May 16, 2014

Geraldo Rivera , un visage attrayant pour le Parti républicain

Geraldo Rivera , un visage attrayant pour le Parti républicain

..... propre et au figuré ....... remix : GOP

Journalist Barbara Walters, at the Metropolita...
Journalist Barbara Walters, at the Metropolitan Opera opening in 2008, with Sir Howard Stringer behind her. © Rubenstein, photographer Martyna Borkowski (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Journaliste Barbara Walters , au Métropolite ...
belle Barbara

Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart
amour Martha

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo Rivera (Photo credit: Island Capture (aka Silverph or psilver))

Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo ... mignon .... courir Barbara en vain

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly
fou catholique , Bill O'Reilly

Mots de la sagesse Ariana Huffington ....... juste l'une des grandes dames Geraldo avait sur son spectacle aujourd'hui .

Ariana parlé des femmes rester en bonne santé ..... les épreuves et les tribulations de la mère célibataire qui tentent de réussir, travailler dur , élever les enfants , prendre du temps pour vous-même et surtout ........ obtenir beaucoup de sommeil .

Ariana partagé aujourd'hui que , en fait, elle a eu panne de ne pas obtenir un bon sommeil , est tombé et a frappé sa tête , je me suis réveillé dans sa propre mare de sang et finalement déterminé qu'elle avait à faire un changement dans sa vie pour sa propre santé .

Elle sent les femmes peuvent travailler dur pour réussir dans leur choix de carrière , mais pas si difficile leur santé et leur capacité mentale ou la tranquillité d'esprit est compromis . Ariana dit que nous pouvons avoir du succès avec l'équilibre - sans danger pour nous et nos familles .

Elle recommande un mode de vie sain de sommeil et la méditation appropriée - le résultat de tout cela - Mesdames et grandes dames - prendre du temps pour vous-même .

Merci , Ariana , de prendre le temps de votre journée pour nous donner votre point de vue sur la survie des femmes dans le monde de l'entreprise .

Geraldo a rendu hommage à ma fille Barbara Walters ..... c'est leur toute personne ayant un , dur travail de plus touchant et de carrière inspiré .

Geraldo a dit qu'il a vraiment essayé de faire le déplacement sur ​​Barbara Walters dans leur phase 20/20 mais Barbara dit poliment , Geraldo - vous savez ce que semble amusant , mais en ce moment , mais je suis occupé entrevue avec le président du Panama , mais peut-être prochaine temps .

Eh bien, bon essai , Geraldo ........ si leur était n'importe qui dans le monde pour interviewer , Mme Walters serait le choix de ce blogueur .

Amour Barbara Walters , ont toujours et sera toujours .

Parler des vraies grandes filles , Martha Stewart a sauté pour nous dire ses pensées sur les personnes et les entreprises nomination qui font du bon travail pour l'Amérique qui devrait être reconnu . Plus d'informations seront disponibles sur son site Web .

Martha Stewart , le seul qui avait les côtelettes dans l'entreprise de faire du temps et de sortir souriant et en regardant parfait - fait son temps et de continuer à parfaire sa carrière . C'est une vraie dame forte et réussie . Toujours admirer Martha .

Émission de cuisine actuelle de Martha sur PBS , Martha Bakes les bases ou l'école de cuisine de Martha est la bombe ....... ne cuit un gâteau comme Martha Stewart ..... c'est l'un des meilleurs émissions de cuisine à la télévision aujourd'hui .

Geraldo fait le point toute la semaine que le salaire minimum devrait être augmenté.

Sérieusement, est Geraldo Rivera l'avenir du Parti républicain ou ce ........ la façon dont il pense ...... salaire minimum , l'immigration ... Ces questions doivent être abordées ...... le facteur déterminant est que Geraldo a de la compassion pour la personne qui travaille et qu'il écoute ce que les appelants disent ..... ce n'est pas un spectacle en colère qui afflige souvent la radio parler aujourd'hui.

Geraldo a dit plus d'une fois cette semaine , " je donne une nouvelle énergie au Parti républicain . "

Quelque chose doit changer , à droite, parce que le GOP de Bill O'Reilly et Karl Rove ne peut fonctionner que si les Repubs aimeraient planifier de perdre à nouveau le principal élection.

