Nov 12, 2015

John Kasich: Takes Out Trump Two Times--We should be glad

 Thanks to John Kasich and the donald himself the ridiculous scenario of trumps immigration plan has been exposed.  Twice now in a debate john Kasich has called out donald on his stupid ideas of deporting Hispanics.  Then trump went on about the Ike idea of deportation--one that every single news agency has said was horrific and inhumane.

This is important because donald trump and ben carson are an American embarrassment.  Their ideas do not fit with the coat of many colors values that have existed in our country since the beginning.

On the more practical side this theory cannot win a general election.  John Kasich has been quoted all over the news channels for his comments against trump particularly from the practical point of view.

I think we have to give him credit given the backlash he must have known that would be coming from donald--notice this time trump did not have much to say in his words against kasich.

Joshn Kasich is more or less normal and has a good track record--who else on the Republican debate stage has those credentials....possibly Jeb Bush.

If John Kasich plays his card right and lets Bush's superpac take out Rubio with high powered ads one cannot see why he does not have a pretty good chance.

What would be wrong with a ticket like John Kasich/Nicky Haley?

I just do not understand why the GOP has to veer so far from normal and then wonder why they do not win a race.

Seriously, my girl Hillary will win and I should not even be talking about Kasich but the likes of donald trump and ben carson are disgusting.

America should be glad he took the leadership role and stopped them in their tracks.

I, for one, as a US citizen appreciate it.

Good job and well done to John Kasich.

Is John Kasich fading or was he the debate VIP? John Kasich in the news

John Kasich
Depending on which pundit you believe, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, here talking with reporters in the spin room Tuesday night after the Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, was either the most important candidate on stage or is fading fast. (Jeffrey Phelps, The Associated Press)
Robert Higgs, Columbus bureau chiefBy Robert Higgs, Columbus bureau chief 
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on November 11, 2015 at 2:20 PM, updated November 11, 2015 at 3:26 PM
Today's John Kasich news: Ohio Gov. John Kasich didn't get rave reviews for his performance Tuesday in the GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee, but one columnist speculates that he might have been the most important person on stage.
Kasich's presence among the GOP presidential hopefuls, and his performance, could go a long way toward shaping the field over the long haul, writes James Poulos of The Week.
"According to the fast-forming conventional wisdom, the longshot candidate was one of the bigger losers of the debate," Poulos wrote Wednesday. "But his influence on the field, already outsized, hit a fresh high."
Kasich's message could very well make the difference in make-or-break New Hampshire, home of the first Republican presidential primary in 2016.
"Kasich had but one strategic objective yesterday night: to show (Jeb) Bush voters what a real fire in the belly looks like," Poulos wrote. "Sure, he took it too far for rightwing populists, raining derision on Donald Trump and other immigration hawks. But in New Hampshire, which Bush is treating like a must-win, the Kasich we saw last night is likely to play much differently."
The result could vault Kasich into a three-way contest for the nomination.
Read the full column at The Week.
FiveThirtyEightPolitics editor Nate Silver had a different take on Kasich's debate performance and evaluated the case for the governor as a presidential candidate.
He's fairly moderate, but no more moderate than Jeb Bush, Silver posted to his site Wednesday. "He's a fresher face than Bush. And his campaigning muscles are more in shape, since he was elected and re-elected easily in Ohio in 2010 and 2014."
But Silver questions if Kasich has peaked and may in fact be fading as he presents his campaign as the more-moderate alternative.
"I'd thought that Kasich might be engaged in an elaborate tactical bank shot. First, get on the radar screen by any means necessary," Silver wrote. "But part two of the strategy, I'd assumed, would be a pivot — once he had found his footing, he would move back to the right."
Read Silver's full assessment at FiveThirtyEightPolitics.

