Jul 17, 2014

Seumas Milne of The Guardian Talks Isolation and the Shameful Injustice in Gaza

Gaza: this shameful injustice will only end if the cost of it rises

The idea that Israel is defending itself from unprovoked attacks is absurd. Occupied people have the right to resist
A relative of the four Palestinian children killed by a shell fired by an Israeli naval gunboat.
A relative of the four Palestinian children killed by a shell fired by an Israeli naval gunboat. Photograph: APAimages/REX
For the third time in five years, the world’s fourth largest military power has launched a full-scale armed onslaught on one of its most deprived and overcrowded territories. Since Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip began, just over a week ago, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed. Nearly 80% of the dead are civilians, over 20% of them children.
Around 1,400 have been wounded and 1,255 Palestinian homes destroyed. So far, Palestinian fire has killed one Israeli on the other side of the barrier that makes blockaded Gaza the world’s largest open-air prison.
But instead of demanding a halt to Israel’s campaign of collective punishment against what is still illegally occupied territory, the western powers have blamed the victims for fighting back. If it weren’t for Hamas’s rockets fired out of Gaza’s giant holding pen, they insist, all of this bloodletting would end.
“No country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders,” Barack Obama declared, echoed by a mostly pliant media. Perhaps it’s scarcely surprising that states which have themselves invaded and occupied a string of Arab and Muslim countries in the past decade should take the side of another occupier they fund and arm to the hilt.
But the idea that Israel is responding to a hail of rockets out of a clear blue sky takes “narrative framing” beyond the realm of fantasy. In fact, after the deal that ended Israel’s last assault on Gaza in 2012, rocketing from Gaza fell to its lowest level for 12 years.
The latest violence is supposed to have been triggered by the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank in June, for which Hamas denied responsibility. But its origin clearly lies in the collapse of US-sponsored negotiations for a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the spring.
That was followed by the formation of a “national reconciliation” government by the Fatah and Hamas movements, whose division has been a mainstay of Israeli and US policy. Israeli incursions and killings were then stepped up, including attacks on Palestinian civilians by armed West Bank settlers. In May, two Palestinian teenagers were shot dead by the Israeli army with barely a flicker of interest outside the country.
It’s now clear the Israeli government knew from the start that its own kidnapped teenagers had been killed within hours. But the news was suppressed while a #BringBackOurBoys campaign was drummed up and a sweeping crackdown launched against Hamas throughout the West Bank.
Over 500 activists were arrested and more than half a dozen killed – along with a Palestinian teenager burned to death by settlers. Binyamin Netanyahu’s aim was evidently to signal that whatever deal Hamas had signed with Mahmoud Abbas would never be accepted by Israel.
Gaza had nothing to do with the kidnapping, but Israeli attacks were also launched on the strip and Hamas activists killed. It was those killings and the West Bank campaign that led to Hamas resuming its rocket attacks – and in turn to Israel’s devastating bombardment.
Hamas is now blamed for refusing to accept a ceasefire plan cooked up by Netanyahu and his ally, the Egyptian President Sisi, who overthrew Hamas’s sister organisation the Muslim Brotherhood last year and has since tightened the eight-year siege of Gaza.
But having already suffered so much, many Gazans believe no further truce should be agreed without the lifting of the illegal blockade which has reduced the strip to hunger and beggary and effectively imprisoned its population.
As the independent Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouti puts it, the Egyptian proposal was a “game” Israel will now use to escalate the war. Some sense of what can now be expected was given by the Israeli reserve major general Oren Shachor, who explained: “If we kill their families, that will frighten them.”
Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Photograph: Dan Balilty/EPA
The idea that Israel is defending itself against unprovoked attacks from outside its borders is an absurdity. Despite Israel’s withdrawal of settlements and bases in 2005, Gaza remains occupied both in reality and international law, its border, coastal waters, resources, airspace and power supply controlled by Israel.
So the Palestinians of Gaza are an occupied people, like those in the West Bank, who have the right to resist, by force if they choose – though not deliberately to target civilians. But Israel does not have a right of self-defence over territories it illegally occupies – it has an obligation to withdraw. That occupation, underpinned by the US and its allies, is now entering its 48th year. Most of the 1.8 million Palestinians enduring continuous bombardment in Gaza are themselves refugees or their descendants, who were driven out or fled from cities such as Jaffa 66 years ago when Israel was established.
It can’t seriously be argued that Israel’s refusal to withdraw from the rump of the territory on which the United Nations voted to establish a Palestinian state in 1947 is because of rocket fire. It was after all during the period of quiescence over the past year that the Israeli government rejected the US plan for even a figleaf of a two-state solution – and stepped up illegal colonisation. As Netanyahu made clear this week, there cannot be “any agreement in which we relinquish security control” of the West Bank.
So we’re left with a one-state solution, operated on ethnically segregated apartheid-style lines, in which a large section of the population has no say in who rules over them, indefinitely. But it’s folly to imagine that this shameful injustice will continue without an escalating cost for those who enforce it.
Palestinian resistance is often criticised as futile given the grotesque power imbalance between the two sides. But Hamas, which attracts support more for its defiance than its Islamism, has been strengthened by the events of the past week, as it has shown it can hit back across Israel – while Abbas, dependent on an imploded “peace process”, has been weakened still further.
The conflict’s eruptions are certainly coming thicker and faster. Despite heroic Israeli efforts to fix the narrative, global opinion has never been more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. But the brutal reality is that there will be no end to Israel’s occupation until Palestinians and their supporters are able to raise its price to the occupier, in one way or another – and change the balance of power on the ground.