Geraldo commenté plus tôt cette semaine la déclaration de Karl Rove concernant la santé de Hillary Clinton était dégoûtant . C'est la raison pour les gens détestent la politique .

Karl Rove mène les républicains à droite dans la tombe .

Pourraient les Repubs considérer quelqu'un comme Jon Huntsman ........ Geraldo , que pensez-vous ?

Ne les Repubs ont vraiment un avenir en tant que partie des riches , vieux en colère , hommes, blancs ?

Pensez-y, qui a remporté les deux dernières élections ...... Jon Huntsman a parlé Hillary Clinton à l'égard ..... Geraldo Rivera est l'un des rares républicains avec une vision , une vision réaliste viable pour le GOP .

En parlant de salaire minimum et qu'il soit juste un travail après l'école comme un interlocuteur indiqué - infirmière de l'école San Diego ---- les parents ont souvent travaillé à deux magasins taco pour soulever et soutenir leurs enfants .

Vous ne pouvez pas laisser de O'Reilly ..... les garçons de 12 ans hispaniques souvent battu pour appartenance à un gang ..... maintenant qu'est-ce que vous dites au sujet de privilège blanc , le projet de loi ?

Bon spectacle aujourd'hui , Geraldo , merci pour parler de la beauté et de la compétence et le talent et le travail acharné de Barbara Walters .

Nous avons encore besoin de deux partis politiques .... c'est la conversation politique qui fait avancer les choses ...... une petite citation de Karl Rove .

Chloe Louise ....... Hillary fille pour toujours .

Geraldo Rivera , un visage attrayant pour le Parti républicain

....... littéralement et figurativement ............ remix : GOP

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Geraldo Rivera Radio Round-Up: Big Ladies Day on WABC

Journalist Barbara Walters, at the Metropolita...
Beautiful Barbara
Martha Stewart
love Martha
Geraldo Rivera
Geraldo...cute....chasing Barbara to no avail
Bill O'Reilly
mad Catholic, Bill O'Reilly
Words of wisdom from Ariana Huffington.......just one of the big ladies Geraldo had on his show today.

Ariana talked about women staying healthy.....the trials and tribulations of the single mom trying to succeed, work hard, raise the kids, take time for yourself and most importantly........getting plenty of sleep.

Ariana shared today that ,in fact, she did have breakdown from not getting proper sleep, fell down and hit her head, woke up in her own pool of blood and eventually determined she had to make a change in her life for her own health.

She feels women can work hard to be successful in their chosen career but not so hard their health and mental capacity or peace of mind is jeopardized.  Ariana says we can have success with balance--without harm to ourselves and our families.

She is recommending a healthy lifestyle of proper sleep and meditation--the upshot of the whole thing--ladies and big ladies--take time for yourself.

Thanks, Ariana, for taking time out of your busy day to give us your take on survival for women in the corporate world.

Geraldo paid tribute to my girl Barbara their anyone with a more touching, hard working and inspirational career.

Geraldo said he really tried to make the move on Barbara Walters during their 20/20 phase but Barbara politely said, Geraldo--you know what, that sounds like fun but right now but I am busy interviewing the President of Panama, but maybe next time.

Well, good try, Geraldo........if their was anyone in the world to interview, Ms. Walters would be this blogger's choice.

Love Barbara Walters, always have and always will.

Talking about the real big girls, Martha Stewart jumped in to tell us her thoughts on nominating people and businesses who are doing good work for America that should be recognized.  More information will be available on her website.

Martha Stewart, the only one who had the chops in corporate to do time and come out smiling and looking perfect--doing her time and continuing to perfect her career.  This is a real strong and successful lady.  Always admire Martha.

Martha's current cooking show on PBS, Martha Bakes the Basics or Martha's Cooking School is the one bakes a cake like Martha's one of the best cooking shows on television today.

Geraldo is making the point all week that the minimum wage should be raised.

Seriously, is Geraldo Rivera the future of the Republican Party or what........the way he thinks......minimum wage, immigration...these issues have to be addressed......the defining factor is that Geraldo has compassion for the working person and he listens to what the callers's not an angry show that so often afflicts talk radio today.

Geraldo said more than once this week, "I am giving a new energy to the Republican Party."

Something has to change, right, because the GOP of Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove is only workable if the repubs would like to plan on losing the major election again.

