simply not want to be bothered--he could have easily found my number at Neptune.
Neptune and Greenwood are on the death cert.
What happened?
Disheartened with the VA and the NCA--I do like them--they took wonderful care of my mother at the VA home in Chula Vista.
To be continued.
My name is Sherry and here is my phone number: 316-347-9710
If anyone has any tips or suggestions please let me know.
I wanted to wait--my beautiful lady was really too old to make the trip and the trip prior was really so difficult for her. |