Showing posts with label George Stroumboulopoulos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Stroumboulopoulos. Show all posts

May 28, 2014

Strombo in Montreal right now, George is cool, trendy , relaxed, charming and friendly .

Published May 28, 2014 at 9:09 | Updated at 9:09 | Comment Comment ( 1)
The agreeable George ...
For 10 years at CBC , host George Stroumboulopoulos ... (Photo: Ivanoh Demers , La Presse)
For 10 years at CBC , host George Stroumboulopoulos interviewed all that , culturally , music , politics and sport , and frog crawling in the global star system .
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The host George Stroumboulopoulos resembles C2MTL . As this networking event for the business class , which takes place in Montreal right now, George is cool, trendy , relaxed, charming and friendly .

As C2MTL , George is agreeable . Accreditation is palpable as soon as we shook hands . Trade too. For 41 years , George never loses sight that has a picture to cure a career foam and interests to protect . Especially since he ended his daily talk show on CBC to join next fall 's team Hockey Night in Canada on CBC Sports Net.

Now , George is in the big sports business and probably in the six-figure salary . But what causes it to Montreal this week is not the sport, it was his talent as an interviewer .

Every year, for three years, C2MTL stands on its main stage collective masses in the form of interviews with major celebrities from the world of culture, design and advertising, as Francis Ford Coppola, Richard Branson and Philippe Starck.

In the past, the interviews were not always happy or conclusive , partly because they were made by people who had no job or so who were intimidated by their interlocutors.

This year C2MTL had the good sense to remedy the situation by inviting George Stroumboulopoulos to achieve the most important interviews , including those with filmmaker James Cameron and the Nobel Prize in Economics Muhammad Yunus . With Strombo , as he is nicknamed , C2MTL can hardly go wrong.

For 10 years, the CBC , the host interviewed all that , culturally , music , politics and sport , and frog crawling in the global star system . Sarah Palin Gary Bettman through Al Gore, Bono, Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and Stephen King, some celebrities have refused to tread tray and all , in appearance at least , seem to have succumbed to his ease , his verve and its charm.

This is the same man I met yesterday under the roof of the Arsenal with his left ear loop , his big silver ring , black skinny jeans and a beard he left grow for two reasons : because records her talk show have ended for good in April and he's gone up in motorcycle Los Angeles, where he lives half the year.

The other reason is the final of the Stanley Cup. Strombo is a fan of hockey and a finite fan of the Montreal Canadiens . He is also convinced that the Canadiens will win against the Rangers in seven games before winning the Stanley Cup. Nothing less.

The article is devoted to Wikipedia 's five pages. But under the "personal life" , there is an entry tab: Canadian fan . He laughs when I showed him the article, and is pleased to have been able to leave no filter on his private life.

I replied that it may be simply because it has no life. He hastens to contradict me : " Not only do I have a life , but the most important thing for me is to have an interesting life . Me, the last thing I want is to annoy me in life. That's why I decided to pull the plug sticking on my talk show . I did for 10 years . I toured the garden. I told myself that if I continued another 10 years would pass without anything happening again . I was ripe for change. "

Strombo said he began to think about more things at Christmas. He did not confess , but its passage CNN last summer should normally lead to an American career started briefly on ABC in 2006.

But viewership talk show aired on Friday night on CNN never exceeded 200,000 viewers. Given this disappointing result , CNN did not renew his contract. He says that was it , the deal, but we guess that the agreement could also go in the opposite direction if he had joined a wider audience.

Still, for 10 years, Strombo offered Canadians a window on the world and guests quality window at the fascinating journey . Its issuance, smart, lively and entertaining , was part of what the CBC had to offer. Hard not to see his departure as another sign that nothing is going to the Canadian public television . Strombo not trying to minimize the damage.

"It is true that the cuts to the CBC are important. Besides, if I had continued my talk show , I would have less money to do so. I preferred to leave while the show was still the means of its ambitions. But at the same time , I do not completely leave the CBC since I have a radio show on Radio 2 on Sunday and Hockey Night in Canada will be broadcast on CBC every Saturday night . "

In terms of sharing the microphone with the hilarious and even unbearable Don Cherry, Strombo has no problem . He has worked with Cherry in its infancy , radio , at age 22 , and says he gets along well with him, although he does not always share his opinions.

For the rest, Strombo is delighted to spend the next few days in Montreal , a city where he came to party when he was a teenager , as a city where he has many friends even if they do not speak a word of French . His political ideas about it are quite closed, thank you . The issues of cultural identity gives him hives . Quebec sovereignist aspirations exasperate . He believes that political wrangling isolated Quebec and was unable to grow further.

I asked if a networking event and creativity as C2MTL are in Toronto. He quotes me the Luminato festival, which has nothing to do . We left laughing , but I think next time I will talk about hockey or anything else with Strombo . Everything except politics.

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Strombo à Montréal en ce moment, George est cool, branché, détendu, charmant et convivial.

Publié le 28 mai 2014 à 09h09 | Mis à jour à 09h09 | Commenter Commentaire (1)

Le commerce agréable de George...