Geraldo commented earlier this week the statement of Karl Rove regarding Hillary Clinton's health were disgusting. This is the reason people hate politics.

Karl Rove is leading the republicans right into the grave.

Could the repubs consider someone like Jon Huntsman........Geraldo, what do you think?

Do the repubs really have a future as the party of the rich, old, angry, white men?

Think about it, who won the last two elections......Jon Huntsman spoke about Hillary Clinton with respect.....Geraldo Rivera is one of the few republicans with a vision, a viable realistic vision for the GOP.

Speaking of minimum wage and it being just an after school job as one caller indicated--school nurse San Diego----the parents often worked at two taco shops to raise and support their kids.

Can't leave out O'Reilly.....the 12 year old Hispanic boys often beat up for gang what were you saying about white privilege, Bill?

Good show today, Geraldo, thanks for talking about the beauty and skill and talent and hard work of Barbara Walters.

We still need two political's the political conversation that moves things forward......a little quote from Karl Rove.

Chloe Louise.......Hillary girl forever.

Geraldo Rivera, an attractive face for the Republican Party

.......literally and figuratively............remix:  GOP

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May 15, 2014

Bill O'Reilly on White Privilege: That goes against my platform


Of course Billo and Varney aren't aware of white privilege. They have never lived without it. No one wants to believe they had a special advantage.
I would write more but Leonard Pitts did a better job expressing it:
"...White men are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action this country has ever seen.
That's not rhetoric or metaphor. It's only truth.
If affirmative action is defined as giving someone an extra boost based on race, it's hard to see how anyone can argue the point. Slots for academic admission, for employment and promotion, for bank loans and for public office have routinely been set aside for white men. This has always been the nation's custom. Until the 1960s, it was also the nation's law.
So if we want to talk about achievements being tainted by racial preference, it seems only logical to start there. After all, every worthwhile thing blacks achieved prior to the mid-'60s — Berry Gordy's record label, John Johnson's publishing company, Alain Leroy Locke's Rhodes scholarship, Madame C.J. Walker's hair care empire, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams' pioneering heart surgery — was done, not just without racial preference, but against a backdrop of open racial hostility.
By contrast, nothing white men have ever achieved in this country was done without racial and gender preferences..."

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      Except Irish and Italians. To an extent.

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          Right, we were basically a poor to middle income family, working hard, trials and tribulations of alcohol, etc..........but I guess my Grandma seemed to always have a vision for everyone so my uncle ended up going to Annapolis and MIT.........why was this dream realized for a very un-special family? I think one of the answers that Bill cannot bring himself to comprehend is social mobility. Obviously, that existed for us but does that hold true for every group in our United States society. We are making progress with President Obama but as you have indicated, white privilege has existed forever.
          Like you said....Bill can't believe it and that is my question......why.....what is wrong with him that he cannot allow himself to accept these facts........always trying to figure out what makes the old bird tick and why is he so popular.

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              Ego and pride might be the explanation. Billo often tries to arrogantly explain minority issues even though it is obvious that he has little ability or desire to understand the complexities of said issues. He can't allow himself to accept facts because it goes against what everything he has known to be the truth. Plus, he has to tell his mostly older, White, conservative Christian audience what they want to hear, and they don't want to hear about how good they've had it.

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                  Yes....ego, pride and arrogance.
                  He is so in love with his own cherished Catholic guilt.
                  He loves to be the mad Catholic.
                  His refusal to accept some facts--teen-age boys are assaulted for gang affiliation--Hispanic boys of age 12 in certain neighborhoods are targeted. That fact would go against his argument. Would he accept it.....
                  And, as you said, his audience--when he refers to his watchers he talks about the ones that admonish him for not being more tea party-ish. So those are the people he is listening too, right?
                  He is not really interested in the political conversation because then he would have to ponder what the other person said and discuss it. He would rather shoot down the guest with a trick question than take in new information.
                  Pride......he can't ever be wrong. He may admit he was wrong on a little point but never on his platform.
                  Honestly, is he capable of being humble.
            Bill O’Reilly: I’m exempt from white privilege because I worked and can’t tan (via Raw Story )
            Fox News host Bill O’Reilly expressed skepticism on Wednesday over the idea of white privilege, saying his upbringing and his inability to tan disqualified him from having it. “I’m a really white guy,” O’Reilly told contributor Rev. Jacques…