Jul 15, 2014

What's Up in Wichita with Abandoned Houses, Lack of Grocery Stores, Health Care and Birth Control.......

Cindy Mann ....here is an inspirational reply to the story first.......

The Obama administration did not declare war on aviation. Maybe someday the republicans will learn to accept 

responsibility and stop blaming everyone for the messes they make. And for the past six years the only person that has 

been working is President Obama. Meanwhile the republican controlled congress has turned every breath he takes into a 

scandal. And, offered nothing....except hate for the federal government...and hate for our first african american 

president. The republican congress is possibly the worst in history. You can't blame the problems in Ks aviation on 

President Obama. Where you find a red state, you usually find a failed state.

......exactly.....you've got Mike Pompeo saying he is against the ACA to save jobs....that is an out and out lie.  I would like him to answer for that statement.

Also you've got the council recently voting against birth control.....what is going on?

In the lower income area there are not even grocery stores in walking distance.  How will someone get food if they do not have a car.

Some of these things can easily be improved......health care for everyone with easy access to birth control, grocery stores with easy access in the low income areas and stop spreading the lies about President  Obama--he is doing a fabulous job.  He has given us healthcare and stood up for women.

There is nothing to be gained by the crazy conservatism here....one person stopped being friends with me because I supported President Obama.

Seriously, the person was misinformed by his church, of all things--and wasn't even having it when it came to a political discussion.

Stop the lies--get the groceries and get on with it--Wichita is basically a very nice place.

Chloe Louise--the ronnie republic and What's Up Wichita.........always looking for contributors--agree or disagree.

from the Wichita Eagle.......

Wichita real estate officials view latest ranking of ‘abandoned’ homes with skepticism

  • Published Monday, July 14, 2014, at 1:23 p.m.
  • Updated Monday, July 14, 2014, at 5:09 p.m.


Wichita has the distinction of having the highest percentage of vacant foreclosed houses in the nation, according to a report from an online company, but area real estate officials said Monday that the numbers don’t say much – if anything – about the state of the area’s housing market.
Wall Street 24/7, an Internet-based financial news and opinion service, said based on its analysis of data of 100 metropolitan areas, Wichita had the highest percentage — 49 percent — of foreclosed homes that were vacant. It said of 301 properties in foreclosure in the second quarter of 2014, 146 were vacant. The data studied came from the real estate company RealtyTrac.
“Honestly I don’t think it means very much,” said Stan Longhofer, director of the Center for Real Estate at Wichita State University. “Percentages are always misleading when you deal with that low of a base.”
For example, Longhofer added, “If we had two houses in foreclosure in Sedgwick County and all of a sudden, next year we had four, that would be a 100 percent increase.”
Some publications, such as USA Today, have picked up the report, calling the vacant homes in foreclosure, “abandoned.”
Greg Fox, president of the South Central Kansas Multiple Listing Service and owner of real estate brokerage Realty World Alliance, said, “We don’t have very many foreclosures going on if we’ve got 300.”
According to RealtyTrac‘s website, as of May one in every 4,697 houses in Sedgwick County was in foreclosure. That compares with one in every 2,861 houses in foreclosure in Kansas, and one in every 1,199 houses in foreclosure in the U.S., according to RealtyTrac.
Longhofer said once a house goes into foreclosure, it doesn’t mean the house is immediately vacated by the home owner. The foreclosure process takes months, and it’s generally not until much later in the process — after the lender has filed a court action to foreclose — that the owner is evicted.
“I think given the numbers we’re dealing with here, they were previously renter occupied or purchased for that reason, or it (the vacant house) was in a situation where the previous owner moved out ... (and the house is) not inhabitable,” he said.

