Showing posts with label chris christie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chris christie. Show all posts

Dec 26, 2013

Bill O'Reilly: Meeting Chris Christie in the Middle

The ego wars rage on.

Here's the thing--we can't count out Bill O'Reilly. 

Sure I love to bash him almost on a daily basis but "the voters" out there, and I think there are a lot of them, love him. He's big, real big in the ratings and even though we now have President Obama, Mr. O'Reilly and his followers are not going away any time soon. 

I think he is changing ever so slightly to meet the giant force on the political scene, Chris Christie, somewhere in the middle. 

As we noticed his suggestion that the views of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame were indeed to harsh in their judgement of our gay community. Not to mention on a more practical matter that kind of talk will get you fired at work. 

Bill reminded us that Jesus asked us not to judge. 

Bill may want to ensure the popularity of his show and the Republican Party unlike other members of the walking dead branch of the repubs who make statements to attract attention to themselves at the expense of the GOP. 

Perhaps Mr. O'Reilly has foresight the average citizen does not have as he runs around the country on his "Bolder and Fresher" tour meeting with the folks. That may be the folks paying 500 dollars a ticket for the meet and greet portion of the gig. Perhaps these folks and big money backers are providing him with an insight into our next big election. 

Mr. O is moving in that direction.

Aug 14, 2013

Chris Christie: Jersey's Protector Will Not Be Held Hostage By The NRA

George Zornick

George Zornick

Action and dysfunction in the Beltway swamp. E-mail tips to

Christie Is Facing Increased Pressure on Gun Bills

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie answers a question during a campaign event in Manville, New Jersey, Monday, May 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)
Last week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed ten measures related to gun control, including some that are mildly controversial in the pro-gun community: one bill would mandate that New Jersey’s background-check system cross-reference the federal terror watch list, while another would call for the submission of New Jersey mental health records into the federal background check system.
But some crucial bills remain unsigned, including a “national model” for universal background checks, and a ban on .50-caliber weapons. Christie’s office told The Nation last week that no decision has yet been made on those bills—and this week, many of the national forces in the gun control debate are starting to ramp up the pressure.
Mark Kelly, the husband of former Representative Gabby Giffords and a leading voice in the gun law reform movement—not to mention a native New Jerseyan—penned an op-ed in the NewarkStar-Ledger today asking Christie to sign the bills:
Gov. Chris Christie and I have much in common.
We’re both straight-talking, no-nonsense sons of New Jersey who grew up in neighboring towns. We’ve devoted years to public service and protecting American communities. We have wives and kids we love dearly. I haven’t always agreed with everything he’s said or done, but I’d like to think we share a belief that we must prevent gun violence and also protect gun rights—and that there are moderate, common-sense policies that do both.
That’s why I’m asking the governor to sign the “centerpiece” gun safety bill sitting on his desk. The bill is simple and sensible: It would expand background checks on gun purchases and safety training for gun owners, and tighten penalties for letting guns fall into the hands of children. These basic measures are supported by just about every group you could think of: gun owners and non-gun owners, Democrats and Republicans and independents, business owners and faith leaders, law enforcement and medical professionals.
Meanwhile the Star-Ledger and another major newspaper in the state, The Times of Trenton, published editorials also asking Christie to sign the bills. The Star-Ledger editorial was particularly strong-worded and said “a veto would be a cynical blow to public safety, and a slap in the face of this state.”
As we noted last week, while Christie almost certainly won’t lose the gubernatorial election this fall, a significant amount of his political capital is invested in the idea that he has broad bipartisan appeal in a blue state. Anything that significantly dents his victory margin or poll numbers is a non-trivial threat to his political future—and in the general presidential election, should he make it there, a veto of universal background checks for gun purchases could be significantly damaging.
But of course Christie has to first make it through the GOP presidential primaries, and a majorityof self-identified conservative Republicans wouldn’t vote for a candidate with whom they disagreed on gun control even if they agreed with him or her on everything else.
So far, the reaction in the pro-gun community to Christi’s signing last week’s bills has been fairly muted.
Scott Bach, executive director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, joined the National Rifle Association’s “Cam & Co.” show and declined to bash Christie for signing the measures.
Instead, he urged the audience to take a constructive approach. “It’s a little agonizing, after all this time and effort, to have these three bills dangling out there, but right now the message to gun owners is, keep contacting the governor’s office,” he said. “It’s pretty important right now that anyone who cares about this issue, anybody who wants to let Governor Christie know this is an important issue to them, if they’re looking at him as a potential presidential candidate, should weigh in with his office immediately and let him know to veto the last three gun bills on his desk. That’s absolutely critical right now.”
With crucial bills still unsigned, George Zornick writes about what is at stake for Christie and gun control debate.

copied from The Nation.......