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Nov 11, 2015

Asking Geraldo Rivera to Reconsider Pit Bulls

you were very smart on your show today re: immigration....I love your show and listen to you everyday--seriously, one of the best news talk shows out there but won't you please reconsider your views on pit bulls. They are one of the most abused dogs. Will you consider having more people on your show to talk about the issue so the word can get out. cl.....the ronnie re.
Ronnie--really a pretty good fellow

not attacking now

James Files: What is your take?

+Wim Dankbaar 

It does seem a little odd that he refers to David Atlee Phillips as "David Atlee Phillips" when he refers to Lee Harvey Oswald as Lee.  

David Atlee Phillips has gone down in history with the three names like other well known questionable figures, but do you think the individuals that interacted with him on a personal basis referred to him routinely with the 3 names.  

It almost seems like James Files did have a lot of his own information but I wonder if he has added to it from other sources.  

The whole thing is incredibly interesting because he really seems to know a lot of details.  

If he is not telling the truth he is an excellent story teller.  

He does not mention Maurice Bishop.  

I have watched quite a bit of JFK assassination info shows over the years and sometimes it is as if he is quoting the shows--I am just saying that because I recognize the words and the phrases.  

Just my take--what do you think?

Nov 8, 2015

Richard Byron Varley: In Loving memory

My Grandpa, Richard Byron Varley was born in Fall River Mass on November 8.

He gave up his life for me.

Every Saturday we went to the Merry-Go-Round in Balboa Park, San Diego,

On the way we went over The Georgia Street Bridge on University Blvd. at Park Ave, then we went under the bridge.

Then we went on the nickel snatcher--a water taxi from Broadway, actually it was right where the Midway is located today, over to Coronado Island and back.

My grandparents took me everywhere--they took me swimming in Mission Bay, Grandpa took us to Belmont Park, they even took me to Disneyland, simply because I wanted to go,

I can honestly say they really liked me and wanted me to have a good life and an education.

They did everything for me--they gave up their life for me.

I did appreciate it then, when it was happening but not enough as I was so very interested in myself.

I wish I could tell them now that I know what they did.

That was very nice--they were nice to me.

Birthday kisses from Ronnie and thank you for liking me.

Richard, Hannah, Sam, Alice, Mary Jane and Lazarus, Bill and Mamie Kneeling at their house on N St in San Diego--about 1910.

R. B. Varley, Sr.

Grandpa always loved dogs and he had his Staffie, Nero.

Morley Field Dog Park San Diego California Today

Framat Remembers West Coast R&B Guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS

Published on Nov 6, 2015

Hello music lovers from all around the world!
In my little clip I want to remember on west coast R&B guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS (1928-77) who started his career in 1947. He recorded on his own but is best known for playing guitar on Jimmie McCracklin's hits THE WALK and GEORGIA SLOP. While he recorded as a sideman for well-known R&B-labels like CHESS, MODERN, ALLADIN or PEACOCK his music as a featured artist was on rather small labels.
I tuned my guitar to JAMES Blood Ulmer's E-power chord tuning
I hope you'll find a little bit fun with this clip
Best regards


Hallo Musikfreunde und Hörer!
Heute ein kleines Tribute für einen etwas vergessenen Rhythm and Blues Gitarristen aus den 50er Jahren namens LAFAYETTE THOMAS, dessen Platten zwar oft von den jungen Rolling Stones, Animals und Yardbirds gehört wurden, der aber unbekannt blieb, weil er ein ungenannter Begleitmusiker auf diesen Platten war.
Zwei Onkels - RAMBLIN' THOMAS (Slide-Gitarre) und der noch bekanntere JESSE THOMAS - waren übrigens ebenfalls Bluesmusiker, die ihre Musik auf Schallplatte veröffentlichten.
Viel Spaß - vielleicht sogar beim Entdecken der Musik des Originals

Wow, thank you, Framat, for sharing your love of 50's R and B guitar with us....well done.

here is a link to the original page of 2009 framat:

just sharing some pictures of Balboa Park I took yesterday along with a shot of big boy bams

Fifties R&B guitar: Framat Remembers West Coast R&B Guitarist LAFAYETTE THOMAS