here is a link to the story and there are also some very inspirational comments:

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2014/07/14/3552861/local-real-estate-officials-view.html#storylink=cpy

Jul 14, 2014

Thank Goodness Geraldo is Back!!!!!

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera--the boys are back in town
The one thinking Republican on the planet has returned to his radio show on WABC New York Talk Radio after his much needed vacation to Rome..........I'm jealous.

Seriously, my daughter wasn't in Rome 5 minutes before she said......have you seen the leather jackets here?  I just feel like it would be wrong to leave Rome without actually getting one.

Back to G/jay........got in a good go round with Alan Dershowitz about the recent collective punishment of the Palestinians from Israel.

My question.........why is Gaza/Palestine an occupied country.  How does anyone do anything.

Geraldo.....why not have someone like Doc Jazz on your show for an interview.  He is trying to bring the world together with music....and he is a surgeon...an average working successful individual trying to go on with the activities of daily living and suffering the trials and tribulations of occupation.  Lets chat with this regular work-a-day guy and see what he says.  Lets see......Doc Jazz.....what is your take on the current situation.  What are you good ideas to stop the violence.

Also we got to hear from my favorite talking cop, Bernie Kerik.  Love to hear his take on things.....my favorite part about Bernie.......he always speaks with a certain compassion towards police officers and the guys on the street in a way that is loving and refreshing.  It sends a good message out there for the police and the citizens.  Talking about stop and frisk and how it affects the officers walking the beat in New York City today.

Noam Laden, news/jay and fellow talker on the show shared with us his agreement and disagreement with Geraldo Rivera about the situation in Palestine since he does have family in Israel.

This Israel/Palestine situation is extremely difficult.  Geraldo said the one way for sure to wreck a media career in NYC is to bash the actions of Israel.

At the end of the day, Geraldo Rivera, is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in and suffer the heated radio back lash.

All the bashers that I had to endure while he was gone....Mad man Mendte, Stunningly beautiful and successful and stunningly incorrect Judge Jeanine Pirro; it was exhausting to hear them yell and shout.  Judge Napolitano was okay with his back and forth over police actions in the city.

The home grown talent of Rita Cosby and Noam Laden are always enjoyable as they can think, talk and disagree all at the same time without getting angry....who knew.......

Again asking the age old question.........will the talk show inspire new thoughts with chat and info about current events or shall we adopt the opinions of the shouting host.

I'm sticking with Geraldo Rivera on this one.

from the ronnie republic radio round-up.........and thank you to Larry Mendte for being my friend on facebook......welcome you opinion and thoughts.......cl

A story about Doc Jazz:




about the Palestine Youth Orchestra:


from Roger Waters.....


from the ronnie republic.....Roger Waters Begs Mick Jagger for the Sake of Palestine.......


Jul 10, 2014

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Stunningly Beautiful and Stunningly Incorrect--Where in the world is Geraldo Rivera

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Geraldo Rivera.
Geraldo Rivera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
from the desk of the Ronnie Republic Radio Round-Up:

Judge Jeanine Pirro--stunningly beautiful but stunningly incorrect.

When will WABC News/Talk Radio New York finally come to its senses and use their own talent and lose these angry radio jays on their anti-President Obama rant.

In the first place it is not a political conversation--it does not inspire new thoughts or an exchange of ideas it's just angry birds shouting at the listeners.

Where in the world is Geraldo Rivera and when is he coming back.....