Depuis 10 ans à CBC, l'animateur George Stroumboulopoulos... (Photo: Ivanoh Demers, La Presse)
Depuis 10 ans à CBC, l'animateur George Stroumboulopoulos a interviewé tout ce qui, sur le plan culturel, musical, politique et sportif, grouille et grenouille dans le star-system mondial.
L'animateur George Stroumboulopoulos ressemble beaucoup à C2MTL. Comme cet événement de réseautage pour la classe affaires, qui a lieu à Montréal en ce moment, George estcool, branché, détendu, charmant et convivial.
Comme C2MTL, George est de commerce agréable. L'agrément est palpable dès qu'on lui serre la main. Le commerce aussi. Car à 41 ans, George ne perd jamais de vue qu'il a une image à soigner, une carrière à mousser et des intérêts à protéger. Surtout depuis qu'il a mis fin à son talk-show quotidien sur CBC pour se joindre l'automne prochain à l'équipe de Hockey Night in Canada sur CBC et Sports Net.
Désormais, George est dans le gros commerce sportif et, sans doute, dans le salaire à six chiffres. Mais ce qui l'amène à Montréal cette semaine, ce n'est pas le sport, c'est son talent d'intervieweur.
Chaque année, depuis trois ans, C2MTL tient sur sa scène principale des messes collectives en forme de grandes entrevues avec des vedettes du monde de la culture, du design et de la pub, comme Francis Ford Coppola, Richard Branson ou Philippe Starck.
Par le passé, les entrevues n'ont pas toujours été heureuses ni concluantes, notamment parce qu'elles étaient réalisées par des gens qui n'avaient pas de métier ou alors qui étaient intimidés par leurs interlocuteurs.
Cette année, C2MTL a eu la bonne idée de remédier à la situation en invitant George Stroumboulopoulos pour réaliser les entrevues les plus importantes, dont celles avec le cinéaste James Cameron et le Prix Nobel d'économie Muhammad Yunus. Avec Strombo, comme on le surnomme, C2MTL peut difficilement se tromper.
Depuis 10 ans, sur les ondes de CBC, l'animateur a interviewé tout ce qui, sur le plan culturel, musical, politique et sportif, grouille et grenouille dans le star-system mondial. De Sarah Palin à Gary Bettman en passant par Al Gore, Bono, Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal et Stephen King, peu de célébrités ont refusé de fouler son plateau et tous, en apparence du moins, semblent avoir succombé à son aisance, à sa verve et à son charme.
C'est le même homme que j'ai retrouvé hier sous le toit de l'Arsenal avec sa boucle à l'oreille gauche, sa grosse bague en argent, sesskinny jeans noirs et une barbe qu'il a laissée pousser pour deux raisons: parce que les enregistrements de son talk-show se sont terminés pour de bon en avril et qu'il est parti en moto jusqu'à Los Angeles, où il vit la moitié de l'année.
L'autre raison, c'est la finale de la Coupe Stanley. Strombo est un fana de hockey et un fan fini du Canadien de Montréal. Il est d'ailleurs convaincu que le Canadien va gagner contre les Rangers en sept matchs avant de remporter la Coupe Stanley. Rien de moins.
L'article qui lui est consacré dans Wikipédia fait cinq pages. Mais sous l'onglet «vie personnelle», il n'y a qu'une inscription: fan du Canadien. Il éclate de rire lorsque je lui montre l'article, puis se félicite d'avoir réussi à ne rien laisser filtrer sur sa vie privée.
Je réplique que c'est peut-être tout simplement parce qu'il n'a pas de vie. Il s'empresse de me contredire: «Non seulement j'ai une vie, mais la chose la plus importante pour moi, c'est d'avoir une vie intéressante. Moi, la dernière chose que je veux, c'est de m'emmerder dans la vie. C'est pour ça que j'ai décidé de tirer la plogue sur mon talk-show. Je le faisais depuis 10 ans. J'avais fait le tour du jardin. Je me suis dit que si je continuais, 10 autres années passeraient sans qu'il se passe rien de nouveau. J'étais mûr pour du changement.»
Strombo dit qu'il a commencé à réfléchir à la suite des choses à Noël. Il ne l'avoue pas, mais son passage à CNN l'été passé aurait dû normalement le mener vers une carrière américaine brièvement entamée sur ABC, en 2006.
Mais les cotes d'écoute du talk-show diffusé le vendredi soir sur CNN n'ont jamais dépassé les 200 000 téléspectateurs. Devant ce résultat décevant, CNN n'a pas renouvelé son contrat. Il affirme que c'était ça, l'entente, mais on devine que l'entente aurait pu aussi aller dans le sens contraire s'il avait rallié un plus large auditoire.
Reste que pendant 10 ans, Strombo a offert aux Canadiens une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde et des invités de qualité, au parcours fascinant. Son émission, à la fois intelligente, animée et divertissante, faisait partie de ce que la CBC avait de mieux à offrir. Difficile de ne pas voir son départ comme un signe supplémentaire que rien ne va plus à la télé publique canadienne. Strombo ne cherche pas à minimiser les dégâts.
«C'est vrai que les compressions à la CBC sont importantes. D'ailleurs, si j'avais poursuivi mon talk-show, j'aurais eu moins d'argent pour le faire. J'ai préféré partir alors que le show avait encore les moyens de ses ambitions. Mais, en même temps, je ne quitte pas complètement la CBC puisque j'y ai une émission de radio le dimanche sur Radio 2 et que Hockey Night in Canada sera diffusé sur la CBC tous les samedis soirs.»
Pour ce qui est de partager le micro avec l'inénarrable, voire l'insupportable Don Cherry, Strombo n'a aucun problème. Il a travaillé avec Cherry à ses débuts, à la radio, à 22 ans, et affirme qu'il s'entend bien avec lui, bien qu'il ne partage pas toujours ses opinions.
Pour le reste, Strombo est ravi de passer les prochains jours à Montréal, une ville où il venait faire la fête quand il était ado, une ville aussi où il a de nombreux amis même s'il ne parle pas un traître mot de français. Ses idées politiques à ce sujet sont assez fermées, merci. Les questions d'identité culturelle lui donnent de l'urticaire. Les aspirations souverainistes du Québec l'exaspèrent. Il croit que les querelles politiques ont isolé le Québec et l'ont empêché de s'épanouir davantage.
Je lui demande si un événement de réseautage et de créativité comme C2MTL existe à Toronto. Il me cite le festival Luminato, qui n'a rien à voir. On se quitte en rigolant, mais je me dis que la prochaine fois, je parlerai de hockey ou de n'importe quoi d'autre avec Strombo. Tout sauf de politique.
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Feb 24, 2014