Aug 13, 2013

Chris Christie: Not Afraid of the NRA

Chris Christie is a leader, not a follower and not afraid.....He has already shown he cares for the safety and welfare of the people of his state.  He is not afraid of the walking dead republicans or the NRA.  Many repubs admire him and as a dem, I admire him and his leadership skills, as well.  He is one of the most exciting figures on the political scene today.  In regards to the gun safety bill, I feel he will weigh the options carefully and sign in favor of the safety and welfare of voters of his state.  I know this much, he has already shown he is not afraid....and that definitely includes the NRA.

from facebook and Mark Kelly.............
  • New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has a major gun safety bill sitting on his desk right now, and he's about to decide whether to sign it. Mark wrote an op-ed today urging Gov. Christie to do the right thing and sign New Jersey's gun safety bill into law. Please share it with your friends and family.

Aug 7, 2013

Why Chris Matthews is wrong and Chloe Louise is right....Chris Christie wins it easily over Rand Paul

Right, I watch Chris Matthew’s Hardball on MSNBC each and every day.  Love Chris but this time he has got it wrong--except for his name, that is.

He is predicting Rand Paul for the presidential nominee of the republican party.....

Chris, sorry about this one but you are dead wrong.

Chris Christie, republican rock star, will easily be the chosen one to bring his party out of darkness--out of the walking dead of negativity headed by fox new and the ROWG branch of the GOP--which Rand Paul is, indeed, a part of and now embarrassed about his position.

Chris, it’s already over and done with.....

Chris Christie already proved it....Rand Paul tried to go to battle with the great fighter, lost and has tried to beg forgiveness.  Christie won the ground over his statement about libertarianism with the comment focused on Rand Paul.

Rand Paul can’t keep up.  Chris Christie did not need to try and get together with loser Paul and like confrontations will continue.  

Christie can fight without being ugly.

He has the back of the citizens of New Jersey and he will show he also has the back of the working class citizens of the United States.

He has that certain something--the Christie Swagger--Rand Paul comes off as little, afraid and whining, just like his fox news cohorts.  That is a bad choice of a gang to hang-out with.  That will bring him down.

Chris Christie has already ditched the limbaugh sinking ship of fools of the republican party.

Chris Christie has a certain panache--he rolls with the big boys--talking about President Obama being the biggest boy of all.

He won the race with his passion on Sandy and he will ride home on a clean finish--the tea-partiers will be crying in the wind as they are left behind.

My only fear and hope at the same time--Chris Christie will be much harder to beat for my girl Hillary Clinton but the race will be great.

See you there Chris Mathews--I love you but you are wrong on this one--Chloe Louise is right.

chloe louise...Hillary girl forever.

this is from Real Clear Politics.........

  • Avatar
    Kordane  Chloe Louise 
    You're wrong because you're thinking like a Democrat whilst trying to predict how Republicans will vote. You have to think like a Republican to know how Republicans will vote.
    You guys thought that Huntsman was the best Republican candidate ever, even though he barely got any support at all among Republicans.
    The same will happen with Chris Christie.
    • Avatar
      Chloe Louise  Kordane 
      Your dog is pretty. Actually, you are absolutely right--I hate to admit it. I was so sure that Huntsman would take off--he was the only sensible choice. Romney was a disaster--he was so weak; he would have had a fighting chance if he would have just stuck to his original plans--he just kept getting weaker and weaker. Then the next question is what is wrong with republicans? Who are the voters? What is the make up of the voters and the US? Who won the election. Even the tea-party-est of the GOP must realize they have to change if they want to win. The crazy rush-ite era is over for the republican party--even they have to know that--if they can count--that is. Strength is attractive--with dogs and politicians--that is why Christie will win the nomination. The repubs have got to think it through this time. Christie is a breath of fresh air from the O'Reilly haters.