Shall I switch to a local station for the anti-Obama daily tirade of lies.

Noam Laden--thinks and talks at the same time without getting mad

Seriously, here in Wichita, we have Koch-backed Mike Pompeo chanting about Obama care causing a loss of jobs and proudly stating he has voted against it 57 times.

Really, because these progressive thinking Kansas politicians also just voted against birth control.

Couple that with their desert waste land of lack grocery stores and we've got the conservative heartland.

That's right--someone told me here President Obama was so influenced by his Muslim advisers he was not able to make proper decisions.  This man was serious--he learned it in church.

Judge Jeanine Pirro is spreading the lies........

Why not use their brilliant home-grown talent on hand...........

What is WABC thinking...what about Noam Laden and Rita Cosby....even Judge Napolitano.....they run a show of conversation and chat and information--angry shouting is not fun or informational listening.  One side is not interesting.

The age old question remains......

Mad man Mendte--often incorrect, always angry
Are we listening to talk/news radio for interesting conversation of the day--for new pertinent information--for the political big talkers on each side--or just to hear the angry right wing rant of conservative republicans.

Shall we only have the opinion of the angry GOP shouters and not form thoughts for ourselves based on information.

Stunningly beautiful but sadly incorrect
And the Republican Party wonders what is happening....

Shall I go into the legacy of our beautiful President here.......okay just for Judge Jeanine and Mad man Mendte.......who is also incorrect.

We have health care now for everyone--what is their better idea for health care and preventative medicine--no one benefits from citizens not having health care....it is more expensive for all of us in the long run.

Everyone is now part of the political conversation--that is President Obama's brilliant legacy.

Prior to this many were just talked at rather than talked to....now everyone is in the conversation and a part of it.  this is a first...it all began when President Obama spoke against Rush Limbaugh during the Sandra Fluke episode.  That is new--for a sitting president to actually mention names.

At the end of the day the world is a better place--he made it personal.

Judge Jenine should be thinking two times about her influence on women as a successful individual and women, herself.  I admire Judge Jeanine Pirro but here is hoping she will come to her senses.

No one minds if they have a different opinion but to spend the show shouting the angry political rant of the right wing does not a political conversation or a radio show make.

Just ask Naom Laden and Rita Cosby--they do not freak-out or shout--they ask the caller what they think and listen....do we agree with them...who knows.......

Jul 9, 2014

Pharrell Williams - Happy (Iranian Street Dance)

Joan Rivers Rules....Just Ask Letterman and CNN's Fred Whitfield

the very beautiful and capable Fredricka Whitfield

Joan Rivers at the 25th Anniversary party of M...
Joan Rivers at the 25th Anniversary party of Michael Musto writing for The Village Voice (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Seriously, was the whole thing a publicity stunt, or what.....

Love Joan and Fred Whitfield....I watch her every Saturday morning....she should have her own show with her legal guys......she is knowledgeable and gracious.

Fan of Joan Rivers forever--she is a brilliant comedy writer and comedienne.

Actually, watch how easily Joan took over the show on Letterman last evening.....the whole thing was a brilliant publicity stunt on Joan's part.

At the end of the day.....who has made all of the headline--Joan Rivers.

Saturday morning, CNN, my girl, Fred Whitfield makes and ill-gated attempt to interview Joan Rivers.

Fred fan forever and thinking the interview was going swimmingly surprise did set in when Joan walked off the set after being questioned about wearing fur during the chat about her new book.  PETA has recently complained Joan wears real fur--Joan insisted the furs were old and she is, in fact, an animal activist.

Joan did make excellent points about being funny and dishing on Fashion Police which Fred well acknowledged.

Well, what was the goal of the whole thing one would have to ask themselves...

Did everyone else say...hey, what's going on as Joan Rivers stormed out on CNN's Fredrika Whitfield......a tried and true CNN regular on Saturday morning.

Fred seemed surprised, too

What do you think.......cl.....the ronnie re.

Ronnie:  Loves Joan and Fred, just wishes the PETA incident had not come up.

Joan and Fred Stories:

Fred and the Legal Boys should have their own show.......

Joan is my Johnny now.......this is a great interview with Joan and Howard Stern.......

Joan is an expert comedy writer, too.......