CNN: Find Your Head and Put It On--Piers Morgan Bangs on but not on CNN

Piers Morgan Bangs On:  Apparently not on CNN

scenicroute  6 hours ago

My only real issue with Piers was that (like Bill Maher), he's not a qualified debater - he's an arguer. He talks over his quest's answers in a berating and demeaning way. This is not discussion, it's not debate and it's most certainly not an interview.

Can't believe your saying that about a dem Bill is a ball and chain for the party.  He is a gifted comedian but his insults were out of line...also he was a bully to Ms. Palin.  I don't agree with Sarah but she gets to talk just like Bill...In the long run he was more offensive.  Also, he is a grand self-promoter at others expense.  All the dems are so in love with Bill because he is funny but in reality he uses his humor as a ruthless weapon and, as you said, does not really debate.  Liked Piers, but still miss Larry.

George Strombo was a gifted interviewer........

Strombo was one of the best talk shows out there but they would not run it, instead, endless repeats of AC 360 and Piers......3 times each in one evening...over and over....couldn't they run Strombo once rather 3 of AC and PM.

That's where CNN made their giant mistake...CNN, find your head and put it on.

from the Wrap:

Piers Morgan CNN Show To End Its Run

Piers Morgan CNN Show To End Its Run
New York Times confirms Wrap report from January, saying the show was in trouble
“Piers Morgan Live” will be canceled after a three-year run in CNN’s 9 p.m. news hour, the network confirmed to TheWrap.
“It’s been a painful period and lately we have taken a bath in the ratings,” Morgan told David Carr of the New York Times, who reported that Piers Morgan Live will “probably” see its last episode air this March. Though CNN said no official end date for the show has been determined yet.
TheWrap reported exclusively last month that Morgan’s show was in trouble.
Carr wrote:
Mr. Morgan said that his show, along with much of the rest of CNN, had been imprisoned by the news cycle and that he was interested in doing fewer appearances to greater effect — big, major interviews that would be events in themselves. Although a change has long been rumored, it was the first time that both he, and the CNN executives I talked to, acknowledged that his nightly show was on the way out. Plans for a replacement at the 9 o’clock hour are still underway, but Mr. Morgan and the network are in talks about him remaining at CNN in a different role.
“Piers Morgan Live” has failed to deliver on ratings in the three years since the British host took over the format from Larry King.
CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker has acknowledged multiple times that primetime needs a lot of work, and the ratings-challenged Morgan was a likely target. Morgan damaged himself by taking a strong partisan position against guns during his yearlong coverage of the gun debate, according to network insiders.
For the week of Jan. 6, MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show” topped the time slot with 325,000 viewers in the coveted 25-54 news demographic, while Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” drew 305,000, and “Piers Morgan Tonight,” had 159,000, according to Nielsen.
Morgan’s show has averaged less than half a million total viewers in recent weeks, while competitors draw closer to 1 million, more on par with predecessor Larry King.
Zucker has acknowledged multiple times that primetime needs a lot of work. The view from inside the network is that Morgan damaged himself by taking a strong partisan position against guns during his yearlong coverage of the gun debate.
Morgan acknowledged as much in his comments to Carr: “Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it,” he said. “That’s run its course and Jeff and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me.”