Why Chris Matthews is wrong and Chloe Louise is right....Chris Christie wins it easily over Rand Paul

Right, I watch Chris Matthew’s Hardball on MSNBC each and every day.  Love Chris but this time he has got it wrong--except for his name, that is.

He is predicting Rand Paul for the presidential nominee of the republican party.....

Chris, sorry about this one but you are dead wrong.

Chris Christie, republican rock star, will easily be the chosen one to bring his party out of darkness--out of the walking dead of negativity headed by fox new and the ROWG branch of the GOP--which Rand Paul is, indeed, a part of and now embarrassed about his position.

Chris, it’s already over and done with.....

Chris Christie already proved it....Rand Paul tried to go to battle with the great fighter, lost and has tried to beg forgiveness.  Christie won the ground over his statement about libertarianism with the comment focused on Rand Paul.

Rand Paul can’t keep up.  Chris Christie did not need to try and get together with loser Paul and like confrontations will continue.  

Christie can fight without being ugly.

He has the back of the citizens of New Jersey and he will show he also has the back of the working class citizens of the United States.

He has that certain something--the Christie Swagger--Rand Paul comes off as little, afraid and whining, just like his fox news cohorts.  That is a bad choice of a gang to hang-out with.  That will bring him down.

Chris Christie has already ditched the limbaugh sinking ship of fools of the republican party.

Chris Christie has a certain panache--he rolls with the big boys--talking about President Obama being the biggest boy of all.

He won the race with his passion on Sandy and he will ride home on a clean finish--the tea-partiers will be crying in the wind as they are left behind.

My only fear and hope at the same time--Chris Christie will be much harder to beat for my girl Hillary Clinton but the race will be great.

See you there Chris Mathews--I love you but you are wrong on this one--Chloe Louise is right.

chloe louise...Hillary girl forever.

Aug 2, 2013

Chris Christie: Republican Rock Star rush, bill, sean: out of their league and out of their mind

I think and I hope Chris Christie is going to be a breath of fresh air for the Republican Party and he is definitely a leader.  Rush had to stop talking about Sarah Fluke once President Obama stepped in and spoke about women  The problem, in my ROWG neighbors, for instance, they love Rush and say he is just so funny and about the climate--they think Rush is the news.  I know because they often quote Rush to me.  But, LZ, who won the election?  That is what Bill O'Reilly and his sinking ship of fools forget.  The voters are a beautiful coat of many colors and President Obama is the President of all of the citizens.  Bill is code for Race, just like you are explaining, but that is not going to work any longer--his rant on Al Sharpton is getting into the insane category--he is out of his league and out of his mind.  He cannot handle the fact that Reverend Sharpton has had very soothing words for people that were very hurt by vigilante justice on a kid and now we have people in power who can change those unfair laws like Eric Holder.  Yes, you described it perfectly, O'Reilly makes me sick but I do think Chris Christie has jumped ship from Rush, Bill, Ann Coulter and the rest of their sinking ship of fools.  Bill keeps saying he represents the average guy, but I have news for him---the average guy voted and Barack Obama is President.  Now, any republican that wants to have the slightest chance against Hillary will have to distance themselves as far as possible from the old school freaks.

copied from CNN..................

At 25, Limbaugh show still rules GOP

By LZ Granderson, CNN Contributor
updated 4:41 PM EDT, Thu August 1, 2013

Rush Limbaugh, conservative and influential radio talk show host, makes a point.
Rush Limbaugh, conservative and influential radio talk show host, makes a point.
  • LZ Granderson: President Bush in 1992, seeking Limbaugh's support, carried his bags
  • GOP has been Rush Limbaugh's bellhop ever since he got influential, he says
  • LZ: Rush throws around half-truths and insults. Some are disgusted, others entertained
  • LZ: But it's destructive when people, politicians make him some sort of spokesman
Editor's note: LZ Granderson is a CNN contributor who writes a weekly column for The former Hechinger Institute Fellow has had his commentary recognized by the Online News Association, the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. He is also a senior writer for ESPN. Follow him on Twitter @locs_n_laughs.
(CNN) -- If you want to know why there's little cooperation in Washington these days, I'd start with a campaign promise made in 1988 by presidential candidate George H.W. Bush.
"Read my lips: No new taxes."
So, when he raised taxes two years later, quite naturally, voters, particularly conservatives, were upset.
If you want to know why so little is being accomplished in Washington these days, I'd start with that broken promise and what Bush did in an attempt to get those conservatives back.
He carried Rush Limbaugh's bags.
That's right. In 1992, President Bush invited Limbaugh for a sleepover and personally brought his guest's bags into the Lincoln bedroom for him
LZ Granderson
LZ Granderson
They were not friends.
In fact, Limbaugh didn't care for Bush that much, and "41" knew it. But Bush was seeking re-election. He was saddled with a slumping economy and locked in a tough battle with Gov. Bill Clinton and businessman Ross Perot.
He believed he needed Rush Limbaugh.
The party has been carrying Limbaugh's bags ever since.
So, if you want to know when Washington became so polarized, maybe we should circle August 1, 1988, exactly 25 years ago. That was the day a satirical talk show host syndicated his act and, in the process, made a lot of money and became one of the most influential figures in American politics today.
Joyner: Limbaugh shouldn't say N-word
Limbaugh: Conservatives lost gay marriage
"Have any of you heard of an individual by the name of LZ Granderson?" Limbaugh asked on his show in June 2012."Snerdley? He has not heard of LZ Granderson. Dawn, have you? Brian, have you heard of LZ Granderson? Prior to last night I had not heard of LZ Granderson."
Which isn't true.
In June 2011, Limbaugh brought me up on his show as well, going so far as to say, "You can blame me, LZ Granderson, all you want, and I'll take it."
It only takes a few seconds on "The Rush Limbaugh Show" website to find out those facts. But Limbaugh isn't on the air to provide facts, he's there to entertain. Many of his listeners understand that.
And many of them don't.
A 1994 New York Times article leading into the midterm electioncalled Limbaugh "a kind of national precinct captain for the Republican insurgency of 1994" and documented caller after caller legitimately asking the Mahi Rushie -- he calls himself that on occasion -- for guidance.
Not much has changed.
During the Affordable Health Care Act debate, callers were actually asking Limbaugh, a shock jock in the mold of Howard Stern, what was in the bill. He even threatened to move to Costa Rica if it was implemented, which seemed counterintuitive, considering Costa Rica has universal health care.
But it's moments like that when you remember that Limbaugh's purpose isn't to provide thoughtful political discourse. It's to vent on his listeners' behalf, to appeal to their censored side. The side thatwants to hear a white man say "nigga" in public or call a woman a "slut" without getting fired.
If that makes you laugh, then he's doing his job.
If that disgusts you, well that's his job, too.
Limbaugh has had us on this yo-yo since the moment he assumed the role of Gabriel in the Kingdom of Reagan 25 years ago. Back then, it was only offensive, because he was the party's megaphone, warning listeners about the impending invasion of welfare queens with his mixture of righteous indignation and half-truths. It became destructive when listeners and politicians alike made him its spokesman: a pseudo-politician free from the burden of actually having to do anything.
Like use facts.
In rebutting the legitimacy of climate change, Limbaugh once told listeners the United States had more acreage of forest land today than at the time the Constitution was written. That wasn't true, of course, but it sounded good.
Not too long ago, he read what he believed to be passages from Obama's senior thesis, passages that expressed a disdain for the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, the whole thing was made up by a blogger.And while Limbaugh did sheepishly tell listeners what he had read earlier was false, the host still found a way to justify reading it by saying, "We know he thinks it."
Some folks eat that kind of stuff up.
Some get riled up about it.
And the folks in Washington? Well, after 25 years, they're still not quite sure what to do with it or him. If you're a Democrat, do you ignore him? If you're a Republican, do you carry his bags? I imagine it's like that feeling you get when someone tells you something that you can't determine is a joke or not. You just stand there half-smiling like an idiot.
So, if you want to know what the folks in Washington are doing about the economy, I'd start there.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of LZ Granderson.